Code archives/Miscellaneous/Object-Oriented MaxGUI Wrapper

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Object-Oriented MaxGUI Wrapper by N2006
I'm sure the majority of people who have worked with MaxGUI have noticed that its base class (and what seems to be its only class, which is just plain bad design since the base class is obscenely top-heavy) is extremely bloated and a huge pain to work with the vast majority of the time.

So, basically, what I did was write a bunch of gadget classes that are vaguely similar to .NET (unfortunately, there was a loss of true event handlers, but you can override the OnPaint/OnMove/OnResize/etc. methods the classes provide or set the On*Handler callbacks). I find it easier to work with, some of you may prefer the more procedural public interface of MaxGUI. Personally, I don't.

Standard sample:

Import "engine/guiwrap.bmx"

Global Running% = True

Type extWindow Extends IWindow
    Method OnClose( evt:TEvent )
        Super.OnClose( evt )
        Running = False
        Hide( )
    End Method
End Type

Local window:extWindow = New extWindow
window.Create( Null, 64, 64, 512, 512, "matEdit" )

window.Show( )

Local tree:ITreeView = New ITreeView
tree.Create( window, 24, 24, 190, 480 )
Local node:ITreeNode = tree.AddNode( "Blah" )
node.AddNode( "Foo" )
node.AddNode( "Bar" )

While Not AppTerminate( ) And Running
    WaitEvent( )


So here's the code...

Import "collections.bmx"

Import Brl.Event
Import Brl.EventQueue
Import MaxGui.MaxGui
Import MaxGui.Win32MaxGui
Import MaxGui.CocoaMaxGui
Import MaxGui.FLTKMaxGui

Function _gadUpdate:Object( id%, obj:Object, ctx:Object )
    Local gad:IGadget = IGadget(ctx)
    Local evt:TEvent = TEvent(obj)
    If Not gad Or Not evt Then Return obj
    Local m:IMenu = IMenu(gad)
    If ( = EVENT_MENUACTION And m = Null) Or gad.gad = Null Then Return obj
    If evt.source <> gad.gad And m = Null Then Return obj
    If gad._freed Then Return obj
            gad.OnEnter( evt )
            gad.OnLeave( evt )
        Case EVENT_KEYDOWN
            gad.OnKeyDown( evt )
        Case EVENT_KEYUP
            gad.OnKeyUp( evt )
        Case EVENT_KEYCHAR
            gad.OnKeyChar( evt )
            gad.OnMouseMove( evt )
            gad.OnMouseWheel( evt )
            gad.OnMouseDown( evt )
            If = Then m.OnAction( evt )
            If IWindow(gad) Then IWindow(gad).OnMove( evt )
            If IWindow(gad) Then IWindow(gad).OnFocus( evt )
            If IWindow(gad) Then IWindow(gad).OnResize( evt )
            If IWindow(gad) Then IWindow(gad).OnDragDrop( evt )
            If IWindow(gad) Then IWindow(gad).OnClose( evt )
            If ITreeView(gad) Then ITreeView(gad).OnExpand( evt )
            If ITreeView(gad) Then ITreeView(gad).OnCollapse( evt )
            If ITreeView(gad) Then ITreeView(gad).OnSelect( evt )
            Local txt:ITextbox = ITextbox( gad )
            Local tv:ITreeView = ITreeView( gad )
            If txt Then
                txt.OnMenu( evt )
            ElseIf tv Then
                tv.OnMenu( evt )
            If IHTMLView(gad) Then IHTMLView( gad ).OnLoaded( evt )
            gad.OnAction( evt )
            If ICanvas(gad) Then ICanvas(gad).OnPaint( evt )
    End Select
    Return obj
End Function

Type IGadget Abstract
    Field _freed:Int = 0
    Field gad:TGadget
    Field _children:IList = New IList
    Field _parent:IGadget
    Field _link:ILink
    Field OnActionHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnEnterHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnLeaveHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnKeyUpHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnKeyDownHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnKeyCharHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnMouseWheelHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnMouseUpHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnMouseDownHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnMouseMoveHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnPaintHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnHotKeyHitHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)
    Field OnInitHandler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent)'event should always be null for OnInitHandler
    Method Init:TGadget( parent:IGadget )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        _parent = parent
        If _parent Then _link = _parent._children.AddLast( Self )
        Local par:TGadget = Null
        If _parent Then par = _parent.gad
        Return par
    End Method
    Method OnInit( evt:TEvent )
        If OnInitHandler Then OnInitHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnAction( evt:TEvent )
        If OnActionHandler Then OnActionHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnEnter( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnEnterHandler Then OnEnterHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnLeave( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnLeaveHandler Then OnLeaveHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnKeyDown( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnKeyDownHandler Then OnKeyDownHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnKeyUp( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnKeyUpHandler Then OnKeyUpHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnKeyChar( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnKeyCharHandler Then OnKeyCharHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnMouseWheel( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnMouseWheelHandler Then OnMouseWheelHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnMouseDown( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnMouseDownHandler Then OnMouseDownHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnMouseUp( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnMouseUpHandler Then OnMouseUpHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnMouseMove( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnMouseMoveHandler Then OnMouseMoveHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnHotkeyHit( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnHotkeyHitHandler Then OnHotkeyHitHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method New( )
        AddHook( EmitEventHook, _gadUpdate, Self )
    End Method
    Method Delete( )
        Free( )
    End Method
    Method Free( )
        If _freed Then Return
        RemoveHook( EmitEventHook, _gadUpdate, Self )
        For Local i:IGadget = EachIn _children
            i.Free( )
        gad.Free( )
        gad = Null
        OnActionHandler = Null
        OnEnterHandler = Null
        OnLeaveHandler = Null
        OnKeyUpHandler = Null
        OnKeyDownHandler = Null
        OnKeyCharHandler = Null
        OnMouseWheelHandler = Null
        OnMouseUpHandler = Null
        OnMouseDownHandler = Null
        OnMouseMoveHandler = Null
        OnHotKeyHitHandler = Null
        OnInitHandler = Null
        _freed = True
    End Method
    Method GetState%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.State( )
    End Method
    ' Layout
    Method Layout( l%, r%, t%, b% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetLayout( l, r, t, b )
    End Method
    ' parenting
    Method GetParent:IGadget( )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return _parent
    End Method
    Method GetChild:IGadget( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return IGadget(_children.ValueAtIndex(idx))
    End Method
    ' position
    Method SetPosition( x%, y% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetShape( x, y, gad.width, gad.height )
    End Method
    Method SetSize( w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetShape( gad.xpos, gad.ypos, w, h )
    End Method
    Method GetPosition( x% Var, y% Var )
        If _freed Then Return
        x = gad.xpos
        y = gad.ypos
    End Method
    Method GetSize( x% Var, y% Var )
        If _freed Then Return
        x = gad.width
        y = gad.height
    End Method
    Method GetClientSize( x% Var, y% Var )
        If _freed Then Return
        x = gad.ClientWidth( )
        y = gad.ClientHeight( )
    End Method
    Method GetClientWidth%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetClientSize( x, y )
        Return x
    End Method
    Method GetClientHeight%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetClientSize( x, y )
        Return y
    End Method
    Method GetX%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetPosition( x, y )
        Return x
    End Method
    Method GetY%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetPosition( x, y )
        Return y
    End Method
    Method GetWidth%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetSize( x, y )
        Return x
    End Method
    Method GetHeight%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Local x%,y%
        GetSize( x, y )
        Return y
    End Method
    ' Enabled
    Method Disable( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetEnabled( False )
    End Method
    Method Enable( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetEnabled( True )
    End Method
    ' Hidden
    Method Hide( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetShow( False )
    End Method
    Method Show( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetShow( True )
    End Method
    ' Active
    Method Activate( cmd% = ACTIVATE_FOCUS )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.Activate( cmd )
    End Method
    ' Focus
    Method Focus( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_FOCUS )
    End Method
    ' Redraw
    Method Redraw( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_REDRAW )
    End Method
    ' Alpha
    Method SetAlpha( a# )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetAlpha( a )
    End Method
    ' Color
    Method SetTextColor( r%, g%, b% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetTextColor( r, g, b )
    End Method
    Method SetBackColor( r%, g%, b% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetColor( r, g, b )
    End Method
    ' Font
    Method SetFont( font:TGuiFont )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetFont( font )
    End Method
    Method SetCaption( text$ )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetText( text )
    End Method
    ' Text
    Method GetText$( )
        If _freed then Return ""
        Return gad.GetText( )
    End Method
    Method SetText( t$ )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetText( t )
    End Method
    ' Query
    Method Query%( q% )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.Query( q )
    End Method
End Type

Type IDesktop Extends IGadget
    Method New( )
        gad = Desktop( )
    End Method
End Type

Type IWindow Extends IGadget
    Field rootMenu:IMenu
    Field OnFocusHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnCloseHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnMoveHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnResizeHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnDragDropHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Method OnFocus( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnFocusHandler Then OnFocusHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnClose( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnCloseHandler Then OnCloseHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnMove( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnMoveHandler Then OnMoveHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnResize( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnResizeHandler Then OnResizeHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnDragDrop( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnDragDropHandler Then OnDragDropHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method Free( )
        If _freed Then Return
        For Local i:IGadget = eachIn rootmenu._children
            i.Free( )
        rootmenu._children.Clear( )
        rootmenu._children = Null
        rootmenu._parent = Null
        rootmenu.gad = Null
        rootmenu = Null
        OnFocusHandler = Null
        OnCloseHandler = Null
        OnMoveHandler = Null
        OnResizeHandler = Null
        OnDragDropHandler = Null
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, caption$, titlebar%=1, sizable%=1, menu%=1, statusbar%=1, hidden%=1, dragdrop%=0, tool%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f:Int = WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS
        If titlebar>0 Then f :| WINDOW_TITLEBAR
        If sizable>0 Then f :| WINDOW_RESIZABLE
        If menu>0 Then f:| WINDOW_MENU
        If statusbar>0 Then f :| WINDOW_STATUS
        If hidden>0 Then f :| WINDOW_HIDDEN
        If dragdrop>0 Then f:| WINDOW_ACCEPTFILES
        If tool>0 Then f :| WINDOW_TOOL
        gad = CreateWindow( caption, x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        rootmenu = New IMenu
        rootmenu.gad = gad.GetMenu( )
        rootmenu._parent = Self
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method AddMenu:IMenu( caption$, tag%, hotkey%=0, modifier%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Local menu:IMenu = New IMenu
        menu.Create( rootmenu, caption, tag, hotkey, modifier )
        Return menu
    End Method
    Method UpdateMenu( )
        If _freed then Return
        gad.UpdateMenu( )
    End Method
    Method Maximized%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return GetState( ) & STATE_MAXIMIZED
    End Method
    Method Maximize( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_MAXIMIZE )
    End Method
    Method Minimized%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return GetState( ) & STATE_MINIMIZED
    End Method
    Method Minimize( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_MINIMIZE )
    End Method
    Method Restore( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_RESTORE )
    End Method
    Method SetMinimumSize( w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetMinimumSize( w, h )
    End Method
    Method SetStatusText( text$ )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetStatus( text )
    End Method
    Method Hwnd%( )
        Return Query( QUERY_HWND )
    End Method
End Type

Type IButton Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, caption$, type_%=BUTTON_NORMAL ) 'type_ can be BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, or BUTTON_NORMAL
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = BUTTON_PUSH | type_
        gad = CreateButton( caption, x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type ICheckbox Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, caption$, checked%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = BUTTON_CHECKBOX
        gad = CreateButton( caption, x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        If checked>0 Then Check( )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Field chk:Int = 0
    Method Check( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( True )
        chk = True
    End Method
    Method Uncheck( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( False )
        chk = False
    End Method
    Method Checked%( )
        If _freed Then Return -1
        Return chk
    End Method
End Type

Type IRadioGroup
    Field _link:ILink
    Field group%
    Field tickers:IList = New IList
    Method New( )
        _link = radioGroups.AddLast( Self )
    End Method
    Method Remove( gad:IRadiobox )
        gad._glink.Remove( )
        gad._glink = Null
        If tickers.Count( ) = 0 Then
            _link.Remove( )
            _link = Null
            tickers = Null
    End Method
End Type
Global radioGroups:IList = New IList

Type IRadiobox Extends IGadget
    Field group:Object
    Field _glink:ILink
    Field chk%=0
    Method Free( )
        If _freed then Return
        IRadioGroup(group).Remove( Self )
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, caption$, group%, ticked%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = BUTTON_RADIO
        gad = CreateButton( caption, x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        Local g:IRadioGroup = Null
        For Local i:IRadioGroup = EachIn radioGroups
            If = group Then
                g = i
        If Not g Then
            g = New IRadioGroup
   = group
        _glink = g.tickers.AddLast( Self )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method Check( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( True )
        chk = True
        For Local i:IRadiobox = EachIn IRadioGroup(group).tickers
            If i <> Self Then i.Uncheck( )
    End Method
    Method Uncheck( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( False )
        chk = False
    End Method
    Method Checked%( )
        If _freed Then Return -1
        Return chk
    End Method
    Method OnAction( evt:TEvent )
        Check( )
        Super.OnAction( evt )
    End Method
End Type

Type ICanvas Extends IGadget
    Field gfx:TGraphics
    Field OnPaintHandler( s:IGadget, e:TEvent )
    Method OnPaint( evt:TEvent )
        If _freed Then Return
        If OnPaintHandler Then OnPaintHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method Free( )
        If _freed Then Return
        OnPaintHandler = Null
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, border%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = (border>0)*PANEL_BORDER
        gad = CreateCanvas( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        gfx = gad.CanvasGraphics( )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type IPanel Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, border%=0, moveEvent%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = (border>0)*PANEL_BORDER|((moveEvent>0)*PANEL_ACTIVE)
        gad = CreatePanel( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f, "" )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method SetPixmap( pix:TPixmap, flags%=PANELPIXMAP_TILE )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetPixmap( pix, flags )
    End Method
End Type

Type IGroupbox Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, caption$, moveEvent%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = PANEL_GROUP|((moveEvent>0)*PANEL_ACTIVE)
        gad = CreatePanel( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f, caption )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type IComboBox Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, editable%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = (editable>0)*COMBOBOX_EDITABLE
        gad = CreateComboBox( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method SelectedItem%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.SelectedItem( )
    End Method
    Method SelectItem( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SelectItem( idx, 1 )
    End Method
    Method AddItem%( caption$, icon%=-1, isDefault%=0, tip$="", extra:Object=Null )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        AddGadgetItem( gad, caption, (isDefault>0)*GADGETITEM_DEFAULT, icon, tip, extra )
        Return gad.ItemCount( ) - 1
    End Method
    Method RemoveItem( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return
        RemoveGadgetItem( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method GetItemCaption$( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return GadgetItemText( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method GetItemExtra:Object( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return GadgetItemExtra( gad, idx )
    End Method
End Type

Type IHTMLView Extends IGadget
    Field OnLoadedHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, nonav%=0, noctx%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = 0
        If nonav>0 Then f :| HTMLVIEW_NONAVIGATE
        If noctx>0 Then f :| HTMLVIEW_NOCONTEXTMENU
        gad = CreateHTMLView( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method GetURL$( )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return gad.GetText( )
    End Method
    Method SetURL( url$ )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetText( url )
    End Method
    Method Back( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_BACK )
    End Method
    Method Forward( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Activate( ACTIVATE_FORWARD )
    End Method
    Method RunScript$( script$ )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return gad.Run( script )
    End Method
    Method OnLoaded( evt:TEvent )
        If OnLoadedHandler Then OnLoadedHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
End Type

Const LABEL_LEFT% = 0
Type ILabel Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, text$, frameType%=LABEL_NOFRAME, align%=LABEL_LEFT )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = frameType|align
        If text="--" Then f :| LABEL_SEPARATOR
        gad = CreateLabel( text, x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type IListBox Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = 0
        gad = CreateListBox( x, y, w, h, Init( parent ), f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method AddItem%( caption$, icon%=-1, isDefault%=0, tip$="", extra:Object=Null )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        AddGadgetItem( gad, caption, (isDefault>0)*GADGETITEM_DEFAULT, icon, tip, extra )
        Return gad.ItemCount( ) - 1
    End Method
    Method SelectItem( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SelectItem( idx, 1 )
    End Method
    Method RemoveItem( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return
        RemoveGadgetItem( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method SelectedItem%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.SelectedItem( )
    End Method
    Method SelectedItems%[]( )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return gad.SelectedItems( )
    End Method
    Method GetItemCaption$( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return GadgetItemText( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method GetItemExtra:Object( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return GadgetItemExtra( gad, idx )
    End Method
End Type

Type IMenu Extends IGadget
    Field OnSelectHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field id:Int
    Field chk:Int=0
    Method Free( )
        If _freed Then Return
        OnSelectHandler = Null
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, caption$, tag%, hotkey%=0, modifier%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = CreateMenu( caption, tag, Init(parent), hotkey, modifier )
        id = tag
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method AddMenu:IMenu( caption$, tag%, hotkey%=0, modifier%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Local menu:IMenu = New IMenu
        menu.Create( Self, caption, tag, hotkey, modifier )
        Return menu
    End Method
    Method OnSelect( evt:TEvent )
        If OnSelectHandler Then OnSelectHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method Popup( on:IGadget )
        If _freed Then Return
        on.gad.PopupMenu( gad )
    End Method
    Method Check( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( True )
        chk = True
    End Method
    Method Uncheck( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetSelected( False )
        chk = False
    End Method
    Method Checked%( )
        If _freed Then Return -1
        Return chk
    End Method
End Type

Type IProgressBar Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = CreateProgBar( x, y, w, h, Init(parent), 0 )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method SetValue( progress# )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetValue( progress )
    End Method
End Type

Type ISlider Extends IGadget
    Method SetRange( min_%, max_% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetRange( min_, max_ )
    End Method
    Method SetValue( value% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SetProp( value )
    End Method
    Method GetValue%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.GetProp( )
    End Method
End Type

Type IScrollbar Extends ISlider
    Const _flags%=SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, vertical%=0, range_min%=1, range_max%=10 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = SLIDER_HORIZONTAL
        If vertical>0 Then f = SLIDER_VERTICAL
        f :| _flags
        gad = CreateSlider( x, y, w, h, Init(parent), f )
        SetRange( range_min, range_max )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type ITracker Extends ISlider
    Const _flags%=SLIDER_TRACKBAR
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, vertical%=0, range_min%=1, range_max%=10 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = SLIDER_HORIZONTAL
        If vertical>0 Then f = SLIDER_VERTICAL
        f :| _flags
        gad = CreateSlider( x, y, w, h, Init(parent), f )
        SetRange( range_min, range_max )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

Type IStepper Extends ISlider
    Const _flags%=SLIDER_STEPPER
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, vertical%=0, range_min%=1, range_max%=10 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local f% = SLIDER_HORIZONTAL
        If vertical>0 Then f = SLIDER_VERTICAL
        f :| _flags
        gad = CreateSlider( x, y, w, h, Init(parent), f )
        SetRange( range_min, range_max )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
End Type

' Dial slider apparently isn't supported by Win32MaxGUI?

Type ITabStrip Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = CreateTabber( x, y, w, h, Init(parent), 0 )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method AddPage%( caption$, icon%=-1, tip$="", extra:Object=Null )
        If _freed Then Return -1
        AddGadgetItem( gad, caption, False, icon, tip, extra )
        Return gad.ItemCount( ) - 1
    End Method
    Method RemovePage( idx% )
        RemoveGadgetItem( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method SelectPage( page% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.SelectItem( page, 1 )
    End MEthod
    Method SelectedPage%( )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        Return gad.SelectedItem( )
    End Method
End Type

Type ITextBox Extends IGadget
    Field _area:Int=0
    Field OnMenuHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Method Free( )
        If _freed Then Return
        OnMenuHandler = Null
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, text$="", multiline%=0, readonly%=0, wordwrap%=0, password%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        Local par:TGadget = Init(parent)
        Local f% = 0
        If multiline>0 Then
            _area = True
            If readonly>0 Then f :| TEXTAREA_READONLY
            If wordwrap>0 Then f :| TEXTAREA_WORDWRAP
            gad = CreateTextArea( x, y, w, h, par, f )
            If password>0 Then f :| TEXTFIELD_PASSWORD
            gad = CreateTextField( x, y, w, h, par, f )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method OnMenu( evt:TEvent )
        If OnMenuHandler Then OnMenuHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Field _fbuf$=""
    Field _lock%=0
    Method SelectText$( from%=0, length%=-1, selectLines%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        If _area Then
            Local f% = TEXTAREA_CHARS
            If selectLines>0 Then f = TEXTAREA_LINES
            If length = -1 Then length = TEXTAREA_ALL
            Return gad.AreaText( from, length, f% )
            Local s$
            If Not _lock Then
                s = gad.GetText( )
                s = _fbuf
            If (length = -1 Or length=s.Length) And from = 0 Then Return s
            If length = -1 Then length = s.Length-from
            Return s[from..from+length]
    End Method
    Method GetText$( )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return SelectText( )
    End Method
    Method SetText( t$ )
        If _freed then Return
        ReplaceText( t )
    End Method
    Method ReplaceText( t$, pos%=0, length%=-1, lines%=0 )
        If _freed Then Return
        If _area Then
            If length = -1 Then length = TEXTAREA_ALL
            If lines>0 Then
                lines = TEXTAREA_LINES
                lines = TEXTAREA_CHARS
            gad.ReplaceText( pos, length, t, lines )
            If _lock Then
                If pos = 0 And (length = -1 Or length=_fbuf.Length) Then
                    _fbuf = t
                If length = -1 Then length = _fbuf.Length-pos
                If pos=_fbuf.Length Then
                    _fbuf :+ t
                ElseIf pos=0 And length=0 Then
                    _fbuf = t+_fbuf
                ElseIf pos+length = _fbuf.Length Then
                    _fbuf = t+_fbuf[..pos]
                ElseIf pos=0 Then
                    _fbuf = _fbuf[length..]+t
                    _fbuf = _fbuf[0..pos]+t+_fbuf[pos+length..]
                Local s$
                If pos = 0 And (length = -1 Or length=_fbuf.Length) Then
                    s = t
                    If length = -1 Then length = _fbuf.Length-pos
                    s = GetText( )
                    If pos=_fbuf.Length Then
                        s :+ t
                    ElseIf pos=0 And length=0 Then
                        s = t+s
                    ElseIf pos+length = s.Length Then
                        s = s[..pos]+t
                    ElseIf pos=0 Then
                        s = t+s[length..]
                        s = s[..pos]+t+s[pos+length..]
                gad.SetText( s )
    End Method
    Method GetPos%( lines%=False )
        If _freed Then Return 0
        If Not _area Then Return 0
        Local f% = TEXTAREA_CHARS
        If lines>0 Then f = TEXTAREA_LINES
        Return gad.GetCursorPos( f )
    End Method
    Method Lock( )
        If _freed Then Return
        _lock :+ 1
        If _lock = 1 And _area Then
            gad.LockText( )
        ElseIf _lock = 1 Then
            _fbuf = GetText( )
    End Method
    Method Unlock( )
        If _freed Then Return
        Assert _lock>0, "Text box not locked"
        _lock :- 1
        If _lock = 0 And _area Then
            gad.UnlockText( )
        ElseIf _lock = 0 Then
            SetText( _fbuf )
    End Method
End Type

Type IToolbar Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h%, source:Object )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = CreateToolbar( source, x, y, w, h, Init(parent), 0 )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method SetTips( tips$[] )
        For Local i:Int = 0 To tips.Length-1
            SetItem( i, "", 0, i, tips[i] )
    End Method
    Method SetItem( idx%, caption$, toggle%=0, icon%=-1, tip$="", extra:Object=Null )
        ModifyGadgetItem( gad, idx, caption, (toggle>0)*GADGETITEM_TOGGLE, icon, tip, extra )
    End Method
    Method AddItem( caption$, toggle%=0, icon%=-1, tip$="", extra:Object=Null )
        If _freed Then Return
        AddGadgetItem( gad, caption, (toggle>0)*GADGETITEM_TOGGLE, icon, tip, extra )
    End Method
    Method RemoveItem( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return
        RemoveGadgetItem( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method GetItemCaption$( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return ""
        Return GadgetItemText( gad, idx )
    End Method
    Method GetItemExtra:Object( idx% )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return GadgetItemExtra( gad, idx )
    End Method
End Type

Type ITreeView Extends IGadget
    Field OnMenuHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnSelectHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnExpandHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field OnCollapseHandler(sender:IGadget, e:TEvent)
    Field root:ITreeNode
    Method Free( )
        If _freed = True Then Return
        For Local i:IGadget = EachIn root._children
            i.Free( )
        root._children.Clear( )
        root._children = Null
        root._parent = Null
        root.gad = Null
        root = Null
        OnMenuHandler = Null
        OnSelectHandler = Null
        OnExpandHandler = Null
        OnCollapseHandler = Null
        Super.Free( )
    End Method
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, x%, y%, w%, h% )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = CreateTreeView( x,y,w,h,Init(parent),0 )
        root = New ITreeNode
        root._parent = Self
        root.gad = TreeViewRoot( gad )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method AddNode:ITreeNode( text$, icon%=-1 )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Local node:ITreeNode = New ITreeNode
        node.Create( root, text, icon )
        Return node
    End Method
    Method OnMenu( evt:TEvent )
        If OnMenuHandler Then OnMenuHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnSelect( evt:TEvent )
        If OnSelectHandler Then OnSelectHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnExpand( evt:TEvent )
        If OnExpandHandler Then OnExpandHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method OnCollapse( evt:TEvent )
        If OnCollapseHandler Then OnCollapseHandler(Self, evt)
    End Method
    Method Clear( )
        If _freed Then Return
        For Local i:IGadget = EachIn root._children
            i.Free( )
    End Method
    Method GetRoot:ITreeNode( )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Return root
    End Method
    Method GetSelected:ITreeNode( )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Local sel:TGadget = gad.SelectedNode( )
        If sel = Null Then Return Null
        Return root.FindByGad( sel )
    End Method
End Type

Type ITreeNode Extends IGadget
    Method Create( parent:IGadget, text$, icon%=-1 )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad = AddTreeViewNode( text, Init(parent), icon )
        OnInit( Null )
    End Method
    Method Clear( )
        If _freed Then Return
        For Local i:IGadget = EachIn _children
            i.Free( )
    End Method
    Method AddNode:ITreeNode( text$, icon%=-1 )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        Local node:ITreeNode = New ITreeNode
        node.Create( Self, text, icon )
        Return node
    End Method
    Method SelectNode( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.Activate( ACTIVATE_SELECT )
    End Method
    Method Expand( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.Activate( ACTIVATE_EXPAND )
    End Method
    Method Collapse( )
        If _freed Then Return
        gad.Activate( ACTIVATE_COLLAPSE )
    End Method
    Method FindByGad:ITreeNode( g:TGadget )
        If _freed Then Return Null
        If gad = g Then Return Self
        For Local i:ITreeNode = EachIn _children
            Local o:ITreeNode = i.FindByGad( g )
            If o Then Return o
        Return Null
    End Method
End Type


cool thx, but PLEASE use the [codebox]-tags rather then the [code] ones! thx

cool thx, but PLEASE use the codebox-tags rather then the [code] ones! thx

you can't when posting to the archives.

What Pert said.

Just added a new version that's 1) SuperStrict'd and 2) got callback functions for events. So now you can either a) override the On*(evt:TEvent) methods in an extended class or set the On*Handler(sender:IGadget, event:TEvent) callback fields and the gadget will handle calling them.

Nice work, I'll have to try this.

Added a lot more auxiliary functions. I'm happy with it now.

Cool! THANK YOU for this code :)

I was gonna do something along this line, but since you so generously posted... :)

This is some sweet stuff, man. You have made the GUI portion of my project much easier to write. I was contemplating creating another massive Select Case tree to handle GUI events from multiple windows, this is going to make things way easier. Thank you!

I've updated this to include some changes I've made since I actually wrote it a year ago. There's also a couple examples of custom gadgets at the bottom of the code (one of a rollout, although it's nearly impossible to get any decent functionality of that sort in MaxGUI).

Great wrapper

Highly suggested for all those not willing to hack around in stone age C style any further :)

Here's a module version with (mostly auto-generated) bbdoc comments for help and highlighting. I also fixed a couple of bugs; and added GetExtra and SetExtra methods, and ICheckButton and IRadioButton types. The only functional changes are moving radioGroups to IRadioGroup.list and adding a couple of default values for parameters.


Also: main code updated to include changes since the initial posting. Doesn't include any of Otus's changes, as there is no explanation of what logic he's changed and why.

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