Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Convert Textarea to Password Area

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Convert Textarea to Password Area by Leon Drake2006
The only reason i did this is due to the fact that blitzmax cant color any textfields. It can color textareas. Which im using in place of a textarea. It still looks roughly the same and i can retrieve text from it. you could use the same commands in B+ using the user32 decls file
Include "bin\user32.bmx"
'use the user32 source as an include in a sub directory.. you 
'don't have to though you can just import it.
Global windowt:TGadget = CreateWindow("win",200,200,200,300,Desktop(),1)
Global txtarea:Tgadget = CreateTextArea(10,10,100,20,windowt)
'create our window and our textfield
hWnd = QueryGadget(txtarea,1)
SendMessageA(hWnd,EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR,1,0 )
the 1 inside the SendMessageA(hWnd,EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR,1,0 )
command is suppose to represent the character to replace the  characters in the textarea with. I used a 1 guessing.. but it makes a *. i suppose you could play around with it to have it replace the chars with something other than a asterisk
end rem



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