Code archives/Miscellaneous/Example to Lists

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Example to Lists by Diego2007
I hope this example helps to understand how to work with my lists. If you need help, please ask me!
A german help and all codes you can download from my website:
Include ""

AddItem 1, "rot", $FF0000
AddItem 1, "grün", $00FF00
AddItem 1, "blau", $0000FF
AddItem 1, "violett", $800080
AddItem 1, "pink", $FF00FF
AddItem 1, "orange", $FF8000
AddItem 1, "gelb", $FFFF00
AddItem 1, "indigo",$8000FF
AddItem 1, ""
AddItem 1, "Eine"
AddItem 1, "Kuh"
AddItem 1, "macht"
AddItem 1, "muh."
AddItem 1, ""
AddItem 1, "Viele"
AddItem 1, "Kühe"
AddItem 1, "machen"
AddItem 1, "Mühe."

Graphics 160, 160, 0, 2 ; Ausgabe
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
ClsColor 0, 0, 255
;ClsColor 255, 0, 0
NormalBank% = CreateUserColorBank($FFFF00, $0000FF, $000088, $FFFF00, $8888FF, $4444FF, $000088, $000044, -1, $000080)
PushBank% = CreateUserColorBank($FFFF00, $0000FF, $000088, $FFFF00, $8888FF, $4444FF, $000088, $000044, 0, $FFFF00)

;	While Not MouseDown(2)
;		If KeyDown(1) Then End
;		Wend
;	ContextMenue 1, NormalBank%
;	Cls
;	Flip
;	Forever

DrawList 30, 30, 100, FontHeight() * 6 + 6, NormalBank%, 1, LOffset%, Not MouseDown(2)
While Not KeyDown(1)
	If GetKey() = 32 Then DeleteItem(1, 2)
	LOffset% = ListOffset(30, 30, 100, FontHeight() * 6 + 6, 1, LOffset%)
	If MouseYSpeed() Or Mouse% <> AltMouse% Or AltLOffset% <> LOffset% Then
		If MouseDown(1) Then ColorBank% = PushBank% Else ColorBank% = NormalBank%
		DrawList 30, 30, 100, FontHeight() * 6 + 6, ColorBank%, 1, LOffset%, Not MouseDown(2)
	AltLOffset% = LOffset%
	Altmouse% = Mouse%
	Mouse% = MouseDown(1) + MouseDown(2)
	Delay 20



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