Code archives/Miscellaneous/Lists 1.1

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Lists 1.1 by Diego2007
With these functions you can draw lists (they are scrollable, if not all elements fits into the given height), check over which element the mouse is currently.
I also included functions to draw boxes, buttons, and context menues.

A german help and all codes you can download from my website:

Save this file as ""
.bi means blitz include ;-)
Dim ListContent$(32768, 8)
Dim ListColors%(32768, 3, 8) ; 1 = Vorsergrund; 2 = Hintergrund; 3 = Frei
Dim ListLength%(8)

;Benutze -1 bzw. CHR$(1) um die Werte nicht zu verändern, bzw. -2 um Farbangaben zu entfernen.
Function SetItem(List%, Item%, ItemName$ = "", FontColor% = -1, BackgroundColor% = -1, Unused% = -1)
If ItemName$ <> Chr$(1) Then ListContent$(Item%, List%) = ItemName$
If FontColor% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 1, List%) = FontColor%
If FontColor% = -2 Then ListColors%(Item%, 1, List%) = -1
If BackgroundColor% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 2, List%) = BackgroundColor%
If BackgroundColor% = -2 Then ListColors%(Item%, 2, List%) = -1
If Unused% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 3, List%) = Unused%
End Function

;Benutze -1 bzw. CHR$(1) um die Werte nicht zu verändern, bzw. -2 um Farbangaben zu entfernen.
Function SetAllItems(List%, ItemName$ = "", FontColor% = -1, BackgroundColor% = -1, Unused% = -1)
For Item% = 1 To ListLength%(List%)
	If ItemName$ <> Chr$(1) Then ListContent$(Item%, List%) = ItemName$
	If FontColor% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 1, List%) = FontColor%
	If FontColor% = -2 Then ListColors%(Item%, 1, List%) = -1
	If BackgroundColor% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 2, List%) = BackgroundColor%
	If BackgroundColor% = -2 Then ListColors%(Item%, 2, List%) = -1
	If Unused% >= 0 Then ListColors%(Item%, 3, List%) = Unused%
End Function

Function ResetList(List%)
Local I%
ListLength%(List%) = 0
For I% = 1 To 32768
	ListContent$(I%, List%) = ""
	ListColors%(I%, 1, List%) = 0
	ListColors%(I%, 2, List%) = 0
	ListColors%(I%, 3, List%) = 0
End Function

Function AddItem(List%, ItemName$, FontColor% = -1, BackgroundColor% = -1, Unused% = 0)
ListLength%(List%) = ListLength%(List%) + 1
ListContent$(ListLength%(List%), List%) = ItemName$
ListColors%(ListLength%(List%), 1, List%) = FontColor%
ListColors%(ListLength%(List%), 2, List%) = BackgroundColor%
ListColors%(ListLength%(List%), 3, List%) = Unused%
End Function

Function DeleteItem(List%, Item% = -1)
Local I%
If Item% = -1 Then Item% = ListLength%(List%)
ListLength%(List%) = ListLength%(List%) - 1
For I% = Item% To ListLength%(List%)
	ListContent$(I%, List%) = ListContent$(I% + 1, List%)
	ListColors%(I%, 1, List%) = ListColors%(I% + 1, 1, List%)
	ListColors%(I%, 2, List%) = ListColors%(I% + 1, 2, List%)
	ListColors%(I%, 3, List%) = ListColors%(I% + 1, 3, List%)
ListContent$(I%, List%) = ""
ListColors%(I%, 1, List%) = 0
ListColors%(I%, 2, List%) = 0
ListColors%(I%, 3, List%) = 0
End Function

Function CreateColorBank(Hintergrund%, Vordergrund% = 0)
Local ColorBank% = CreateBank(48)
PokeInt ColorBank%, 0, Vordergrund% ;FRONT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 4, Hintergrund% ;SCROLLBAR-FACE-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 8, (Hintergrund% And $FEFEFE) Shr 1 ;SCROLLBAR-TRACK-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 12, $FFFFFF - Hintergrund% ;SCROLLBAR-ARROW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 16, $FFFFFF - ($FFFFFF - Hintergrund% And $FCFCFC) Shr 2 ;SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 20, $FFFFFF - ($FFFFFF - Hintergrund% And $FEFEFE) Shr 1 ;SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 24, (Hintergrund% And $FEFEFE) Shr 1 ;SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 28, (Hintergrund% And $FCFCFC) Shr 2 ;SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 32, -1 ;MouseOverFontColor
PokeInt ColorBank%, 36, -1 ;MouseOverBackgroundColor
PokeInt ColorBank%, 40, -1 ;SelectedFontColor
PokeInt ColorBank%, 44, -1 ;SelectedBackgruondColor
Return ColorBank%
End Function

Function CreateUserColorBank(FontColor%, BackgroundColor%, Trackcolor%, Arrowcolor%, HighlightColor%, LightCol%, ShadowColor%, DarkShadowColor%, MouseOverFontColor% = -1, MouseOverBackgroundColor% = -1, SelectedFontColor% = -1, SelectedBackgruondColor% = -1)
Local ColorBank% = CreateBank(48)
PokeInt ColorBank%, 0, FontColor% ;FRONT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 4, BackgroundColor% ;SCROLLBAR-FACE-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 8, Trackcolor% ;SCROLLBAR-TRACK-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 12, Arrowcolor% ;SCROLLBAR-ARROW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 16, HighlightColor% ;SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 20, LightCol% ;SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 24, ShadowColor% ;SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 28, DarkShadowColor% ;SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-Color
PokeInt ColorBank%, 32, MouseOverFontColor%
PokeInt ColorBank%, 36, MouseOverBackgroundColor%
PokeInt ColorBank%, 40, SelectedFontColor%
PokeInt ColorBank%, 44, SelectedBackgruondColor%
Return ColorBank%
End Function

Function GetFocus(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, List%, Offset%)
Local Focus%
If MouseX() => X% And MouseX() <= X% + Width% And MouseY() >= Y% And MouseY() <= Y% + Height% Then Focus% = (MouseY() - Y% + FontHeight() - 2) / FontHeight() + Offset% Else Return 0
If Focus% <= ListLength%(List%) Then Return Focus% Else Return 0
End Function

Function ListOffset(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, List%, Offset%)
Local LineHeight% = FontHeight(), Xleiste% = Width% - LineHeight% - 2, ScrollbarY%
Local MX% = MouseX() - X%, MY% = MouseY() - Y%, MB% = GetMouse()
If ListLength%(List%) * LineHeight% <= Height% Then Return Offset%
Offset% = Offset% - MouseZSpeed()
If MX% > Xleiste% And MX% < Width% Then
	If MB% <> 0 Then
		If MY% > 2 And MY% < 2 + LineHeight% Then Offset% = Offset% - MB% ^ 2
		If MY% > Height% - LineHeight% - 2 And MY% < Height% - 2 Then Offset% = Offset% + MB% ^ 2
	If MouseDown(1) And MY% > 2 + LineHeight% And MY% < Height% - LineHeight% - 2 Then Offset% = (MY% - 2 - LineHeight%) * ListLength%(List%) / (Height% - LineHeight% - 2)
If Offset% < 0 Then Offset% = 0
If Offset% > ListLength%(List%) - (Height% - 6) / LineHeight% Then Offset% = ListLength%(List%) - (Height% - 6) / LineHeight% 
Return Offset%
End Function

Function DrawList(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, ColorBank%, List%, Offset% = 0, Deep% = 1)
If Deep% <> 0 Then Deep% = 1
Local LineHeight% = FontHeight(), I%, MouseOverElement%, BackupColor%, BackupBackground%
Origin X%, Y%
DrawBox 0, 0, Width%, Height%, ColorBank%, Deep%
If PeekInt(ColorBank%, 32) <> -1 Or PeekInt(ColorBank%, 36) <> -1 Then ; OnMouseOver-Effekt
	MouseOverElement% = GetFocus(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, List%, Offset%)
	BackupColor% = ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 1, List%)
	BackupBackground% = ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 2, List%)
	ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 1, List%) = PeekInt(ColorBank%, 32)
	ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 2, List%) = PeekInt(ColorBank%, 36)
If ListLength%(List%) * LineHeight% > Height% Then ; Zeichne Scrollbalken
	HeightPerLine# = Float(Height% - LineHeight% * 2 - 6) / ListLength%(List%)
	DrawBox Width% - LineHeight% - 2, 2, LineHeight, LineHeight%, ColorBank%, Not Deep%
	DrawBox Width% - LineHeight% - 2, Height% - LineHeight% - 2, LineHeight%, LineHeight%, ColorBank%, Not Deep%
	ScrollbarY% = LineHeight% + 3 + HeightPerLine# * Offset%
	If ScrollbarY% + HeightPerLine# * Height% / LineHeight% - 1 > Height% - LineHeight% Then ScrollbarY% = Height% - LineHeight% - HeightPerLine# * Height% / LineHeight%
	DrawBox Width% - LineHeight% - 2, ScrollbarY%, LineHeight%, HeightPerLine# * Height% / LineHeight% - 3, ColorBank%, Not Deep%
	Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 12)
	DrawPolygon Width% - LineHeight% / 2 - 2, 2 + LineHeight% * 3 / 8, LineHeight% / 4
	DrawPolygon Width% - LineHeight% / 2 - 2, Height% - LineHeight% * 5 / 8 - 2, LineHeight% / 4, 1
	Viewport X% + 3, Y% + 3, Width% - 6 - LineHeight%, Height% - 6
	Viewport X% + 3, Y% + 3, Width% - 6, Height% - 6
For I% = 0 To Height% / LineHeight% ; Liste Zeichnen
	If I% + 1 + Offset% > ListLength%(List%) Then Exit
	If ListColors%(I% + 1 + Offset%, 2, List%) <> -1 Then
		Color 0, 0, ListColors%(I% + 1 + Offset%, 2, List%)
		Rect 3, 3 + I% * LineHeight%, Width% - 6, LineHeight%
	If ListColors%(I% + 1 + Offset%, 1, List%) <> -1 Then Color 0, 0, ListColors%(I% + 1 + Offset%, 1, List%) Else Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 0)
	Text 3, 3 + I% * LineHeight%, ListContent$(I% + 1 + Offset%, List%)
If PeekInt(ColorBank%, 32) <> -1 Or PeekInt(ColorBank%, 36) <> -1 Then ; OnMouseOver-Effekt zurücksetzen
	ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 1, List%) = BackupColor%
	ListColors%(MouseOverElement%, 2, List%) = BackupBackground%
Viewport 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight()
Origin 0, 0
End Function

Function DrawBox(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, ColorBank%, Deep% = 1)
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 4) ; Background
Rect X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, 1
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 16 + Deep% * 12) ; Border
Line X%, Y%, X% + Width%, Y%
Line X%, Y%, X%, Y% + Height% - 1
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 20 + Deep * 4)
Line X% + 1, Y% + 1, X% + Width% - 1, Y% + 1
Line X% + 1, Y% + 1, X% + 1, Y% + Height% - 2
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 24 - Deep * 4)
Line X% + Width% - 1, Y% + 2, X% + Width% - 1, Y% + Height% - 1
Line X% + 1, Y% + Height% - 1, X% + Width% - 1, Y% + Height% - 1
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 28 - Deep * 12)
Line X% + Width% , Y% + 1, X% + Width%, Y% + Height%
Line X%, Y% + Height%, X% + Width%, Y% + Height%
End Function

Function DrawPolygon(X%, Y%, Height%, Down = 0)
Local I%
If Down% Then
	For I% = 1 To Height% - 1
		Line X% - Height% + I%, Y% + I%, X% + Height% - I%, Y% + I%
	Plot X%, Y% + Height%
	Plot X%, Y%
	For I% = 1 To Height% - 1
		Line X% - I%, Y% + I%, X% + I%, Y% + I%
End Function

Function DrawButton(X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, ColorBank%, ButtonText$)
Local Set%
If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() >= X% And MouseX() <= X% + Width% And MouseY() >= Y% And MouseY() < Y% + Height% Then Set% = 1 Else Set% = 0
DrawBox X%, Y%, Width%, Height%, ColorBank%, Set%
Color 0, 0, PeekInt(ColorBank%, 0)
Text X% + Width% / 2 + Set%, Y% + Height% / 2 + Set%, ButtonText$, 1, 1
Return Set%
End Function

Function ContextMenue(List%, ColorBank%, Deep% = 0)
Local I%, ItemWidth%, MenueWidth% = 1, MenueHeight% = FontHeight() * ListLength%(List%) + 6, X% = MouseX(), Y% = MouseY()
For I% = 1 To ListLength%(List%)
	ItemWidth% = StringWidth(ListContent$(I%, List%))
	If ItemWidth% > MenueWidth% Then MenueWidth% = ItemWidth%
MenueWidth% = MenueWidth% + 6
If X% + MenueWidth% > GraphicsWidth() Then X% = GraphicsWidth() - MenueWidth% - 1
If Y% + MenueHeight% > GraphicsHeight() Then Y% = GraphicsHeight() - MenueHeight% - 1
For I% = 1 To 10
	DrawBox X%, Y%, MenueWidth% * I% / 20, MenueHeight% * I% / 20, ColorBank%, Deep%
While Not MouseDown(1)
	DrawList X%, Y%, MenueWidth%, MenueHeight%, ColorBank%, List%, 0, Deep%
Return GetFocus(X%, Y%, MenueWidth%, MenueHeight%, List%, 0)
End Function



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