Code archives/User Input/Accessing of Wacom Pen (Legacy serial)

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Accessing of Wacom Pen (Legacy serial) by Jimmy2011
There are libraries for accessing any Wacom but for those who are interested in exact and direct access of Wacom pen (Legacy models using RS232) using their RS232 protocol.
It reads X pos, y pos, and pressure of a Wacom pen.

This I made back in 2002 but I make it available here just in case anyone has any use for it!
; Access a Wacom pen, on legacy models that uses serial cable
; Reads x position, y position, and pressure
; And testing it with some simple tiles or lines.
; Uses the portio library dll (pasted in used bits directly in source instead of including)

Dim i(7)
Global penx,peny,penpress,hovering
Global RegsIn	= CreateBank(255)
Global RegsOut	= CreateBank(255)
Function DlPortWritePortUchar%( port%, value% )
DebugLog "DlPortWritePortUchar " + port%
DebugLog "DlPortWritePortUchar " + value%
PokeInt( RegsIn, 0, port% )
PokeInt( RegsIn, 4, value% )
Return CallDLL("DIO","_DlPortWritePortUchar", RegsIn, RegsOut )
End Function
Function DlPortReadPortUchar%( port% )
DebugLog "DlPortReadPortUchar" + port%
PokeInt( RegsIn, 0, port% )
Return CallDLL("DIO","_DlPortReadPortUchar", RegsIn, RegsOut )
End Function
Global	COM 	    = 1016
Global	THR			= 0
Global	RBR			= 0
Global	DLL			= 0
Global	DLH			= 1
Global	IER			= 1
Global	FCR			= 2
Global	LCR			= 3
Global	MCR			= 4
Global	LSR			= 5
Global	MSR			= 6
Global	SCR			= 7
; DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 1, 0)
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 3, 128); DLAB
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 0, 12) ; 9600 baud
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 1, 0)  ; baud
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 3, 3)  ; bits
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 2, $c7); FIFO, 07 / 0
Dlportwriteportuchar( COM + 4 ,11) ; , Turn on DTR, RTS, And OUT
Graphics 800,600,16
SetFont LoadFont("blitz")
LoadBuffer (BackBuffer(),"Any16x16tiles.png")
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global gfx=CreateImage(16,16,64)
For a=0 To 63
GrabImage(gfx,a Shl 4,0,a)
Dim map(50,38)
; Main
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 32
DlPortWritePortUchar( COM + 0,Asc("@"))
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(0)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(1)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(2)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(3)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(4)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(5)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
Repeat:e=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + LSR ):Until e And 1
i(6)=DlPortReadPortUchar( COM + RBR )
penx=(i(2)+(i(1) Shl 7))/6
peny=(i(5)+i(4) Shl 7)/6
penpress=i(6) And 127 Xor %01000000 
hovering=i(0) And 64
If Not hovering Then penpress=0
; test
For h=0 To 37
For w=0 To 49
DrawBlock gfx,w Shl 4,h Shl 4,map(w,h)

Color 255,penpress,255
tempxmo=penx Shr 4:tempymo=peny Shr 4
; Sense tools
If mode=0 And press=0 And penpress>0 And tile=0 Then tool=1:press=1
If mode=0 And press=0 And penpress>0 And tile=2 Then tool=2:press=1
If mode=0 And press=0 And penpress>0 And tile=9 Then Color 255,0,0:press=1
If mode=0 And press=0 And penpress>0 And tile=10 Then Color 0,255,0:press=1
If mode=0 And press<>0 And penpress=0 Then press=0
If mode=0 And press<>0 Then Goto notdraw

If penpress>0 And mode=0 Then mode=1:x1=penx:y1=peny
If penpress=0 And mode=1 Then mode=2:x3=penx:y3=peny
If penpress>0 And mode=2 Then mode=3:y2=penx:y2=peny
If penpress=0 And mode=-1 Then mode=0
If (tool=1 Or tool=2) And mode=1 Then Line x1,y1,penx,peny
If tool=2 And mode=2 Then x2=penx:y2=peny:Line x1,y1,x2,y2:Line x2,y2,x3,y3 ; drawing two lines in a triangle like fashion

SetBuffer ImageBuffer(layer)
If tool=2 And mode=3 Then bezierspline(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3):mode=-1
If tool=1 And mode=2 Then Line (x1,y1,x3,y3):mode=-1


SetBuffer BackBuffer()
DrawImage layer,0,0
DrawImage gfx,penx,peny,14
Plot penx,peny
; If KeyHit(1) Then SaveBuffer(FrontBuffer(),"screenshot.bmp"): End
Until MouseDown(2)

Function createlevel()
For a=0 To 37
For b=0 To 49
End Function


Terribly sorry about the messy example it has some trashcode of functions not longer there, just comment those lines as I forgot I noticed.

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