Code archives/User Input/rInput

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rInput by Darkmaster2002
This code is like the input$, but the programm donīt stops
Function rInput$(aString$)
value = GetKey()
length = Len(aString$)
If value = 8 Then value = 0 :If length > 0 Then aString$ = Left$(aString,Length-1)
If value = 13 Then Goto ende
If value = 0 Then Goto ende
If value>0 And value<7 Or value>26 And value<32 Or value=9 Then Goto ende
aString$=aString$ + Chr$(value)
Return aString$
End Function

framebegrnzung = CreateTimer(30)
test$ = rInput$(test$)
If KeyHit(28) Then ende%=1
If X=0 Then R=0
If X > 100 Then R=1
If R=1 Then X=X-1 Else X=X+1
WaitTimer framebegrnzung
Cls:Text X,X, test$
Until ende%=1



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