Code archives/Miscellaneous/Unicode/UTF-8 en/decoding

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Unicode/UTF-8 en/decoding by Junkprogger2007
This is very usefully, if you like to write an irc/icq client, or something else, where you need utf-8 en/decodet strings.

("wünsche" is the german word for "wishes")
Framework brl.blitz
Import brl.system

Local text:String = "wünsche"
Local array:Byte[text.length]

For Local i:Int = 0 Until text.length
   array[i] = text[i]

Local dec_text:String = TUTF8.utf8ToString(array)

Local utf8_text:String
For Local i:Int = 0 Until dec_text.length
   Local res:Byte[] = TUTF8.fromInt(dec_text[i])
   For Local b:Int = EachIn res

Notify text
Notify dec_text
Notify utf8_text

Type TUTF8
   Function getlength:Int(i:Int)
      Select True
         Case i<$7f                  Return 1
         Case i=>$7f And i<$7ff         Return 2
         Case i=>$7ff And i<$ffff      Return 3
         Case i=>$ffff And i<$1fffff      Return 4
         Case i=>$1fffff And i<$3ffffff   Return 5
         Case i=>$3ffffff And i<$7ffffff   Return 6
      End Select
   End Function
   Function fromInt:Byte[](code:Int)
      Local value:Byte[]
      Local length:Int = getlength(code)
      value = New Byte[length]
      Select length
         Case 1
            value[0] = code
         Case 2
            value[0] = 192+(code/64)
            value[1] = 128+(code Mod 64)
         Case 3
            value[0] = 224+(code/4096)
            value[1] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64)
            value[2] = 128+(code Mod 64)
         Case 4
            value[0] = 240+(code/262144)
            value[1] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64)
            value[2] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64)
            value[3] = 128+(code Mod 64)
         Case 5
            value[0] = 248+(code/16777216)
            value[1] = 128+((code/262144) Mod 64)
            value[2] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64)
            value[3] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64)
            value[4] = 128+(code Mod 64)
         Case 6
            value[0] = 252+(code/1073741824)
            value[1] = 128+((code/16777216) Mod 64)
            value[2] = 128+((code/262144) Mod 64)
            value[3] = 128+((code/4096) Mod 64)
            value[4] = 128+((code/64) Mod 64)
            value[5] = 128+(code Mod 64)
      End Select
      Return value
   End Function 
   Function utf8ToString:String(_data:Byte[])
      Local length:Int,str:String,b:Int,x:Int
      For Local i:Int = 0 Until _data.length
         length = getlength(b)
         If (i+length-1)>_data.length Exit
         Select length
            Case 1
            Case 2
               x=( ((b-192)*64) + (_data[i+1]-128) )
            Case 3
               x=( ((b-224)*4096) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*64) + (_data[i+2]-128) )
            Case 4
               x=( ((b-240)*262144) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*64) + (_data[i+3]-128))
            Case 5
               x=( ((b-248)*16777216) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*262144) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+3]-128)*64) + (_data[i+4]-128))
            Case 6
               x=( ((b-252)*1073741824) + ((_data[i+1]-128)*16777216) + ((_data[i+2]-128)*262144) + ((_data[i+3]-128)*4096) + ((_data[i+4]-128)*64) + (_data[i+5]-128))
         End Select
      Return str
   End Function 
End Type


Space Fractal2008
Hey, I asked for help about this one. I created a another entry with the code I created, even it might have not the same speed about this one.

Mine version was not about speed, since it was rarely used and one some thing needed. Hence the speed diddent bother me.

Otherwice thanks for the code (even I did write my own).

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