Code archives/Miscellaneous/Currentday Currenttime Currentyear

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Currentday Currenttime Currentyear by Leon Drake2007
This works for BMX and BB, just a quick way to seperate month sate and year all in integer format
Function currentyear(date$=Currentdate())

Local tstr$,tyear
tstr$ = Mid(date$,8,4)
tstr$ = Trim(tstr$)
tyear = Int(tstr$)
Return tyear

End Function

Function currentday(date$=Currentdate())
Local tstr$,tday
tstr$ = Mid(date$,1,2)
tstr$ = Trim(tstr$)
tday = Int(tstr$)
Return tday

End Function

Function currentmonth(date$=Currentdate())

Local tstr$,tmonth

tstr$ = Mid(date$,4,3)
tstr$ = Trim(tstr$)
	Select tstr$
	Case "Jan"
	tmonth = 01
	Case "Feb"
	tmonth = 02
	Case "Mar"
	tmonth = 03

	Case "Apr"
	tmonth = 04

	Case "May"
	tmonth = 05

	Case "Jun"
	tmonth = 06

	Case "Jul"
	tmonth = 07

	Case "Aug"
	tmonth = 08

	Case "Sep"
	tmonth = 09

	Case "Oct"
	tmonth = 10

	Case "Nov"
	tmonth = 11

	Case "Dec"
	tmonth = 12
	tmonth = 0
	End Select
Return tmonth

End Function


"Expression must be constant" error in blitz3d.

Same with BlitzMax, default values must be constant. You can achieve the same result like this:
Function currentyear( date$ = "" )

	If date = "" Then date = CurrentDate()
	Local tstr$,tyear
	tstr$ = Mid(date$,8,4)
	tstr$ = Trim(tstr$)
	tyear = Int(tstr$)
	Return tyear

End Function

This is the function I use to return an integer month, because I'm too lazy to type in all those 'CASE' statements :)

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