Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Disable Alt+Tab Easily

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Disable Alt+Tab Easily by SebHoll2005
This code disables Alt+Tab while the program is running by assigning the "Alt+Tab" sequence a HotKey property for your window. E.g. your window snatches the "Alt+Tab" key presses from the O/S. LOL.

Dead easy to use - just make sure that you use UnRegisterHotKey() once app has finished otherwise some users may not be able to regain "Alt+Tab" functionality when program closes.

.lib "user32.dll"
The "100" specified as ID for the hotkey could be anything I think but I know 100 works so best to stick with that.

I have tried to change this script to block the "Windows Key" also to no avail.

Hope this helps someone out there...
wndMain = CreateWindow("Hello",100,100,400,300,0,1)
hwnd = QueryObject(wndMain,1)

RegisterHotKey(hwnd,100,$1,$9)	;Alt Tab


event = WaitEvent()

Select event

	Case $803
End Select



What happens if my app crashes before it can execute UnRegisterHotKey?

On my Win XP Pro computer it automatically removes the hot key but I thought that it was good practice to put it in as it may not do so on Win 98/NE etc. On my XP computer though, there's no problem!!!

I've got a win98SE machine so I might give this a try, if I'm feeling brave. Just don't want to fubar my system, if I can help it. :) Thanks.

OK - Thanks Chris. I think it should work and if not, restarting the system should remove all "HotKey" assignments.

OK, I tried this on my win98SE machine in blitz3D using:
hwnd = SystemProperty("AppHWND")
RegisterHotKey(hwnd,100,$1,$9) ;Alt Tab

But it doesn't work. :( Disabling alt+tab on win98 machines seems to be a real pain, by all accounts.

Grey Alien2005
Try BlackJumper's StickyKey.dll it does otherstuff AND removes Alt+Tab.

I tested for BlackJumper in the past to try and get it to work on win98 - no joy. He's going to have another go at some point, though.

for win98:

For a related thread on detecting Alt+TAB and other ways to lose focus see Eikon and Grey Alien's work on this thread

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