Code archives/Miscellaneous/Virtual Keys

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Virtual Keys by plash2007
Feel free to improve.

Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP:Byte = $00000002

'#Region Virtual Keys
Const VK_0:Byte = $30
Const VK_1:Byte = $31
Const VK_2:Byte = $32
Const VK_3:Byte = $33
Const VK_4:Byte = $34
Const VK_5:Byte = $35
Const VK_6:Byte = $36
Const VK_7:Byte = $37
Const VK_8:Byte = $38
Const VK_9:Byte = $39
Const VK_A:Byte = $41
Const VK_B:Byte = $42
Const VK_C:Byte = $43
Const VK_D:Byte = $44
Const VK_E:Byte = $45
Const VK_F:Byte = $46
Const VK_G:Byte = $47
Const VK_H:Byte = $48
Const VK_I:Byte = $49
Const VK_J:Byte = $4A
Const VK_K:Byte = $4B
Const VK_L:Byte = $4C
Const VK_M:Byte = $4D
Const VK_N:Byte = $4E
Const VK_O:Byte = $4F
Const VK_P:Byte = $50
Const VK_Q:Byte = $51
Const VK_R:Byte = $52
Const VK_S:Byte = $53
Const VK_T:Byte = $54
Const VK_U:Byte = $55
Const VK_V:Byte = $56
Const VK_W:Byte = $57
Const VK_X:Byte = $58
Const VK_Y:Byte = $59
Const VK_Z:Byte = $5A
Const VK_ADD:Byte = $6B
Const VK_ATTN:Byte = $F6
Const VK_BACK:Byte = $8
Const VK_CANCEL:Byte = $3
Const VK_CAPITAL:Byte = $14
Const VK_CLEAR:Byte = $C
Const VK_CONTROL:Byte = $11
Const VK_CRSEL:Byte = $F7
Const VK_DECIMAL:Byte = $6E
Const VK_DELETE:Byte = $2E
Const VK_DIVIDE:Byte = $6F
Const VK_DOWN:Byte = $28
Const VK_END:Byte = $23
Const VK_EREOF:Byte = $F9
Const VK_ESCAPE:Byte = $1B
Const VK_EXECUTE:Byte = $2B
Const VK_EXSEL:Byte = $F8
Const VK_F1:Byte = $70
Const VK_F10:Byte = $79
Const VK_F11:Byte = $7A
Const VK_F12:Byte = $7B
Const VK_F13:Byte = $7C
Const VK_F14:Byte = $7D
Const VK_F15:Byte = $7E
Const VK_F16:Byte = $7F
Const VK_F17:Byte = $80
Const VK_F18:Byte = $81
Const VK_F19:Byte = $82
Const VK_F2:Byte = $71
Const VK_F20:Byte = $83
Const VK_F21:Byte = $84
Const VK_F22:Byte = $85
Const VK_F23:Byte = $86
Const VK_F24:Byte = $87
Const VK_F3:Byte = $72
Const VK_F4:Byte = $73
Const VK_F5:Byte = $74
Const VK_F6:Byte = $75
Const VK_F7:Byte = $76
Const VK_F8:Byte = $77
Const VK_F9:Byte = $78
Const VK_HELP:Byte = $2F
Const VK_HOME:Byte = $24
Const VK_INSERT:Byte = $2D
Const VK_LBUTTON:Byte = $1
Const VK_LCONTROL:Byte = $A2
Const VK_LEFT:Byte = $25
Const VK_LMENU:Byte = $A4
Const VK_LSHIFT:Byte = $A0
Const VK_MBUTTON:Byte = $4
Const VK_MENU:Byte = $12
Const VK_MULTIPLY:Byte = $6A
Const VK_NEXT:Byte = $22
Const VK_NONAME:Byte = $FC
Const VK_NUMLOCK:Byte = $90
Const VK_NUMPAD0:Byte = $60
Const VK_NUMPAD1:Byte = $61
Const VK_NUMPAD2:Byte = $62
Const VK_NUMPAD3:Byte = $63
Const VK_NUMPAD4:Byte = $64
Const VK_NUMPAD5:Byte = $65
Const VK_NUMPAD6:Byte = $66
Const VK_NUMPAD7:Byte = $67
Const VK_NUMPAD8:Byte = $68
Const VK_NUMPAD9:Byte = $69
Const VK_OEM_CLEAR:Byte = $FE
Const VK_PA1:Byte = $FD
Const VK_PAUSE:Byte = $13
Const VK_PLAY:Byte = $FA
Const VK_PRINT:Byte = $2A
Const VK_PRIOR:Byte = $21
Const VK_PROCESSKEY:Byte = $E5
Const VK_RBUTTON:Byte = $2
Const VK_RCONTROL:Byte = $A3
Const VK_RETURN:Byte = $D
Const VK_RIGHT:Byte = $27
Const VK_RMENU:Byte = $A5
Const VK_RSHIFT:Byte = $A1
Const VK_SCROLL:Byte = $91
Const VK_SELECT:Byte = $29
Const VK_SEPARATOR:Byte = $6C
Const VK_SHIFT:Byte = $10
Const VK_SNAPSHOT:Byte = $2C
Const VK_SPACE:Byte = $20
Const VK_SUBTRACT:Byte = $6D
Const VK_TAB:Byte = $9
Const VK_UP:Byte = $26
Const VK_ZOOM:Byte = $FB
'#End Region

Extern "win32"
	Function keybd_event(bVk:Byte, bScan:Byte, dwFlags:Byte, dwExtraInfo:Int)
End Extern

'Example: KeyStroke VK_A
Function KeyStroke(VK_KEYV:Byte)
keybd_event(VK_KEYV, 0, 0, 0)
keybd_event(VK_KEYV, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
End Function


You can turn the keyboard LEDs on/off with this funtion too ;)

these are the vk constants:

Handy - thanks.

I have a good ol' 101-key keyboard which I love, but the one thing that I wish I could do with it is [Windows]+[D] to show the desktop easily (rather than having to right-click on the taskbar). By defining the Windows keys (I found the values in Eikon's B+/B3D Virtual Keys), this does the trick:
Const VK_LWIN:Byte = $5B
Const VK_RWIN:Byte = $5C

keybd_event(VK_LWIN, 0, 0, 0)
keybd_event(VK_D, 0, 0, 0)
keybd_event(VK_D, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
keybd_event(VK_LWIN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
I don't know if I'll try to actually put it into practice, but it's nice to see it in action.

What is this, is this a different way to read keys pressed on your keyboard?

You are not 'reading' the key pressed. You are PRESSING the key via software.
'...add the rest of the above
Local timer:Int = MilliSecs() 

While Not AppTerminate() 

	If MilliSecs() > timer + 1500
		timer = MilliSecs()   
	End If

You should note in the 'output' window (or in the textarea - if you don't stop the debug mode) of the IDE an 'a' every 1.5 seconds.

You can read the state of any key (win32) using GetAsyncKeyState.

My automax module uses it for its hotkey system.

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