Code archives/Miscellaneous/newstart-requester with winapi

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newstart-requester with winapi by MPZ2004
This program starts the newstart requester of WIN ME/XP/W2000
; This Procedure is for free MPZ (@) from Berlin
; Version 0.1 12/2004
; This works only with ME/XP/W2000 NOT WIN9x
; Write the following files in the blitz/userlibs 

; file with name "setupapi.decl" and the content:
; .lib "setupapi.dll"
; api_SetupPromptReboot (FileQueue%, Owner%, ScanOnly%) : "SetupPromptReboot"

; This program starts the newstart requester of WIN ME/XP/W2000

api_SetupPromptReboot (0,0,0)



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