Code archives/Miscellaneous/StringList

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StringList by Perturbatio2005
Bmax stringlist with most of the TList functionality.
It is in a lot of instances faster, and uses less memory.
Internally, it uses an array so you can simply address the elements like an array (there are some issues with doing so because of the method used to resize), but if you ensure the element isn't null beforehand, there shouldn't be a probem.

Framework BRL.Retro
Import BRL.System

Stringlist created by Kris Kelly (Perturbatio) Dec 2005
purpose: faster access to a list of strings with less mem usage
it's performance is comparable to a TList when using a small number of strings
but when you are using a large amount, it is much better (and uses less memory).

When invoking the create method, you can specify the StepSize, this is the amount that
the Items Array will be increased by each time it is in danger of running out of space.
It is faster to do it in large blocks than in hundreds of little ones.
End Rem

Type TStringList
	Field Items:String[]
	Field _Size:Int = 0 'DO NOT MANUALLY MODIFY THIS!!!
	Field StepSize:Int
	Method AddFirst(val:String)
		Local i:Int

		'grow Items array by 1
		'Items = Items[..Items.Length + 1]
		'resize in bulk
		If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size+StepSize]
		'shift Items to the rightt, overwriting val
		For i = 1 To _Size-1 'Items.Length - 1
			Items[i] = Items[i - 1]
		Items[0] = val
		'no need to return anything here since we know it was added at 0
	End Method
	Method AddLast:Int(val:String)
		'grow Items array by 1
		'Items = Items[..Items.Length + 1]
		'resize in bulk
		If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size+StepSize]
		'set the last index to val
		'Items[Items.Length - 1] = val

		Items[_Size-1] = val
		Return _Size 'Items.Length - 1 'return the index it was added at
	End Method
	'return the entire list as a concatenated string with optional delimiter
	'because base objects have ToString, cannot override with different parameters
	Method ToDelimString:String(Delim:String = "")
		Local result:String
		Local i:Int
		For i = 0 To _Size-2
			result:+Items[i] + Delim
		result:+ Items[_Size-1]
		Return result
	End Method
	Method ToString:String()
		Return ToDelimString() 'just call ToDelimString with no parameters
	End Method
	'You could just reference the field _Size (which is what is done throughout the code), 
	'but that could result in an unsafe type if you 
	Method Count:Int()
		Return _Size
	End Method
	'return the first index where the list contains val, else return -1
	Method Contains:Int(val:String, CaseSensitive:Int = False)
		Local i:Int
		For i = 0 To _Size-1
			Select CaseSensitive
				Case True
					If val = Items[i] Then Return i
				Case False
					If val.ToUpper() = Items[i].ToUpper() Then Return i
			End Select
		Return -1
	End Method
	Function FromStringArray:TStringList(val:String[])
		Local tempList:TStringList = TStringList.Create()
			tempList.Items = val
		Catch err:String
			RuntimeError("Error when converting from String Array to TStringList, error: ~n"+err$)
			Return Null
		End Try
		Return tempList
	End Function
	Function FromString:TStringList(val:String, Delim:String)
		Local tempList:TStringList = TStringList.Create()
		Local currentChar : String = ""
		Local count : Int = 0
		Local TokenStart : Int = 0
			If Delim.Length <0 Or Delim.Length > 1 Then Return Null
			If Len(Delim)<>1 Then Return Null
			val = Trim(val)
			For count = 0 Until Len(val)
				If val[count..count+1] = delim Then
					TokenStart = count + 1
				End If
		Return tempList
	End Function

	'if AutoAddToEnd is true then if the index specified is greater than size, use AddLast
	Method Insert:Int(val:String, index:Int, AutoAddToEnd:Int = False)
		Local i:Int
		'If index is out of range, Return False
		If index < 0 Then Return False
		If index > _Size Then
			If Not AutoAddToEnd Then 
				Return False
				Return True
		'if the index is equal to Size then addlast
		If index = _Size Then 
			Return True

		'resize Items
		'Items = Items[..Items.Length]
		'resize in bulk
		If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size + StepSize]

		'shift Items to the right from index
		For i = _Size-1 To index+1 Step -1
			Items[i] = Items[i - 1]
			'Print "index "+ i + " " + items[i]
		'then insert val
		Items[index] = val
		Return True
	End Method
	Method RemoveByIndex:Int(index:Int)
		Local i:Int

		'shift Items to the left, overwriting index
		For i = index To _Size - 2
			Items[i] = Items[i + 1]
		'shrink Items by 1
		'Items = Items[..Items.Length]
		'if the length of items is at least (2 *StepSize) larger than Size, resize the array
		'this should help prevent the size from getting out of control but keep it reasonably fast
		If _Size < Items.Length - (StepSize * 2) Then Items = Items[.._Size]
		If _Size < 0 Then _Size = 0
		'null the end one
		Items[_Size] = Null
	End Method
	Method RemoveByString:Int(val:String, CaseSensitive:Int = False, RemoveAll:Int = False)
		Local i:Int

		i = Contains(val, CaseSensitive)
		While i > -1
			If Not RemoveAll Then Return True
			i = Contains(val, CaseSensitive)

		Return True
	End Method
	Method Clear()
		Items = Items[..0]
		_Size = 0
	End Method

	Method ToArray:String[]()
		Return Items
	End Method
	Method ToList(List:TList Var)
		For Local s:String = EachIn items
	End Method
	Method GetStepSize:Int()
		Return StepSize
	End Method
	Method SetStepSize(val:Int)
		If val < 1 Then val = 1 'don't allow negative values
		StepSize = val
	End Method
	Method Sort()
	End Method
	Method Free()
	End Method
	Method SaveToFile(filename:String)
		Local fs:TStream = WriteFile(filename)
		Local i:Int
		For i=0 To _Size-1
			WriteLine(fs, Items[i])
	End Method
	Method LoadFromFile(filename:String)
		Local fs:TStream = OpenFile(filename)
		If Not fs Then Return
		While Not Eof(fs)
	End Method
	Function Destroy(sl:TStringList)
		sl = Null
	End Function
	Function Create:TStringList(StepSize:Int = 10)
		Local tempList:TStringList = New TStringList
		tempList.StepSize = StepSize
		Return tempList
	End Function
End Type

Rem test Insert
Global sl:TStringList = TStringList.Create(10)

Print sl.ToString()
sl.Insert("C", 2)
Print sl.ToString()
sl.Insert("E", 4)
Print sl.ToString()


For Local s:String = EachIn sl.Items
	If s<>Null Then Print s

sl.RemoveByString("f", True, True)
Print sl.ToDelimString("-")

End Rem

'Rem test speed
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Global numberOfIterations:Int = 9999 'increase this to see the performance difference

'Test a TStringList
Print "~nTStringList:~n"
Global sl:TStringList = TStringList.Create(10000) 'change this to a 1 and see the performance change

Local starttime:Int = MilliSecs()

For Local i:Int = 0 To numberOfIterations
	sl.AddLast(Chr(Rand(65,90)) + Chr(Rand(65,90)))


Print MilliSecs()-Starttime + "ms"
Print (GCMemAlloced()/1024)+"kb used"

Print (GCMemAlloced()/1024)+"kb after free"

'test a TList
Print "~nTList:~n"
Global sl2:TList = New TList

starttime:Int = MilliSecs()

For Local i:Int = 0 To numberOfIterations
	sl2.AddLast(Chr(Rand(65,90)) + Chr(Rand(65,90)))


Print MilliSecs()-Starttime + "ms"
Print (GCMemAlloced()/1024)+"kb used"
sl2 = Null
Print (GCMemAlloced()/1024)+"kb after free"



Note: given that you don't inherit from TList (which wouldn't make sense anyway) or any other "interface" class, you should make all your methods final. That will give you another little speed boost, as there will no be dynamic dispatch anymore.

By the way why limiting it to strings? Strings are just objects in BlitzMax, so there's not much to gain by constraining the elements to strings (well, admitedly you free yourself from constant casts, but a more general purpose implementation would be good nonetheless).

EDIT: Oh, I see you also have some methods very specific to strings. Anyway, a general purpose version would still be good :)

Do you mean something like this?

Looks good.
How do I sort?

Well, with the StringList, you just use Sort()

With the ObjectList, there is a sort method which relies on the compare methods of the objects.

I've put a little workaround for the sort method (see ).

Ok, thanks. :)

I've just realised that there's a major flaw in the sort method for the ObjectList. It's currently sorting a slice which is a copy of the array, it probably won't sort the actual array like this. Problem is sorting it as is causes an Unhandled Memory Exception

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