Code archives/Miscellaneous/Simple Linked Lists

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Simple Linked Lists by dmaz2004
This code is public domain, use how you wish.

Use these functions when you want to separate Blitz objects into different lists for processing. You can declare as many lists as you like using any of your own user defined types without the need to modify the BList file. Since we are dealing with pointers to objects, we need to use the Blitz commands Object() and Handle(). Use Handle() when passing a function one of your user defined types. Use Object() when the function returns a user defined type. So…

Type Ball
Field id
End Type
list.BList = New BList

b.Ball = New Ball
ptr% = FirstItem(list)
b = Object.Ball(ptr)

Lets make that code a little smaller…

Type Ball
Field id
End Type
list.BList = New BList

AddFront(list,Handle(New Ball))
b.Ball = Object.Ball(FirstItem(list))

I hope you find this useful,

Function List:
userTypePtr% = AddFront%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
userTypePtr% = AddBack%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
trueFalse% = ResetList%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = NextItem%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = PrevItem%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = FirstItem%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = LastItem%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = CurrentItem%( list.BList )
userTypePtr% = MoveItem%( fromList.BList, toList.BList )
userTypePtr% = KillItem%( list.BList, node.BNode )
node.BNode = CurrentNode.BNode( list.Blist )
totalItems% = TotalItems%( list.BList )

Example Code:
Include ""

Type Ball
	Field id
	Field x#
	Field y#
End Type

; declare the 2 lists
list1.BList = New BList
list2.BList = New BList

;create 6 objects in the list
For i = 0 To 5
	b.Ball = Object.Ball(AddFront(list1,Handle(New Ball)))
	b\id = i
Print "list1:" : printlist(list1)

;process list1
While NextItem(list1)
	b.Ball = Object.Ball(CurrentItem(list1))
	; move id 4 to list2
	If b\id = 4 Then MoveItem(list1,list2)	
	; delete id 3 later
	If b\id = 3 Then tmp.BNode = CurrentNode(list1)
	; delete id 2. this needs to be the last test, because if
	; you delete an object you can no longer perform other tests.
	If b\id = 2 Then Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1,Null))
Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1,tmp))

Print "list1: (deleted 2,3; moved 4)" : printlist(list1)
Print "list2:" : printlist(list2)

;clear entire list1
While FirstItem(list1)
	Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1,Null))
Print "list1:" : printlist(list1)


Function printlist(list.BList)
	While NextItem(list)
		b.Ball = Object.Ball(CurrentItem(list))
		Print b\id
End Function

The full code to include:
; created: July 2004
; version: 1.1
; author: dmaz
; Public Domain, use as you wish.
; userTypePtr% = AddFront%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
; userTypePtr% = AddBack%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
; trueFalse% = ResetList%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = NextItem%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = PrevItem%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = FirstItem%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = LastItem%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = CurrentItem%( list.BList )
; userTypePtr% = MoveItem%( fromList.BList, toList.BList )
; userTypePtr% = KillItem%( list.BList, node.BNode )
; node.BNode = CurrentNode.BNode( list.Blist )
; totalItems% = TotalItems%( list.BList )

Type BNode
	Field prevNode.BNode
	Field nextNode.BNode
	Field userTypePtr%
End Type

Type BList
	Field firstNode.BNode
	Field lastNode.BNode
	Field currentNode.BNode
	Field totalNodes%
End Type

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; AddFront%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
; Discription:
;     Inserts object at the beginning of the list.  AddFront() DOES NOT change
;     the 'current item' pointer to the newly added object.  The Parameter
;     userTypePtr should be passed using the Blitz Basic command 'Handle()'.
; Returns:
;     Pointer to the newly added user defined object.
; Example:
;     AddFront(myList,Handle(New MyUserType))
Function AddFront%( list.BList, userTypePtr% )
	If list = Null Or userTypePtr = 0 Then Return False

	n.BNode = New BNode

	If list\firstNode = Null	; list is empty
		n\prevNode = Null
		n\nextNode = Null		
		list\firstNode = n
		list\lastNode = n
	Else								; list is not empty
		n\prevNode = Null
		n\nextNode = list\firstNode
		list\firstNode\prevNode = n
		list\firstNode = n
	n\userTypePtr = userTypePtr
	list\totalNodes = list\totalNodes+1
	Return n\userTypePtr
End Function

; AddBack%( list.Blist, userTypePtr% )
; Discription:
;     Attaches object at the end of the list.  AddBack DOES NOT change
;     the 'current item' pointer to the newly added object.  The Parameter
;     userTypePtr should be passed using the Blitz Basic command 'Handle()'.
; Returns:
;     Pointer to the newly added user defined object.
; Example:
;     AddBack(myList,Handle(New MyUserType))
Function AddBack%( list.BList, userTypePtr% )
	If list = Null Or userTypePtr = 0 Then Return False
	n.BNode = New BNode
	If list\firstNode = Null	; list is empty
		n\prevNode = Null
		n\nextNode = Null
		list\firstNode = n
		list\lastNode = n
	Else								; list is not empty
		n\prevNode = list\lastNode
		n\nextNode = Null
		list\lastNode\nextNode = n
		list\lastNode = n
	n\userTypePtr = userTypePtr
	list\totalNodes = list\totalNodes+1
	Return n\userTypePtr
End Function

; ResetList%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     Use ResetList() to prepare the list for processing with NextItem()
;     ResetList() DOES change the list's 'current item' pointer previous to
;     the first item.
; Returns:
;     True if successfull, false if it's been passed a null BList
; Example:
;     ResetList(myList)
Function ResetList( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False

	list\currentNode = Null
	Return True
End Function

; NextItem%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     NextItem() DOES change the list's 'current item' pointer to the item after the
;     current 'current item'.
; Returns:
;     If there is a next item, NextItem() will return a pointer to a user defined
;     object. Otherwise it will return false.  When a function returns a pointer to
;     an object you generally want to convert it using the Blitz Basic command
;     'Object()'
; Example:
;     ResetList(myList)
;     While NextItem(myList)
;        u.MyUserType = Object.Bull(CurrentItem(myList))
;        Print u\myField
;     Wend
Function NextItem%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If list\currentNode = Null
		If list\firstNode = Null
			Return False	
			list\currentNode = list\firstNode
			Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr
		If list\currentNode\nextNode = Null
			Return False
			list\currentNode = list\currentNode\nextNode
			Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr
End Function

; PrevItem%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     PrevItem() DOES change the list's 'current item' pointer to the item before the
;     current 'current item'.
; Returns:
;     If there is a previous item, PrevItem() will return a pointer to a user defined
;     object. Otherwise it will return false.  When a function returns a pointer to
;     an object you generally want to convert it using the Blitz Basic command
;     'Object()'
; Example:
Function PrevItem%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If list\currentNode = Null
		If list\lastNode = Null
			Return False	
			list\currentNode = list\lastNode
			Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr
		If list\currentNode\prevNode = Null
			Return False
			list\currentNode = list\currentNode\prevNode
			Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr
End Function

; FirstItem%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     FirstItem() DOES change the list's 'current item' pointer to the first item
;     the list
; Returns:
;     If there are any items in the list, FirstItem() will return a pointer to a
;     user defined object.  Otherwise it will return false if the list is empty.
; Example:
;     u.MyUserType = Object.MyUserType(FirstItem(myList))
Function FirstItem%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If list\firstNode = Null
		Return False
		list\currentNode = list\firstNode
		Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr	
End Function

; LastItem%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     LastItem() DOES change the list's 'current item' pointer to the last item
;     the list
; Returns:
;     If there are any items in the list, LastItem() will return a pointer to a
;     user defined object.  Otherwise it will return false if the list is empty.
; Example:
;     u.MyUserType = Object.MyUserType(LastItem(myList))
Function LastItem%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If list\lastNode = Null
		Return False
		list\currentNode = list\lastNode
		Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr	
End Function

; CurrentItem%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     CurrentItem() returns a pointer to the current item in the list.
; Returns:
;     If there are any items in the list, CurrentItem() will return a pointer to a
;     user defined object.  Otherwise it will return false if the list is empty or
;     ResetList() was just called.
; Example:
;     u.MyUserType = Object.MyUserType(CurrentItem(myList))
Function CurrentItem%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If list\currentNode = Null
		Return False
		Return list\currentNode\userTypePtr
End Function

; MoveItem%( fromList.BList, toList.BList )
; Discription:
;     Moves the current item from one list to the BACK of another list.
; Returns:
;     It will return a pointer to a user defined object.  Otherwise it will
;     return false if the from list is empty or either list is Null.
; Example:
;     MoveItem(myList,myOtherList)
Function MoveItem%( fromList.BList, toList.BList )
	If fromList = Null Or toList = Null Then Return False
	If fromList\currentNode = Null
		Return False
		If fromList\currentNode\nextNode <> Null Then fromList\currentNode\nextNode\prevNode = fromList\currentNode\prevNode
		If fromList\currentNode\prevNode <> Null Then fromList\currentNode\prevNode\nextNode = fromList\currentNode\nextNode
		If fromList\firstNode = fromList\currentNode Then fromList\firstNode = fromList\currentNode\nextNode
		If fromList\lastNode = fromList\currentNode Then fromList\lastNode = fromList\currentNode\prevNode
		n.BNode = fromList\currentNode
		fromList\currentNode = fromList\currentNode\prevNode
		fromList\totalNodes = fromList\totalNodes-1
		If toList\firstNode = Null	; list is empty
			n\prevNode = Null
			n\nextNode = Null
			toList\firstNode = n
			toList\lastNode = n
		Else								; list is not empty
			n\prevNode = toList\lastNode
			n\nextNode = Null
			toList\lastNode\nextNode = n
			toList\lastNode = n
		toList\totalNodes = toList\totalNodes+1
		Return n\userTypePtr
End Function

; KillItem%( list.BList, node.BNode )
; Discription:
;     Removes the node from the list.  If itme is Null it then removes the
;     'current item' from the list.
; Returns:
;     It will return a pointer to a user defined object so you can delete that.
;     Otherwise it will return false if the list is empty or current item and
;     the passed node are null.
; Example:
;     Delete Object.MyUserType(KillItem(myList,Null))
Function KillItem%( list.BList, node.BNode )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	If node = Null And list\currentNode = Null
		Return False
		If node = Null Then node = list\currentNode

		If node\nextNode <> Null Then node\nextNode\prevNode = node\prevNode
		If node\prevNode <> Null Then node\prevNode\nextNode = node\nextNode
		If list\firstNode = node Then list\firstNode = node\nextNode
		If list\lastNode = node Then list\lastNode = node\prevNode
		If list\currentNode = node Then list\currentNode = node\prevNode
		userTypePtr% = node\userTypePtr
		list\totalNodes = list\totalNodes-1
		Delete node
		Return userTypePtr
End Function

; CurrentNode.BNode( list.Blist )
; Discription:
;    Use with KillItem to remove an item that's not pointed to by 'current item'.
; Returns:
;    It will return the BNode of the 'current item'
; Example:
;    Print CountItems(myList)
Function CurrentNode.BNode( list.Blist )
	If list = Null Then Return Null
	Return list\currentNode
End Function

; TotalItems%( list.BList )
; Discription:
;     Returns how many items are currently in the list
; Example:
;    Print CountItems(myList)
Function TotalItems%( list.BList )
	If list = Null Then Return False
	Return list\totalNodes
End Function


userTypePtr% = KillItem%( list.BList, node.BNode ) from userTypePtr% = KillItem%( list.BList )

node.BNode = CurrentNode.BNode( list.Blist )

I also changed the example to match the new updated command. Since you can't use Null as a default value, you have to pass it yourself.

changed lines from old example:
If b\id = 4 Then MoveItem(list1,list2)
; delete id 2
If b\id = 2 Then Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1))

Print "list1: (deleted 2, moved 4)" : printlist(list1)

If b\id = 4 Then MoveItem(list1,list2)
; delete id 3 later
If b\id = 3 Then tmp.BNode = CurrentNode(list1)
; delete id 2. this needs to be the last test, because if
; you delete an object you can no longer perform other tests.
If b\id = 2 Then Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1,Null))
Delete Object.Ball(KillItem(list1,tmp))

Print "list1: (deleted 2,3; moved 4)" : printlist(list1)

I say 2 words : Simply perfect.

Thanks dmaz, many thanks.

Well, I don't know a about perfect, but thanks Extron.

Yes i know, but this is very useful. :)

userTypePtr% = PrevItem%( list.BList )

I almost never needed to go backwards in a list before. but a couple of days ago I needed to...

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