Code archives/Miscellaneous/High Resolution Timer Module

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High Resolution Timer Module by TomToad2007
This is some timer code I wrote a while ago using high resolution timers. It will only work on windows machines.
The mod isn't complete, I wrote it for my own purposes and put in the functionality I needed. Feel free to expand on it.

Place this code in blitzmax/mod/toad.mod/counter.mod
Use it in your program by putting Import toad.counter at the top.

GetTicks() returns the number of ticks since the program started.

GetMillisecs() returns the number of milliseconds since program start. The value returned is double precision.
Module toad.counter
Extern "Win32"

Function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:Long Var)
Function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:Long Var)

End Extern

Function GetTicks:Long()
	Local Ticks:Long
	If QueryPerformanceCounter(Ticks)
		Return Ticks
		Return 0
	End If
End Function

Function GetMillisecs:Double()
	Global Firstcall:Int = True
	Global Frequency:Long
	Local Ticks:Long
	If Firstcall
		Firstcall = False
	End If
	If QueryPerformanceCounter(Ticks)
		Return (Double(Ticks * 1000) / Frequency)
		Return 0
	End If
End Function


Damien Sturdy2007
hehe cool. There are a few of these around (coded one meself too- also in the archives.)

Cool that you made it a module.

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