Code archives/Miscellaneous/Icon in Top Left corner of Window

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Icon in Top Left corner of Window by Grey Alien2006
This code sets the icon in the top left of the window. It also sets the icon on the task bar, and the correct icon for when alt+tabbing. You must have an icon file with the same name as your app in the same folder:

[edit] btw FindWindowA can be replaced with GetActiveWindow() with no parameters required, which is better actually.

Hope you find this useful!
Extern "win32"
	Function FindWindowA:Int(nullstring%,WindowText$z)
	Function ExtractIconA:Int(hWnd%,File$z,Index%)
	Function SetClassLongA:Int(hWnd%,nIndex%,Value%)
End Extern

AppTitle = "test"
Graphics 640,480,0
'Graphics 640,480,32

Local handle:Int = FindWindowA(0,"test")

Until KeyDown(Key_Escape)

Function ccSetIcon(iconname$, TheWindow%)	
	Local icon=ExtractIconA(TheWindow,iconname,0)
End Function

Function ccAppFileNonDebug$()
	'Returns AppFile but without the .debug on the end when running in debug mode.
	If Mid(AppFile,Len(AppFile)-8, 5) = "debug" Then
		Return Mid(AppFile,1,Len(AppFile)-10)+".exe" 'chops off .debug.exe (10 chars)
		Return AppFile
End Function


um, i dont have or understand blizt max but isnt this the same thing

Grey Alien2006
oh yes, it does the same thing. I converted mine from my Blitz Plus code.

I tried the code above and it changed the icon on the taskbar, but not the icon in the top left corner.

Boiled Sweets2006
Is there a Blitz3d version?

Grey Alien2006
cal: it works for me, how odd...

Boiled Sweets: It's easy to convert to B3D, but there must be something in the archives for BPlus that will compile into B3D.

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