Code archives/Miscellaneous/Linked List & Hash Table Collections

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Linked List & Hash Table Collections by N2006
Basically, this includes a doubly-linked circular linked list and a hash table. There was a tree, but TMap renders that useless. Until brl.LinkedList.TList.Sort uses something other than bubble sort, however, there will be a need for something faster, so this list uses merge sort as implemented here:

It should be able to do 100,000 integers in around 200ms in Debug, and 70ms in Release, which I would say is much better than the 6 minutes and 50 seconds TList.Sort took. Cracked me up though (try it, see if you can make tea in the time it takes).

* Bug fixed thanks to klepto


Global HashKey:Int(name:String) = __dbgHashKey

' Thanks to Robert Jenkins for the original function
' Read his paper
' Used to give a clear stack trace
Function __dbgHashKey%( s$ )
    Local a%,b%,c%,l%,p@ Ptr,k@ Ptr

    p = s.ToCString( )
    k = p
    l = s.Length
    a = $9e3779b9
    b = a
    c = 52867

    While l >= 12
        a :+ k[0] + (k[1] Shl 8) + (k[2] Shl 16) + (k[3] Shl 24)
        b :+ k[4] + (k[5] Shl 8) + (k[6] Shl 16) + (k[7] Shl 24)
        c :+ k[8] + (k[9] Shl 8) + (k[10] Shl 16) + (k[11] Shl 24)
        ' mix
        a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 13)
        b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 8)
        c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 13)
        a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 12)
        b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 16)
        c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 5)
        a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 3)
        b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 10)
        c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 15)
        k :+ 12
        l :- 12

    c :+ s.Length

    Select l
        Case 11 c=c+(k[10] Shl 24)
        Case 10 c=c+(k[9] Shl 16)
        Case 9  c=c+(k[8] Shl 8)
        Case 8  b=b+(k[7] Shl 24);
        Case 7  b=b+(k[6] Shl 16);
        Case 6  b=b+(k[5] Shl 8);
        Case 5  b=b+k[4];
        Case 4  a=a+(k[3] Shl 24);
        Case 3  a=a+(k[2] Shl 16);
        Case 2  a=a+(k[1] Shl 8)
        Case 1  a=a+k[0];
    End Select
    ' mix
    a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 13)
    b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 8)
    c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 13)
    a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 12)
    b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 16)
    c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 5)
    a=a-b;  a=a-c;  a=a ~ (c Shr 3)
    b=b-c;  b=b-a;  b=b ~ (a Shl 10)
    c=c-a;  c=c-b;  c=c ~ (b Shr 15)

    MemFree( p )

    Return c
End Function
HashKey = __dbgHashKey


Type IListIter
    Field l:ILink

    Method HasNext%( )
        Return l<>Null
    End Method

    Method NextObject:Object( )
        Local v:Object = l.v
        l = l.NextLink( )
        Return v
    End Method
End Type

Type ILink
    Field n:ILink
    Field p:ILink
    Field v:Object

    Method Remove( )
        v = Null
        n.p = p
        p.n = n
        p = Null
        n = Null
    End Method

    Method Swap( c:ILink )
        Local t:ILink = c.n
        c.n = n
        n = t
        t = c.p
        c.p = p
        p = t
    End Method

    Method NextLink:ILink( )
        If n.v <> n Then Return n
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method PreviousLink:ILink( )
        If p.v <> p Then Return p
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method Value:Object( )
        Return v
    End Method

    Method Valid%( )
        If v = Self Then Return False
        Return True
    End Method

    Method Compare%( obj:Object )
        Local olink:ILink = ILink(obj)
        If olink Then
            If Not olink.v And Not v Then
                Return 0
            ElseIf Not olink.v Then
                Return 1
            ElseIf Not v Then
                Return -1
                Return v.Compare( olink.v )
        Return 1
    End Method
End Type

Type IList              ' a circular doubly-linked list
    Field c:ILink       ' center link

    Method New( )
        c = New ILink
        c.n = c
        c.p = c
        c.v = c
    End Method

    Method Delete( )
        Clear( )
        c.v = Null
        c.n = Null
        c.p = Null
        c = Null
    End Method
    Method Clone:IList( )
        Local l:IList = New IList
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        While i <> c
            l.AddLast( i.v )
            i = i.n
        Return l
    End Method

    Method AddFirst:ILink( obj:Object )
        Local i:ILink = New ILink
        i.v = obj
        AddLinkFirst( i )
        Return i
    End Method

    Method AddLast:ILink( obj:Object )
        Local i:ILink = New ILink
        i.v = obj
        AddLinkLast( i )
        Return i
    End Method

    Method AddLinkFirst( i:ILink )
        i.n = c.n
        i.p = c
        c.n.p = i
        c.n = i
    End Method

    Method AddLinkLast( i:ILink )
        i.p = c.p
        i.n = c
        c.p.n = i
        c.p = i
    End Method
    ' insert:ILink, original:ILink
    Method AddLinkAfter( i:ILink, o:ILink )
        i.n = o.n
        i.p = o
        o.n.p = i
        o.n = i
    End Method
    Method AddLinkBefore( i:ILink, o:ILink )
        i.p = o.p
        i.n = o
        o.p.n = i
        o.p = i
    End Method
    Method GetFirst:Object( )
        Local l:ILink = GetFirstLink( )
        If l Then Return l.v
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method GetFirstLink:ILink( )
        If c.n = c Then Return Null
        Return c.n
    End Method

    Method GetLast:Object( )
        Local l:ILink = GetLastLink( )
        If l Then Return l.v
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method GetLastLink:ILink( )
        If c.p = c Then Return Null
        Return c.p
    End Method

    Method Remove( obj:Object )
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        While i.v <> obj And i <> c
            i = i.n
        If i = c Then Return
        i.Remove( )
    End Method

    Method Count%( )
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        Local n% = 0
        While i <> c
            i = i.n
            n :+ 1
        Return n
    End Method

    Method ValueAtIndex:Object( idx% )
        Local n% = Count()
        If idx >= n Then
            Return Null
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        Local x:Int
        For x = 0 To idx-1
            i = i.n
        Return i.v
    End Method

    Method Merge( o:IList )
        If Not o Then Return
        Local i:ILink = o.c.n
        If Not i Then Return
        While i <> o.c
            AddLast( i.v )
            i = i.n
    End Method
    Method FindLink:ILink( o:Object )
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        While i <> c
            If i.v = o Then Return i
            i = i.n
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method Clear( )
        While c.n <> c
            c.n.Remove( )
    End Method

    Method ToArray:Object[]( )
        Local arr:Object[Count()]
        Local l:ILink = c.n
        Local i% = 0
        While l <> c
            arr[i] = l.v
            l = l.n
            i :+ 1
        Return arr
    End Method

    Method LinkArray:ILink[]( )
        Local arr:ILink[Count()]
        Local l:ILink = c.n
        Local i% = 0
        While l <> c
            arr[i] = l
            l = l.n
            i :+ 1
        Return arr
    End Method

    Method Sort( )
        Local head:ILink = GetFirstLink()
		Local tail:ILink = GetLastLink()
		Local cnt:Int = Count()
		head.p = Null
		tail.n = Null
		head = IList._rec_sort( head, cnt )
		tail = head
		While tail.n
			tail = tail.n
		head.p = c; head.p.n = head
		tail.n = c; tail.n.p = tail
    End Method
    Function _rec_sort:ILink( head:ILink, num% ) NoDebug
    	Local temp1:ILink, temp2:ILink
		Local ret:ILink
		If num <= 2 Then
			If num = 1 Then
				ret = head
				If head.v.Compare(head.n.v) < 0 Then
					ret = head
					temp1 = head
					temp2 = head.n
					temp1.p = temp2
					temp2.n = temp1
					temp1.n = Null
					temp2.p = Null
					ret = temp2
			temp2 = head
			Local n1%, n2%
			n1 = num/2
			n2 = num-n1
			For Local idx:Int = 1 To n1-1
				temp2 = temp2.n
			temp1 = temp2
			temp2 = temp2.n
			temp1.n = Null
			temp2.p = Null
			temp1 = head
			temp1 = IList._rec_sort( temp1, n1 )
			temp2 = IList._rec_sort( temp2, n2 )
			Local l1:Int = False
			ret = temp2
			If temp1.v.Compare(temp2.v) < 0 Then
				ret = temp1
				l1 = True
			While temp1 <> Null Or temp2 <> Null
				If l1 Then
					While temp1.n And temp1.n.v.Compare(temp2.v) < 0
						temp1 = temp1.n
					temp2.p = temp1
					temp1 = temp1.n
					temp2.p.n = temp2
					If temp1 = Null Then
					While temp2.n And temp2.n.v.Compare(temp1.v) < 0
						temp2 = temp2.n
					temp1.p = temp2
					temp2 = temp2.n
					temp1.p.n = temp1
					If temp2 = Null Then
				l1 = Not l1
		Return ret
    End Function
    Method Reversed:IList( )
        Local n:IList = New IList
        Local i:ILink = c.n
        While i ' NexILink checks to see if links are valid and returns Null once the list reaches the center
            n.AddFirst( i.Value( ) )
            i = i.NextLink( )
        Return n
    End Method

    Method ObjectEnumerator:IListIter( )
        Local i:IListIter = New IListIter
        i.l = c.n
        Return i
    End Method

    Method IsEmpty%()
        Return (c.n = c)
    End Method

    ' Stack functionality
    Method Push( obj:Object )
        AddLast( obj )
    End Method

    Method Pop:Object( )
        If c.n = c Then Return Null
        Local v:Object = GetLast( )
        GetLastLink( ).Remove( )
        Return v
    End Method

    Method Peek:Object( )
        Return GetLast( )
    End Method
End Type

Type IHashNode Extends ILink
    Field key:Int
End Type

Type IHashTable
    Field cnt%
    Field buckets:IList[256]
    Field combList:IList

    Method New( )
        For Local i:Int = 0 To 255
            buckets[i] = New IList
    End Method

    Method Clear( )
        For Local i:Int = 0 To 255
            buckets[i].Clear( )
        If combList Then combList.Clear( )
        combList = Null
    End Method

    Method Delete( )
        Clear( )
        For Local i:Int = 0 To 255
            buckets[i] = Null
        buckets = Null
    End Method

    Method Retrieve:Object( k:Int )
        Local i:ILink = buckets[k&255].c.n
        Local h:IHashNode
        While i And i.Valid( )
            h = IHashNode(i)
            If h And h.key = K Then
                Return i.v
            i = i.NextLink( )
        Return Null
    End Method

    Method Insert( o:Object, k:Int )
        Local n:IHashNode = New IHashNode
        n.key = k
        n.v = o
        cnt :+ 1
        combList = Null
    End Method

    Method Remove( k:Int )
        Local i:ILink = buckets[k&255].c.n
        Local h:IHashNode
        While i.Valid( )
            h = IHashNode(i)
            If h And h.key = K Then
                i.Remove( )
                cnt :- 1
            i = i.NextLink( )
        combList = Null
    End Method

    Method ObjectEnumerator:IListIter( )
        If combList = Null Then
            combList = New IList
            For Local i:Int = 0 To 255
                combList.Merge( buckets[i] )
        Local i:IListIter = New IListIter
        i.l = combList.c.n
        Return i
    End Method
End Type


Ross C2006
Nic to see people better the BRL code :o)

The best part is that it's not using any of BRL's code.

Also, unlike BRL's TList.Sort, mine takes advantage of arrays' ability to use quicksort instead of using bubblesort.

If you were using this code at all, I've posted an important update fixing some stupid mistakes I made. Specifically, there were infinite loops in the Retrieve and Remove methods for the hash table.

Updated to include a complete compatibility layer with the original TList (that is, everything in TList can be replaced with this code, provided you change it from I* to T* in the source). I've replaced my BRL.LinkedList with this code and tested it pretty extensively.

Provided you don't use the procedural wrapper of TList, you can pretty much swap the code out without any problem. If you do use the procedural wrapper, well, I ought to smack you.

There's a typo int the ILisIIter object:

"Method NexIObject:Object( )" should be "Method NextObject:Object( )"

Yeah, there've been some updates to the code and it's all fixed currently, I'm just not updating this since, well, supporting this community sucks.

supporting this community sucks.

Out of interest what makes you say this as you seem to get disconsolate often.

Out of interest what makes you say this as you seem to get disconsolate often.

Not exactly a whole lot I'm getting out of it, is there?

I don't know. What is it you want to get out of it? If it helps I find your code interesting but more for reference than use. It seems a bit too 'niche' rather than the 'plugin and go' code people seem to prefer.
Anyway, I value your input on technical subjects so wouldn't want you to go the way of the banned.

Updated IList.Sort to use merge sort, thus giving a gigantic speed boost and finally applying something of a proper sorting algorithm rather than using a cheap hack for quicksort.


This has been rendered useless now that TList has, more or less, the best possible sorting method for linked lists now. The hash table might still be useful, but that's about it.

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