Code archives/Miscellaneous/MaxGUI Panel Image Buttons

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MaxGUI Panel Image Buttons by WendellM2005
The appearance of a native GUI button depends heavily on the OS and its settings. With these image buttons, you have much more control over what they look like. This code seems to work well enough in Windows XP and Mac OS X (untested with Linux), though it hasn't been exhaustively tested and could probably be improved. Using the panel's text field for mouse state is kinda weird, but I wanted to minimize overhead and I have no need for the text field myself.

A pixmap is created using your specified imagefont (and image if desired) and applied to a panel that then responds like a button (including the ability to drag pressed mouse away and back). An ImageFont is used rather than a GUIFont since GUIFonts can't be loaded if they aren't already installed (at least on Windows) while ImageFonts can be loaded as .TTF files.

To download freely redistributable TTF font and sample PNG to use, along with source, use:

' Panels serving as image buttons with color text (and color background if no image supplied)
' Wendell Martin, Jr. - December 26, 2005
' Written for BlitzMax 1.14.  Successfully tested on Windows XP SP2 and MacOS 10.3.9; not tried in Linux


Type TImageButton

	Field panel:TGadget, shadow:TGadget
	Field mouseover, primed

	Function Create:TImageButton ( x,y, w,h, group:TGadget, text$ = "", font:TImageFont = Null, ..
	         tr=0,tg=0,tb=0, image:TImage = Null, br=224,bg=224,bb=224, sr=0,sg=0,sb=0, ss=3,so=1)
	' X,Y, W,H, Group, Text, Font, Text RGB, Background Image, Background RGB, Shadow RGB, Shadow Size, Shadow Offset
	' The shadow size and offset are adjustable in case they need to be bigger for very large buttons
	' A canvas to draw button on
		Local t:TImageButton = New TImageButton
		'Do the underlying shadow first
		t.shadow = CreatePanel( x,y, w,h, group )
		SetPanelColor t.shadow, sr, sg, sb
		DisableGadget t.shadow ' if not disabled, it can interfere with events
		' And now the button itself
		Local canvas:TGadget = CreateCanvas( 0, 0, w - ss, h - ss, group )
			HideGadget canvas ' Looks nicer if hidden. Works in Windows, but fails in MacOS (Linux unknown)
		SetGraphics CanvasGraphics( canvas )
		' the button's background
		SetClsColor br, bg, bb
		If image <> Null Then 
			Local sx# = Float( ( w - ss ) ) / ImageWidth( image )
			Local sy# = Float( ( h - ss ) ) / ImageHeight( image )
			SetScale sx, sy
			DrawImage image, 0, 0 ' stretch to fit
		' button's text
		SetScale 1,1
		SetColor tr, tg, tb
		If font <> Null Then SetImageFont font
		Local tw = TextWidth( text ), th = 	TextHeight( text )
		DrawText text, ( ( w - tw ) / 2 ) - 1, ( ( h - th ) / 2 ) ' center text horiz/vert (the -1 is a tweak)
		' now grab what's been drawn and assign it to panel
		Local pix:tpixmap = CreatePixmap( w - ss, h - ss, PF_RGB888 )
		pix=GrabPixmap( 0, 0, w - ss, h - ss )
		t.panel:tgadget=CreatePanel( x + so, y + so, w - ss, h - ss, group, PANEL_ACTIVE )
		SetPanelPixmap t.panel, pix
		FreeGadget canvas
		Return t
	End Function
	Method clicked()
	' This emulates how buttons work, including being able to "change your mind" after pressing the mouse
	' button by moving the pointer away and releasing the button.  
		Select EventID()
				If mouseover And primed Then 
					primed = False
					SetGadgetShape panel, GadgetX(panel)-1, GadgetY(panel)-1, GadgetWidth(panel), GadgetHeight(panel) ' back to default
					Return True ' clicked
				If Not mouseover Then
					primed = False
				primed = True
				SetGadgetShape panel, GadgetX(panel)+1, GadgetY(panel)+1, GadgetWidth(panel), GadgetHeight(panel) ' 1 pixel down/right
				mouseover = True
				If primed Then SetGadgetShape panel, GadgetX(panel)+1, GadgetY(panel)+1, GadgetWidth(panel), GadgetHeight(panel)
				mouseover = False
				If primed Then SetGadgetShape panel, GadgetX(panel)-1, GadgetY(panel)-1, GadgetWidth(panel), GadgetHeight(panel)
		End Select
	End Method
End Type

Local window:TGadget = CreateWindow( "Panel 'Image Buttons'", 100,100, 400,300, Null, WINDOW_TITLEBAR )

Local text0:TGadget = CreateTextField( 5,10, 95,20, window )
Local button0:TGadget = CreateButton( "Real Button", 5,30, 95,30, window, BUTTON_PUSH )

Local AFont:TImageFont = LoadImageFont( "Tymes Bold.ttf", 17 )
Local Texture:TImage = LoadImage( "wood.png" )

' As simple as possible - use default font and colors:
Local text1:TGadget = CreateTextField( 5,80, 95,20, window )
Local panel1:TImageButton = TImageButton.Create( 5,100, 95,30, window, "Test Panel" )

' With custom font, text color, background color, and shadow color:
Local text2:TGadget = CreateTextField( 105,80, 95,20, window )
Local panel2:TImageButton = TImageButton.Create( 105,100, 95,30, window, "Test Panel", AFont, 255,0,0, Null, 200,200,255, 120,120,120 )

'With custom font and image. The brown background color is unneeded, but is a fallback in case texture image not found:
Local text3:TGadget = CreateTextField( 205,80, 95,20, window )
Local panel3:TImageButton = TImageButton.Create( 205,100, 95,30, window, "Test Panel", AFont, 255,255,127, Texture, 127,127,0 )

	Select EventSource()
		Case button0
			Select EventID()
					SetGadgetText text0, Int( TextFieldText(text0) ) + 1
			End Select
		Case panel1.panel
			If panel1.clicked() Then SetGadgetText text1, Int( TextFieldText( text1 ) ) + 1 ' increment count
		Case panel2.panel
			If panel2.clicked() Then SetGadgetText text2, Int( TextFieldText( text2 ) ) + 1
		Case panel3.panel
			If panel3.clicked() Then SetGadgetText text3, Int( TextFieldText( text3 ) ) + 1
	End Select



Nigel Brown2005
Unable to convert from 'Int' to 'TGadget' ?

BlitzMAX 1.14

Nigel with strict you need to change something
Local window:TGadget = CreateWindow( "Panel 'Image Buttons'", 100,100, 400,300, 0, WINDOW_TITLEBAR )

Local window:TGadget = CreateWindow( "Panel 'Image Buttons'", 100,100, 400,300, , WINDOW_TITLEBAR )

and you need to specify
Local AFont:timagefont = LoadImageFont( "Tymes Bold.ttf", 17 )

or delete the 'strict' command at the top

I've re-written this for 1.14 so the above problems are fixed.

The code is also structured a lot better now. :)

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