Code archives/Miscellaneous/Where is my current directory?

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Where is my current directory? by Nicstt2006
Ensure current directory is know, and where it should be.

I wanted a few lines of code that would check directories were correct, regardless of if it was a final program or under development.


1. Change the path in the conditional statement to where your B+ or B3D \bin file is loacted.

2. Enter your desired path to use whilst under development.

Occasionally blitz would throw an error when I presumed it was set to working directory, now I know it is (well it's not caused me any problems yet).
; *******************************************************************************************************************
; * * * * * * Checks to see where 'appdir' is.  Once program is installed will set directory to program dir * * * * *
; **************************************** by Nicholas Tindall 2006 *************************************************
; *******************************************************************************************************************
app$ = SystemProperty ("appdir")
DebugLog app$

If app$ = "F:\Program Files\BlitzPlus\bin\" Or app$ = "F:\Program Files\Blitz3D\bin\"
	cur_dir$ = "F:\Documents And Settings\Administrator.NSTT1\My Documents\Blitz Progs\Sticks n Stones\"
	ChangeDir cur_dir$
	cur_dir$ = SystemProperty ("appdir")
	ChangeDir cur_dir$

DebugLog "1: " + CurrentDir$()
; *******************************************************************************************************************
; *******************************************************************************************************************


where is my current dir?


isnt always reliable

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