Code archives/User Input/Player Movement: Round vs Square

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Player Movement: Round vs Square by GIB3D2010
The problem with using Square controls is that players can give themselves extra unintended speed

For example let's say you make a moat between land and a castle... the player couldn't normally jump over it by pressing just forward. But if the player holds forward+right they might be able to jump the gap.
;The problem with using Square controls is that players can
;give themselves extra unintended speed

;For example let's say you make a moat between land and a castle...
;the player couldn't normally jump over it by pressing just forward.
;But if the player holds forward+right they might be able to jump the gap.

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

AmbientLight 20,20,20
Global Light = CreateLight():RotateEntity Light,65,0,0

Global Camera = CreateCamera()
	PositionEntity Camera,0,50,0
	CameraProjMode Camera,2
	CameraZoom Camera,.1

Global Cube = CreateCube()
	PointEntity Camera,Cube

Local Key[1],MoveX#,MoveY#,Angle#
Local Toggle

;[Block] Used to calculate where to put the 2D stuff on the screen
Local X,Y,Width,Height
CameraProject Camera,-1,0,1
X = ProjectedX()
Y = ProjectedY()
CameraProject Camera,1,0,-1
Width = ProjectedX()-X
Height = ProjectedY()-Y

While Not KeyDown(1)
	If KeyHit(57) Toggle = Not Toggle
	Key[0] = KeyDown(30)-KeyDown(32) ; X
	Key[1] = KeyDown(31)-KeyDown(17) ; Y
	Select Toggle
		Case True ; Round Controls
			Angle = VectorYaw(Key[0],0,Key[1])
			If Key[0] Or Key[1]
				MoveX = AngleX(Angle)
				MoveY = AngleY(Angle)
			PositionEntity Cube,MoveX,0,MoveY
		Case False ; Square Controls
			PositionEntity Cube,-Key[0],0,-Key[1]
	End Select
	Color 255,255,255
	Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,0,"Controls: WASD and Space to toggle input",1
	Select Toggle
		Case True ; Round Controls
			Color 255,0,0
			Oval X,Y,Width,Height,0
			Color 255,255,255
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,20,"These are more circular controls",1
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,ProjectedY()-160,"X("+AngleX(Angle)+")",1
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,ProjectedY()-140,"Y("+AngleY(Angle)+")",1
		Case False ; Square Controls
			Color 255,0,0
			Rect X,Y,Width,Height,0
			Color 255,255,255
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,20,"These are the basic kind of controls mostly used by First Person Shooter games",1
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,ProjectedY()-160,"X("+Key[0]+")",1
			Text GraphicsWidth()*.5,ProjectedY()-140,"Y("+Key[1]+")",1
	End Select

Function AngleX#(angle#)
	Return Cos(angle-90)
End Function

Function AngleY#(angle#)
	Return Sin(angle-90)
End Function


Good demonstration.
If anyone has played/seen 'The World's Hardest Game' you'll understand the problems of 'square' movement if FPS games...

Is this a result of moving, say:


totalling 2 Units of movement in 1 'turn'?

Well, technically 1.4 units (Sqare root of 2) but basically your purpose in the game is to make use of diagonal movement because it does make a considerable difference. If you can travel 40% faster in a game by moving diagonally and the developer hasn't accounted for this, there will definitely be inherent problems...

there will definitely be inheren problems...

...or 'feature' -- in the Descent games you can sometimes outrun someone who's chasing you by flying forward and strafing sideways at the same time. A bit trickier to stear that way, but you do get a speedboost that can help you escape.

Well, technically 1.4 units (Sqare root of 2) but basically your purpose in the game is to make use of diagonal movement because it does make a considerable difference. If you can travel 40% faster in a game by moving diagonally and the developer hasn't accounted for this, there will definitely be inherent problems...

Sorry, yeah that's what I meant...

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