Code archives/Miscellaneous/Substring$(string1$,x,y)

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Substring$(string1$,x,y) by Zach3D2005
Zach3D (Zach J. meier)
I wrote this because i use it alot and I think other people could use it(Please post your comments!)
;Substring Function(gets the string located at A,B of string)
Function Substring$(s1$,a,b)
length = b - a
J$ = Mid$(s1$,a,length + 1)
Return J$
End Function

trigstring$ = "Hello my name is Zach"
Print SubString$(trigstring$,3,8)

;This prints "llo my"


Sonari Eclipsi Onimari2006
I hate to burst your bubble, but "INSTR" is a function that deals with this. But good thinking though... :)

Instr doesn't do this, Instr finds one string in another.

He's right you know, Instr doesn't do this.

but I think mid$ might.


The issue is whether you want "startposition - end position" or "startposition - amount", that function does the first, mid$ does the second..

It's a simple function, but it makes working with strings appear much nicer.
Whenever I do stuff with strings, it ends up looking really confusing and messy because of things like Mid(string$,start,(end-start)+1)

Only nitpick I could mention is the x,y .. typically you'd see those vars for anything 2d'ish, while this thing here reads from a 1d string. I'd avoid x,y and use x1,x2 or a,b or start,end etc.

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