Code archives/User Input/Input Class/Lua Script

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Input Class/Lua Script by N2009
This is a small class and script for use with LuGI - although you could probably make it work without.

The script should be loaded after LuGI is initialized and the Input global is set, at which point this takes the global and hides it away in a table and provides a wrapper for it that handles more than just Key/MouseDown, but also allows you to hook functions to keys based on priority and the type of event they want to receive (whether it's when the key is pressed or release) and so on.
' input.bmx

Import LuGI.Core

Type Input {expose static}
	Method l_KeyDown:Int(key:Int) {rename="KeyDown" bool}
		Return KeyDown(key)
	End Method
	Method l_MouseDown:Int(button:Int) {rename="MouseDown" bool}
		Return MouseDown(button)
	End Method
	Method l_MouseX:Int()
		Return MouseX()
	End Method
	Method l_MouseY:Int()
		Return MouseY()
	End Method
	Method l_MouseZ:Int()
		Return MouseZ()
	End Method
	Method l_MouseXSpeed:Int()
		Return MouseXSpeed()
	End Method
	Method l_MouseYSpeed:Int()
		Return MouseYSpeed()
	End Method
	Method l_MouseZSpeed:Int()
		Return MouseZSpeed()
	End Method
End Type

-- input.lua
-- Borrowing values from the keycodes module

Mouse = {
	Left = 1,
	Right = 2,
	Middle = 3,

Modifier = {
	Shift = 1,
	Control = 2,
	Option = 4,
	System = 8,
	LeftMouse = 16,
	RightMouse = 32,
	MiddleMouse = 64,

Key = {
	Backspace = 8,
	Tab = 9,
	Clear = 12,
	Return = 13, Enter = 13,
	Escape = 27,
	Space = 32,
	PageUp = 33,
	PageDown = 34,
	End = 35,
	Home = 36,
	Left = 37,
	Up = 38,
	Right = 39,
	Down = 40,
	Select = 41,
	Print = 42,
	Execute = 43,
	PrintScreen = 44,
	Insert = 45,
	Delete = 46,
	["0"] = 48,
	["1"] = 49,
	["2"] = 50,
	["3"] = 51,
	["4"] = 52,
	["5"] = 53,
	["6"] = 54,
	["7"] = 55,
	["8"] = 56,
	["9"] = 57,
	A = 65, a = 65,
	B = 66, b = 66,
	C = 67, c = 67,
	D = 68, d = 68,
	E = 69, e = 69,
	F = 70, f = 70,
	G = 71, g = 71,
	H = 72, h = 72,
	I = 73, i = 73,
	J = 74, j = 74,
	K = 75, k = 75,
	L = 76, l = 76,
	M = 77, m = 77,
	N = 78, n = 78,
	O = 79, o = 79,
	P = 80, p = 80,
	Q = 81, q = 81,
	R = 82, r = 82,
	S = 83, s = 83,
	T = 84, t = 84,
	U = 85, u = 85,
	V = 86, v = 86,
	W = 87, w = 87,
	X = 88, x = 88,
	Y = 89, y = 89,
	Z = 90, z = 90,
	Numpad0 = 96,
	Numpad1 = 97,
	Numpad2 = 98,
	Numpad3 = 99,
	Numpad4 = 100,
	Numpad5 = 101,
	Numpad6 = 102,
	Numpad7 = 103,
	Numpad8 = 104,
	Numpad9 = 105,
	NumpadMultiply = 106,
	NumpadPlus = 107,
	NumpadMinus = 109,
	NumpadPeriod = 110,
	NumpadSlash = 111,
	F1 = 112,
	F2 = 113,
	F3 = 114,
	F4 = 115,
	F5 = 116,
	F6 = 117,
	F7 = 118,
	F8 = 119,
	F9 = 120,
	F10 = 121,
	F11 = 122,
	F12 = 123,
	Tilde = 192,
	Minus = 189,
	Equals = 187,
	OpenBracket = 219,
	CloseBracket = 221,
	Backslash = 226,
	Semicolon = 186,
	Quotes = 222,
	Comma = 188,
	Period = 190,
	Slash = 191,
	LeftShift = 160,
	RightShift = 161,
	LeftControl = 162,
	RightControl = 163,
	LeftOption = 164,
	RightOption = 165,
	LeftSystem = 91,
	RightSystem = 92,
	-- typing this wasn't fun.  should've used a regex.

local function _stateCheck(self, current_name, previous_name, comp)
	return function(self, ...)
		buttons = {...}
		for key,button in next, buttons, nil do
			buttons[button] = comp(self[current_name][button], self[previous_name][button])
		return unpack(buttons)

local function _downState(self, current_name, previous_name)
	return _stateCheck(self, current_name, previous_name, function(c,p) return c end)

local function _hitState(self, current_name, previous_name)
	return _stateCheck(self, current_name, previous_name, function(c,p) return (c and not p) end)

local function _upState(self, current_name, previous_name)
	return _stateCheck(self, current_name, previous_name, function(c,p) return (not c and p) end)

local function _bind(name)
	return function(self)
		return self._input[name]()

_G.Input = {
	_input = (type(Input) == "table" and Input._input) or Input,		-- store old Input singleton object (bmx) and wrap it
	keys_previous = {},
	keys_current = {},
	mouse_current = {},
	mouse_previous = {},
	bindings_keys = {
		key = {
			closure = function(key, depressed) ... end -> handled
			onPress = true|false
			onRelease = true|false
			priority = number
	bindings_mouse = { --[[ same model as above ]] },

	-- Get key state

	KeyDown = _downState(self, "keys_current", "keys_previous"),
	KeyHit = _hitState(self, "keys_current", "keys_previous"),
	KeyUp = _upState(self, "keys_current", "keys_previous"),

	MouseDown = _downState(self, "mouse_current", "mouse_previous"),
	MouseHit = _hitState(self, "mouse_current", "mouse_previous"),
	MouseUp = _upState(self, "mouse_current", "mouse_previous"),

	MousePosition = function(self) return self._input:MouseX(), self._input:MouseY(), self._input:MouseZ() end,
	MouseSpeed = function(self) return self._input:MouseXSpeed(), self._input:MouseYSpeed(), self._input:MouseZSpeed() end,
	MouseX = _bind("MouseX"), MouseY = _bind("MouseY"), MouseZ = _bind("MouseZ"),
	MouseXSpeed = _bind("MouseXSpeed"), MouseYSpeed = _bind("MouseYSpeed"), MouseZSpeed = _bind("MouseZSpeed"),

	-- Update

	_runBindings = function(self, binder, current, previous)
		for k,v in next, current, nil do
			if v ~= (previous[k] or false) then
				bindings = binder[k]
				if bindings then
					for bk, binding in next, bindings, nil do
						if ((v and binding.onPress) or (not v and binding.onRelease)) and binding.closure(k, v) then

	_updateState = function(self, states, buttons, buttonStatus)
		for k,button in next, buttons, nil do
			states[button] = buttonStatus(self._input, button)

	Update = function(self)
		do local t = self.keys_previous
			self.keys_previous = self.keys_current
			self.keys_current = t
			t = self.mouse_current
			self.mouse_current = self.mouse_previous
			self.mouse_previous = t
		self:_updateState(self.keys_current, Key, self._input.KeyDown)
		self:_updateState(self.mouse_current, Mouse, self._input.MouseDown)
		self:_runBindings(self.bindings_mouse, self.mouse_current, self.mouse_previous)
		self:_runBindings(self.bindings_keys, self.keys_current, self.keys_previous)

	-- Bindings

	_setBinding = function(self, binder, button, binding, onPress, onRelease, priority)
		local old_binding = binder[button]
		priority = priority or 0
		bindings = binder[button]
		if not bindings then
			binder[button] = {}
			bindings = binder[button]
		if binding and (onPress or onRelease) then
			table.insert(bindings, {
				closure = binding,
				["onPress"] = onPress,
				["onRelease"] = onRelease,
				["priority"] = priority
				function(left, right) return left.priority > right.priority end)
		return old_binding and unpack(old_binding)

	_removeBinding = function(self, binder, button, binding)
		bindings = binder[button]
		if bindings then
			for i,v in ipairs(bindings) do
				if v.closure == binding then
					table.remove(bindings, i)
					return unpack(v)

	AddKeyBinding = function(self, key, binding, onPress, onRelease, priority)
		return self:_setBinding(self.bindings_keys, key, binding, onPress, onRelease, priority)

	RemoveKeyBinding = function(self, key, binding)
		return self:_removeBinding(self.bindings_keys, key, binding)
	ClearKeyBindings = function(self, key)
		self.bindings_keys[key] = {}

	AddMouseBinding = function(self, button, binding, onPress, onRelease, priority)
		return self:_setBinding(self.bindings_mouse, button, binding, onPress, onRelease, priority)

	RemoveMouseBinding = function(self, button, binding)
		return self:_removeBinding(self.bindings_mouse, button, binding)
	ClearMouseBindings = function(self, button)
		self.bindings_mouse[button] = {}


I say again.. Yoink!

Thanks Nilium

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