Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Kev's READONLY TextArea

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Kev's READONLY TextArea by Ked2007
I was searching for a way to make a readonly textarea and good ole Kev had posted this as an answer to a post a couple of years ago. I thought I should put it up here just in case someone else might need it.
; .lib "user32.dll"
; user32_SendMessage%(hWnd%,Msg%,wParam%,lParam%):"SendMessageA"

Const ES_READONLY = $800

; Example provided by Mag, added to documentation by Mark Tiffany 
win = CreateWindow ("Test Text Area",0,0,300,300) ; create a window first 
txtbox = CreateTextArea(0,0,200,200,win) ; <--- CREATE TEXTAREA (Multi line text field) 

hwnd = QueryObject(txtbox,1)


SetGadgetText txtbox,"Type anything (multiline) "+Chr$(13)+"And press Get Text button" ;put some text on that textare for info 
gt=CreateButton("Get Text",200,0,80,20,win);create button 
id=WaitEvent() ;wait for user action (in a form of event) 
If id=$803 Then End ;to quit program when receive Window close event 
If id=$401 And EventSource()=gt Then ;when ok is press 
Notify "This is your text in TextArea:"+Chr$(13)+TextAreaText$(txtbox);<<--TO GET TEXT FROM TEXTFIELD 
End If 


There is a creation flag in BlitzMax for this.

This is for BlitzPlus.

Ah, one of the things I hate about this Showcase forum. It is a pain in the butt to figure out which language each entry is for.

People should put the target language(s) at the top of their post.

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