Code archives/User Input/Dual Stick Config

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Dual Stick Config by Pongo2006
Since every dual stick joypad seems to use a different axis combination, I needed a way to assign custom axis controls.

run the config program to generate a joypad.cfg command, then read that file into your own program.
Graphics 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global Controller_port = 0
Global debug = 0

Global info$ = " "

Type joypad
	Field x1id
	Field y1id
	Field x2id
	Field y2id

	Field x1invert
	Field y1invert
	Field x2invert
	Field y2invert
End Type 

Dim j.joypad(3)

For port = 0 To 3
	j(port) = New joypad
	j(port)\x1id = 0
	j(port)\y1id = 0
	j(port)\x2id = 0
	j(port)\y2id = 0
	j(port)\x1invert = 1 ;toggles between 1 and -1 
	j(port)\y1invert = 1
	j(port)\x2invert = 1
	j(port)\y2invert = 1

Dim joy_label$(8)
joy_label(0) = "null"
joy_label(1) = "JoyX()"
joy_label(2) = "JoyY()"
joy_label(3) = "JoyZ()"
joy_label(4) = "JoyPitch()"
joy_label(5) = "JoyRoll()"
joy_label(6) = "JoyYaw()"
joy_label(7) = "JoyU()"
joy_label(8) = "JoyV()"

While Not KeyHit(16) ; Q for Quit

	; map the input values so the red dots can be drawn in position
	x1 = FitValueToRange#( MapAxis(j(Controller_port)\x1id,j(Controller_port)\x1invert), -1, 1, 50, 150 )
	y1= 	FitValueToRange#( MapAxis(j(Controller_port)\y1id,j(Controller_port)\y1invert), -1,1, 275, 375 )
	x2 = FitValueToRange#( MapAxis(j(Controller_port)\x2id,j(Controller_port)\x2invert), -1, 1, 250, 350 )
	y2= 	FitValueToRange#( MapAxis(j(Controller_port)\y2id,j(Controller_port)\y2invert), -1,1, 275, 375 )

	;draw the control dots
	Color 185,0,0
	Oval  x1-5,y1-5,10,10
	Oval  x2-5,y2-5,10,10

	;debug and cursor
	;Text MouseX()+5,MouseY()-15,MouseX()+","+MouseY()
	Line MouseX(),MouseY()-5,MouseX(),MouseY()+5
	Line MouseX()-5,MouseY(),MouseX()+5,MouseY()




Function FitValueToRange#( InValue#, RangeIn_Start#, RangeIn_End#, RangeOut_Start#, RangeOut_End# )
	OldRange# = RangeIn_End#-RangeIn_Start#
	NewRange# = RangeOut_End# - RangeOut_Start#	
	OutValue# = ((InValue#-RangeIn_Start) / OldRange#) * NewRange#	+ RangeOut_Start		

	Return OutValue#

End Function

Function drawstuff()
	Color 255,255,255
	Text 10,10,"Dual stick configuration utility"
	Text 10,25,"Directions for use:"

	Color 35,65,115
	Select controller_port ; draw current port selected
		Case 0
			Rect 10,45,45,25
		Case 1
			Rect 60,45,45,25
		Case 2
			Rect 110,45,45,25
		Case 3
			Rect 160,45,45,25
	End Select

	Color 0,0,255
	Rect 10,45,45,25,0 ; draw ports (outlines)
	Rect 60,45,45,25,0
	Rect 110,45,45,25,0
	Rect 160,45,45,25,0

	Color 255,255,255	
	Text 27,53,"0" 
	Text 77,53,"1"
	Text 127,53,"2"
	Text 177,53,"3"

	Text 220,45,"select controller port (0 for  single joypad)"
	Text 220,60,"others are only needed for multiple joypads"

	Color 185,0,0
	Rect 10,100,195,25

	Color 255,255,255
	Rect 10,100,195,25,0
	Text 25,105,"assign axis controls"

	Text 220,105,"click to assign the custom controls"

	Rect 10,135,600,100,0 ; large text info box outline
	Color 128,128,128
	Text 15,140,"After assigning the controls, test stick movement in the boxes below"
	Text 15,155,"To invert an axis, right click on it's blue box"
	Text 15,180,"when done, save the config file and exit, or repeat with the other ports"

	;draw boxes for axis controls
	Color 50,65,220	
	If j(Controller_port)\x1invert =-1 Then Color 255,128,0
	Rect 50,395,175,14,1

	Color 50,65,220
	If j(Controller_port)\y1invert =-1 Then Color 255,128,0
	Rect 50,415,175,14,1

	Color 50,65,220
	If j(Controller_port)\x2invert =-1 Then Color 255,128,0
	Rect 250,395,175,14,1

	Color 50,65,220
	If j(Controller_port)\y2invert =-1 Then Color 255,128,0
	Rect 250,415,175,14,1

	Color 255,255,255
	Text 50,380,"Stick 1" : 	Text 250,380,"Stick 2"
	Text 60,396,"X axis: " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\x1id) : Text 260,396,"X axis: " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\x2id)
	Text 60,416,"Y axis: " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\y1id) : Text 260,416,"Y axis: " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\y2id)

	Rect 50,275, 100,100,0 ;draw boxes for controllers
	Rect 250,275, 100,100,0

	Color 64,64,64
	Rect 450,275,110,20
	Rect 450,300,110,20
	Rect 450,325,110,20
	Rect 450,350,110,20

	Color 255,255,255
	Text 453,277,"(Tab) Debug"
	Text 453,302,"(S)ave Config"
	Text 453,327,"(L)oad Config"
	Text 453,352,"(Q)uit"

Text 220,250,info$ 

	If debug = 1
			Color 16,16,16
			Rect 0,25,640,217
			Color 48,48,48
			Rect 40,30,300,200
			Color 64,64,64 ; draw grey boxes
			For loop = 50 To 190 Step 20
				Rect 180,loop,150,15
			Rect 40,30,300,200,0
			Rect 39,29,302,202,0
			Color 128,128,128 ; draw boxes showing movement of axis
			Rect 180,50,FitValueToRange#( JoyX(Controller_port), -1, 1, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,70,FitValueToRange#( JoyY(Controller_port), -1, 1, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,90,FitValueToRange#( JoyZ(Controller_port), -1, 1, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,110,FitValueToRange#( JoyPitch(Controller_port), -180, 180, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,130,FitValueToRange#( JoyRoll(Controller_port), -180, 180, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,150,FitValueToRange#( JoyYaw(Controller_port), -180, 180, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,170,FitValueToRange#( JoyU(Controller_port), -1, 1, 0, 150 ),15
			Rect 180,190,FitValueToRange#( JoyV(Controller_port), -1, 1, 0, 150 ),15
			Color 160,160,160 ; show values of axis
			Text 50,50, "1. JoyX()      : " + JoyX(Controller_port) 
			Text 50,70, "2. JoyY()      : " + JoyY(Controller_port) 
			Text 50,90, "3. JoyZ()      : " + JoyZ(Controller_port) 
			Text 50,110,"4. JoyPitch()  : " + JoyPitch(Controller_port)
			Text 50,130,"5. JoyRoll()   : " + JoyRoll(Controller_port)
			Text 50,150,"6. JoyYaw()    : " + JoyYaw(Controller_port)
			Text 50,170,"7. JoyU()      : " + JoyU(Controller_port)
			Text 50,190,"8. JoyV()      : " + JoyV(Controller_port) 
End Function 

Function checkinput()
	Color 255,0,0
	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,50,395,175,14) ; joy x 1
		Rect 49,394,177,16,0 ; draw a highlight rectangle
		j(Controller_port)\x1id = j(Controller_port)\x1id +MouseZSpeed ()
		If MouseHit (2) Then j(Controller_port)\x1invert = - j(Controller_port)\x1invert
		If j(Controller_port)\x1id > 8 Then j(Controller_port)\x1id =0
		If j(Controller_port)\x1id < 0 Then j(Controller_port)\x1id =8

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,50,415,175,14) ; joy y 1
		Rect 49,414,177,16,0	; draw a highlight rectangle
		j(Controller_port)\y1id = j(Controller_port)\y1id +MouseZSpeed ()
		If MouseHit (2) Then j(Controller_port)\y1invert = - j(Controller_port)\y1invert
		If j(Controller_port)\y1id > 8 Then j(Controller_port)\y1id =0
		If j(Controller_port)\y1id < 0 Then j(Controller_port)\y1id =8

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,250,395,175,14) ; joy x 2
		Rect 249,394,177,16,0	; draw a highlight rectangle
		j(Controller_port)\x2id = j(Controller_port)\x2id +MouseZSpeed ()
		If MouseHit (2) Then j(Controller_port)\x2invert = - j(Controller_port)\x2invert
		If j(Controller_port)\x2id > 8 Then j(Controller_port)\x2id =0
		If j(Controller_port)\x2id < 0 Then j(Controller_port)\x2id =8

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,250,415,175,14) ; joy y 2
		Rect 249,414,177,16,0	; draw a highlight rectangle
		j(Controller_port)\y2id = j(Controller_port)\y2id +MouseZSpeed ()
		If MouseHit (2) Then j(Controller_port)\y2invert = - j(Controller_port)\y2invert
		If j(Controller_port)\y2id > 8 Then j(Controller_port)\y2id =0
		If j(Controller_port)\y2id < 0 Then j(Controller_port)\y2id =8

	;joy port selection
	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,10,45,45,25)
		Rect 10,45,45,25,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then controller_port = 0

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,60,45,45,25)
		Rect 60,45,45,25,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then controller_port = 1

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,110,45,45,25)
		Rect 110,45,45,25,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then controller_port = 2

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,160,45,45,25) 
		Rect 160,45,45,25,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then controller_port = 3

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,10,100,195,25) ; assign all axis button
		Rect 10,100,195,25,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then assign_all_joy_axis()

	If KeyHit (59) Then Controller_port = 0 ;F1 key
	If KeyHit (60) Then Controller_port = 1 ;F2 key
	If KeyHit (61) Then Controller_port = 2 ;F3 key
	If KeyHit (62) Then Controller_port = 3 ;F4 key

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,450,275,110,20) ; debug toggle
		Rect 450,275,110,20,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then debug = 1 - Debug

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,450,300,110,20) ; save button
		Rect 450,300,110,20,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then writeconfig()

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,450,325,110,20) ;load button
		Rect 450,325,110,20,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then readconfig()

	If RectsOverlap  (MouseX()-2,MouseY()-2,4,4,450,350,110,20) ; quit button
		Rect 450,350,110,20,0
		If MouseHit (1) Then End

	If KeyHit (15) Then debug = 1 - Debug ; tab key,... turns on debug

	If KeyHit (31) ; S key

	If KeyHit (38) ; L key

End Function

Function getjoyaxis()
;why the double check?
; on some joysticks, when an axis is not present, the value is the max, so  I needed to get around that.
	If Abs(JoyX(Controller_port)) > .5 And Abs(JoyX(Controller_port)) < .9 Return 1
	If Abs(JoyY(Controller_port)) > .5 And Abs(JoyY(Controller_port)) < .9 Return 2
	If Abs(JoyZ(Controller_port)) > .5 And Abs(JoyZ(Controller_port)) < .9 Return 3
	If Abs(JoyPitch(Controller_port)/180) > .5 And Abs(JoyPitch(Controller_port)/180) < .9 Return 4
	If Abs(JoyRoll(Controller_port)/180) > .5 And Abs(JoyRoll(Controller_port)/180) < .9 Return 5
	If Abs(JoyYaw(Controller_port)/180) > .5 And Abs(JoyYaw(Controller_port)/180) < .9 Return 6
	If Abs(JoyU(Controller_port)) > .5 And Abs(JoyU(Controller_port)) < .9 Return 7
	If Abs(JoyV(Controller_port)) > .5 And Abs(JoyV(Controller_port)) < .9 Return 8
	If KeyHit(1)	Return 0
End Function

Function MapAxis#( axis, invert )
   Select axis
      Case 1
          Case 2
      Case 3
      Case 4
      Case 5
      Case 6
      Case 7
      Case 8
   End Select
   Return (joy# * invert)
End Function

Function Assign_All_Joy_Axis()
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()

Color 0,0,0
Rect 11,136,598,98 ;clear info box

Color 0,255,0
	Text 15,140,"move stick 1 left or right"
 	j(Controller_port)\x1id = getjoyaxis()
	Text 250,140,"Stick 1 X axis assigned to " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\x1id)

	Delay (800)
	Text 15,155,"move stick 1 up or down" 
	j(Controller_port)\y1id = getjoyaxis()
	Text 250,155,"Stick 1 Y axis assigned to " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\y1id)

	Delay (800)

	Text 15,170,"move stick 2 left or right"
	 j(Controller_port)\x2id = getjoyaxis()
	Text 250,170,"Stick 2 X axis assigned to " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\x2id)

	Delay (800)

	Text 15,185,"move stick 2 up or down" 
	 j(Controller_port)\y2id = getjoyaxis()
	Text 250,185,"Stick 2 Y axis assigned to " + joy_label(j(Controller_port)\y2id)

	Delay (500)

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

End Function

Function writeconfig()
filename = WriteFile ("joypad.cfg")
For port = 0 To 3
	WriteLine (filename,"; Joypad port " + port)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\x1id)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\y1id)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\x2id)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\y2id)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\x1invert)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\y1invert)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\x2invert)
	WriteLine (filename,j(port)\y2invert)
CloseFile (filename)

info$ = "config file written"

End Function

Function readconfig()
filename = ReadFile ("joypad.cfg")
If filename <> 0
	For port = 0 To 3
		tmp = ReadLine (filename) ; skip this line in the file
		j(port)\x1id = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\y1id = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\x2id  = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\y2id = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\x1invert = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\y1invert = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\x2invert = ReadLine (filename)
		j(port)\y2invert = ReadLine (filename)

	CloseFile (filename)

	info$ = "config file opened"
	info$ = "load failed"
End Function


And here is a simple example that reads a joypad.cfg file and uses it

Very useful. I've got something similar I did a while back with one main difference that I also included a scaling factor as not all sticks return +/- 1. Some return +/- 128 or +/- 255.

Thanks! I've been looking for a way to make the right stick on my Xbox 360 Controller work!

Thankyou very much, just what I was looking for (;-o)

Dude you are a genius. It took me a little while to get through the code and it is AMAZING. Nice work!

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