Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Hotspots!

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Hotspots! by cyberseth2003
I finally found a way to do hotspots. The problem came with finding the precise coordinate of the client area of a window, but I discovered that this could be achieved by flicking the mouse there and back in the blink of a millisecond! Anyway, try out this test, you WILL be pleasantly surprised!
Type hotspot
	Field x,y,width,height
	Field clx,cly,win
End Type

win = CreateWindow("Testing!",100,100,200,200,0)
h.hotspot = CreateHotSpot(10,10,150,40,win)
lbltest = CreateTextField(10,10,150,40,win)
lbltest2 = CreateLabel("BOO!",10,60,100,40,win)
SetGadgetText lbltest,"Move your mouse here!"

	If WaitEvent(1)=$803 Or KeyHit(1) Then End
	If MouseOverHotSpot(h)
		ShowGadget lbltest2
		HideGadget lbltest2
	End If

Function CreateHotSpot.hotspot(x,y,width,height,window)
	; -- In the blink of an instant.. Find out the client X,Y offsets --
	tmpcan = CreateCanvas(0,0,1,1,window)
	xx=MouseX() yy=MouseY()
	MoveMouse 0,0,tmpcan
	clx=MouseX() cly=MouseY()
	MoveMouse GadgetX(window),GadgetY(window)
	clx=clx-MouseX() cly=cly-MouseY()
	MoveMouse xx,yy
	FreeGadget tmpcan
	; -- Now make the hotspot area and save the X,Y offsets --
	h.hotspot = New hotspot
	h\x=x  h\y=y
	h\width=width h\height=height
	h\clx=clx  h\cly=cly
	h\win = window
	Return h
End Function

Function MouseOverHotSpot(h.hotspot)
	x=GadgetX(h\win)+h\clx+h\x ;Window x,y + border\client offset + hotspot x,y
	Return RectsOverlap(MouseX(),MouseY(),1,1,x,y,h\width,h\height)
End Function


Very neat

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