Code archives/User Input/Revised Key Codes

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Revised Key Codes by EviLToYLeT2002
The original keycodes by Defiance was basically a typed up version of the one under the Blitz help. However, some of the keys did not have the proper key codes. For example, the keycode for NUMLOCK was switched with the keycode for PAUSE. Also, the NEXT scancode had been replaced with the proper name: PAGE DOWN. CAPITALS also replaced with CAPS LOCK.

To use, copy and paste the code and save into a file - for examples "" Then to use them, use include "" in your program. Than you can just call the constants.
for example:

while not keyhit(key_esc)

NOTE: The keycodes looks unaligned, but copy and paste all text into notepad(to remove formatting) then copy and paste that into Blitz3D and it should show up as aligned properly.
;|||| - Scancode constants.||||
;Scancodes for use in your Blitz3D Program
;programmed by Brian Chang || July 01 2002

;the key_* extension is for keys on the
;main keyboard. the keypad_* extension 
;is for the keys on the numeric pad

Const key_esc=				1
Const key_1=				2
Const key_2=				3
Const key_3=				4
Const key_4=				5
Const key_5=				6
Const key_6=				7
Const key_7=				8
Const key_8=				9
Const key_9=				10
Const key_0=				11
Const key_minus=			12
Const key_equals=			13
Const key_backspace=		14
Const key_tab=				15
Const key_Q=				16
Const key_W=				17
Const key_E=				18
Const key_R=				19
Const key_T=				20
Const key_Y=				21
Const key_U=				22
Const key_I=				23
Const key_O=				24
Const key_P=				25
Const key_leftbracket=		26
Const key_rightbracket=		27
Const key_enter=			28
Const key_leftctrl=			29
Const key_A=				30
Const key_S=				31
Const key_D=				32
Const key_F=				33
Const key_G=				34
Const key_H=				35
Const key_J=				36
Const key_K=				37
Const key_L=				38
Const key_semicolon=		39
Const key_apostrophe=		40
Const key_grave=			41
Const key_leftshift=		42
Const key_backslash=		43
Const key_Z=				44
Const key_X=				45
Const key_C=				46
Const key_V=				47
Const key_B=				48
Const key_N=				49
Const key_M=				50
Const key_comma=			51
Const key_period=			52
Const key_slash=			53
Const key_rightshift=		54
Const keypad_multiply=		55
Const key_leftalt=			56
Const key_space=			57
Const key_capslock=			58
Const key_F1=				59
Const key_F2=				60
Const key_F3=				61
Const key_F4=				62
Const key_F5=				63
Const key_F6=				64
Const key_F7=				65
Const key_F8=				66
Const key_F9=				67
Const key_F10=				68
Const key_pause=			69
Const key_scrolllock=		70
Const keypad_7=				71
Const keypad_8=				72
Const keypad_9=				73
Const keypad_subtract=		74
Const keypad_4=				75
Const keypad_5=				76
Const keypad_6=				77
Const keypad_plus=			78
Const keypad_1=				79
Const keypad_2=				80
Const keypad_3=				81
Const keypad_0=				82
Const keypad_decimal=		83
Const key_OEM_102=			86
Const key_F11=				87
Const key_F12=				88
Const key_F13=				100
Const key_F14=				101
Const key_F15=				102
Const key_kana=				112
Const key_ABNT_C1=			115
Const key_convert=			121
Const key_noconvert=		123
Const key_yen=				125
Const keypad_ABNT_C2=		126
Const keypad_equals=		141
Const key_prevtrack=		144
Const key_AT=				145
Const key_colon=			146
Const key_underline=		147
Const key_kanji=			148
Const key_stop=				149
Const key_AX=				150
Const key_unlabeled=		151
Const key_nexttrack=		153
Const keypad_enter=			156
Const key_rightctrl=		157
Const key_mute=				160
Const key_calculuator=		161
Const key_playpause=		162
Const key_mediastop=		164
Const key_volumedown=		174
Const key_volumeup=			176
Const key_webhome=			178
Const keypad_comma=			179
Const keypad_divide=		181
Const key_sysreq=			183
Const key_rightalt=			184
Const key_numlock=			197
Const key_home=				199
Const key_up=				200
Const key_pageup=			201
Const key_left=				203
Const key_right=			205
Const key_end=				207
Const key_down=				208
Const key_pagedown=			209
Const key_insert=			210
Const key_delete=			211
Const key_leftwindows=		219
Const key_rightwindows=		220
Const key_apps=				221
Const key_power=			222
Const key_sleep=			223
Const key_wake=				227
Const key_wsearch=			229
Const key_wfavorites=		230
Const key_wrefresh=			231
Const key_wstop=			232
Const key_wfoward=			233
Const key_wback=			234
Const key_mycomputer=		235
Const key_mail=				236
Const key_mediaselect=		237



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