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Create Process (windows) by Lomat2005
My first posting to the blitzmax code archive so i hope it works :) Comments and suggestions welcome.

This class will allow you to spawn processes from within you application (under windows) and allow you to keep you blitz max application running in the background.

Example usage:

Local p:Process = New Process
p.setArgs("C:\Program Files\BlitzMax\doc\home.html")
While p.isRunning()
Print "Process is running..."
Print "Process finished with return value " + p.getReturnValue()
Extern "Win32"
	Function WaitForSingleObject:Int(hHandle:Int, dwMilliseconds:Int)
	Function GetExitCodeProcess:Int(hProcess:Int, lpExitCode:Int)
	Function CreateProcessA:Int(lpApplicationName:Byte Ptr, lpCommandLine:Byte Ptr, lpProcessAttributes:Int, lpThreadAttributes:Int, bInheritHandles:Int, dwCreationFlags:Int, lpEnvironment:Int, lpCurrentDirectory:Byte Ptr, lpStartupInfo:ProcessStartUpInfo, lpProcessInformation:ProcessInformation)
	Function CloseHandle:Int(hProcess:Int)
	Function GetActiveWindow:Int()
	Function SetForegroundWindow(hWnd:Int)
	Function SetActiveWindow(hWnd:Int)
	Function OpenProcess:Int(dwDesiredAccess:Int, bInheritHandle:Int, dwProcessId:Int)
	Function keybd_event(bVk:Byte, bScan:Byte, dwFlags:Int, dwExtraInfo:Int)
End Extern

Type ProcessStartUpInfo
   Field cb:Int
   Field lpReserved:String
   Field lpDesktop:String
   Field lpTitle:String
   Field dwX:Int
   Field dwY:Int
   Field dwXSize:Int
   Field dwYSize:Int
   Field dwXCountChars:Int
   Field dwYCountChars:Int
   Field dwFillAttribute:Int
   Field dwFlags:Int
   Field wShowWindow:Int
   Field cbReserved2:Int
   Field lpReserved2:Int
   Field hStdInput:Int
   Field hStdOutput:Int
   Field hStdError:Int
End Type

Type ProcessInformation
   Field hProcess:Int
   Field hThread:Int
   Field dwProcessID:Int
   Field dwThreadID:Int
End Type

Type Process

	Field exe:String
	Field args:String
	Field proc:ProcessInformation
	Field returnValue:Int
	Field pHandle:Int
	Field myhWnd:Int
	Method New()
		myHwnd = GetActiveWindow()
	End Method
	Method setExe (appPath:String)
		exe = appPath
	End Method

	Method setArgs (argString:String)
		args = argString
	End Method
	Method getReturnValue:Int ()
		Return returnValue
	End Method
	Method create()
		' change to exe directory
		' spawn process...
		Local cmd:String  = "~q" + exe + "~q" + " " + "~q" + args + "~q"
		Print "Run process: " + cmd
		Local start:ProcessStartUpInfo = New ProcessStartUpInfo
		proc = New ProcessInformation
		CreateProcessA(Null, cmd.ToCString(), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, Null, start, proc)
		pHandle     = OpenProcess($100000, -1, proc.hProcess)
		returnValue = Null
	End Method
	Method isRunning:Int()
		Local v:Int = WaitForSingleObject(pHandle, 0)
		Select v
			Case 0
				returnValue = GetExitCodeProcess(pHandle, v)
				Print "Process finished with return value: " + returnValue
				' change back to this app dir.
				' Set focus back to this application.
				' Since were a full screen app Windows does not like
				' makign you go back into full screen mode so we have
				' to emulate the user pressing Alt + Enter :)
				' Add a little delay
				' send alt + enter to get back full screen window :)
				keybd_event(KEY_ALT, 0, 0, 0)
				keybd_event(KEY_RETURN, 0, 0, 0)
				' we have to let go of the keys :)
				keybd_event(KEY_RETURN, 0, 2, 0)
				keybd_event(KEY_ALT, 0, 2, 0)
				' app should now be back in focus and on the screen.
				Return 0
			Case -1
				' We normally get this if the process failed to launch.
				Print "WaitForSingleObject failed."
				Return 0
				' Process is running.
				Return 1				
		End Select
	End Method
End Type


For getting back to full screen sending ALT+TAB instead of ALT+ENTER might work better. YMMV so see which one works for you. :)

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