Code archives/Miscellaneous/Insert value into an array

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Insert value into an array by Bremer2006
This function will enable you to insert a value into an existing array. You pass the array, an index number and a value. Then the function will resize the array and insert the value into the index location.
Local a:Int[] = [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]

Print "Before: "+Len(a)+" fields"
For Local b:Int = 0 To 8
	Print a[b]

a = insertIntoIntArray( a[..], 5, 5 )

Print "After: "+Len(a)+" fields"
For Local c:Int = 0 To 9
	Print a[c]

Function insertIntoIntArray:Int[](Array:Int[],index:Int,value:Int)
	Local remain:Int = (Len(array)) - index
	Local result:Int[Len(array)+1]
	For Local count:Int = 0 To index-1	' copy all values before insert
		result[count] = Array[count]
	result[index] = value				' insert value
	For Local count2:Int = 0 To remain-1	' copy remaining values after insert
		result[index+count2+1] = Array[index+count2]
	Return result
End Function



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