Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Keep A Window On Top

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Keep A Window On Top by SebHoll2005
In short, this script makes a basic window and calls the function "MakeWindowOnTop()" which sets the windows attributes to always be on top. I've tried the code on Windows XP and it works fine.

Syntax for the "MakeWindowOnTop()" function is:


blitzwindowhandle = The Gadget Handle For The Window Given By Blitz
ontop = Either 1 or 0. 1 makes the window "always on top". 0 Removes the "always on top" attribute.

Really easy to follow and use - just thought someone might need it. I've tried to document as best as I can.

Please post any suggestions...


Userlib Declaration:
.lib "user32.dll"

Sample Code: (Thanks to Hip Teen and TomToad for suggestions)
wndMain = CreateWindow("Hello",100,100,400,300,0,5)


If WaitEvent() = $803 Then End



Function MakeWindowOnTop(wndBlitzHandle,ontop=1)	;Windows gadget handle and switch to be set. Defaults to 1. E.g. make ontop.

wndHandle = QueryObject(wndBlitzHandle,1)		;Gets the actual handle of the window to be used with API call.
SetWindowPos(wndHandle,ontop-2,0,0,0,0,1+2+40)		;Applies setting to window with constants at end (see below). 

;1: Keep Original Window Size
;2: Keep Orginal Pos.
;40: Keep Original Z-Order

End Function


Hip Teen2005
Just a little thing, but you can replace

Select ontop										

	Case 1:ontop = -1							
	Case 0:ontop = -2								
End Select

by this line:
ontop = -2 + ontop

but as I said, just a little thing ;-)

What about
ontop = ontop - 2

or eliminate the check altogether and just use

Good point! - That makes much more sense. Is there anyway I can edit the code I've put down or not?

Found out how to edit it. :P



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