Code archives/Miscellaneous/SmartSplit Function

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SmartSplit Function by CoderLaureate2005
The SmartSplit function will split a string into an array based upon
either one single delimiter, or a series of delimiters. Delimiter
characters inside of text qualifiers (") are ignored.

This way the line ...

"Pishlo, Ami", "Pishlo, Jim"

is only separated into two lines instead of four.

If you specify more than one delimiter the string be split from the
beginning up to the first delimiter, then everything up to the next
delimiter, and so on.


Local arr:String[] = SmartSplit("Command(parm1, parm2)","(,)")

Would return:

arr[0] = Command -From beginning to first (
arr[1] = parm1 -Next char up to ,
arr[2] = parm2 -Next char up to )

This would definitely come in handy if you had to process commands, say,
in your own scripting language or something.
Function SmartSplit:String[](str:String, dels:String, text_qual:String = "~q")
	Local Parms:String[] = New String[1]
	Local pPtr:Int = 0
	Local chPtr:Int = 0
	Local delPtr:Int = 0
	Local qt:Int = False
	Local str2:String = ""
		Local del:String = Chr(dels[delPtr])
		Local ch:String = Chr(str[chPtr])
		If ch = text_qual Then 
			If qt = False Then
				qt = True
				qt = False
			End If
		End If
		If ch = del Then
			If qt = True Then str2:+ ch
			str2:+ ch
		End If
		If ch = del Or chPtr = str.Length - 1 Then
			If qt = False Then
				Parms[pPtr] = str2.Trim()
				str2 = ""
				pPtr:+ 1
				Parms = Parms[..pPtr + 1]
				If dels.length > 1 And delPtr < dels.length Then delPtr:+ 1
			End If
		End If
		chPtr:+ 1
		If chPtr = str.Length Then Exit
	If Parms.Length > 1 Then Parms = Parms[..Parms.Length - 1]
	Return Parms
End Function

'Test Code
Local i:Int

Print "~r~n~qjim,ami,liz~q, ~q,~q"
Local p:String[] = SmartSplit("jim,ami,liz",",")

For i = 0 To p.Length - 1
	Print i + ": " + p[i]

Print "~r~n~qCommand(parm1 + ~q, ~q + parmB, parm2)~q, ~q(,)~q"
Local p2:String[] = SmartSplit("Command(parm1 + ~q, ~q + parmB, parm2)","(,)")

For i = 0 To p2.Length - 1
	Print i + ": " + p2[i]



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