Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Raw keyboard functions

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Raw keyboard functions by sswift2005
Want to check to see if the user has pressed enter in a textfield?

Want to see if the user is holding shift when they clicked the mouse over your canvas, even though that naughty textfield still has focus?


But now you can!

This function will allow you to do this AND you have the option of getting this info even if your application doesn't currently have focus.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; To use these functions, place the following lines in user32.decls in your userlib directory:
; 	.lib "user32.dll"
;	GetAsyncKeyState%(vKey%)
;	GetActiveWindow%()
; More info:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Common keys:
Const VK_LEFTMOUSE 				= $01	; Left physical mouse button 
Const VK_RIGHTMOUSE 			= $02	; Right physical mouse button
Const VK_MIDDLEMOUSE			= $04	; Middle physical mouse button 
Const VK_BACKSPACE				= $08	; BACKSPACE key
Const VK_TAB 					= $09	; TAB key
Const VK_ENTER 					= $0D	; ENTER key (Main keyboard or keypad)
Const VK_SHIFT 					= $10	; SHIFT key (Left or right)
Const VK_CONTROL 				= $11	; CTRL key (Left or right)
Const VK_ALT 					= $12	; ALT key (Left or right)
Const VK_PAUSE 					= $13	; PAUSE key
Const VK_CAPITAL 				= $14	; CAPS LOCK key
Const VK_ESCAPE 				= $1B	; ESC key
Const VK_SPACE 					= $20	; SPACEBAR
Const VK_PGUP 					= $21	; PAGE UP key
Const VK_PGDN 					= $22	; PAGE DOWN key
Const VK_END 					= $23	; END key
Const VK_HOME 					= $24	; HOME key
Const VK_LEFT 					= $25	; LEFT ARROW key
Const VK_UP 					= $26	; UP ARROW key
Const VK_RIGHT 					= $27	; RIGHT ARROW key
Const VK_DOWN 					= $28	; DOWN ARROW key
Const VK_INSERT 				= $2D	; INSERT key
Const VK_DELETE 				= $2E	; DELETE key
Const VK_0 						= $30
Const VK_1 						= $31
Const VK_2 						= $32
Const VK_3 						= $33
Const VK_4 						= $34
Const VK_5 						= $35
Const VK_6 						= $36
Const VK_7 						= $37
Const VK_8 						= $38
Const VK_9 						= $39
Const VK_A 						= $41
Const VK_B 						= $42
Const VK_C 						= $43
Const VK_D 						= $44
Const VK_E 						= $45
Const VK_F 						= $46
Const VK_G 						= $47
Const VK_H 						= $48
Const VK_I 						= $49
Const VK_J 						= $4A
Const VK_K 						= $4B
Const VK_L 						= $4C
Const VK_M 						= $4D
Const VK_N 						= $4E
Const VK_O 						= $4F
Const VK_P 						= $50
Const VK_Q 						= $51
Const VK_R 						= $52
Const VK_S 						= $53
Const VK_T 						= $54
Const VK_U	 					= $55
Const VK_V 						= $56
Const VK_W 						= $57
Const VK_X 						= $58
Const VK_Y		 				= $59
Const VK_Z 						= $5A
Const VK_LEFTWIN				= $5B	; Left Windows key 
Const VK_RIGHTWIN				= $5C	; Right Windows key
Const VK_NUMPAD0 				= $60
Const VK_NUMPAD1 				= $61
Const VK_NUMPAD2 				= $62
Const VK_NUMPAD3 				= $63
Const VK_NUMPAD4 				= $64
Const VK_NUMPAD5 				= $65
Const VK_NUMPAD6 				= $66
Const VK_NUMPAD7 				= $67
Const VK_NUMPAD8 				= $68
Const VK_NUMPAD9 				= $69
Const VK_MULTIPLY 				= $6A	; Keypad *
Const VK_ADD 					= $6B	; Keypad +
Const VK_SEPARATOR 				= $6C	; Keypad /
Const VK_SUBTRACT 				= $6D	; Keypad -
Const VK_DECIMAL 				= $6E	; Keypad .
Const VK_DIVIDE 				= $6F	; Keypad \
Const VK_F1 					= $70
Const VK_F2 					= $71
Const VK_F3 					= $72
Const VK_F4 					= $73
Const VK_F5 					= $74
Const VK_F6 					= $75
Const VK_F7 					= $76
Const VK_F8 					= $77
Const VK_F9 					= $78
Const VK_F10 					= $79
Const VK_F11 					= $7A
Const VK_F12 					= $7B
Const VK_NUMLOCK 				= $90	
Const VK_SCROLLLOCK 			= $91	
Const VK_LEFTSHIFT				= $A0	; Windows 95 does not support the left and right distinguishing constants.	
Const VK_RIGHTSHIFT				= $A1	
Const VK_LEFTCTRL				= $A2	
Const VK_RIGHTCTRL				= $A3	
Const VK_LEFTALT				= $A4	
Const VK_RIGHTALT				= $A5

; Less common keys:
; Some of the keys here would seem to be common keys, but the documentation does not say they work in 95/98,
; so I did not include them with the other keys above just to be safe.
Const VK_CANCEL 				= $03	; Control-break processing
Const VK_X1MOUSE				= $05	; Windows 2000/XP: X1 mouse button
Const VK_X2MOUSE				= $06	; Windows 2000/XP: X2 mouse button
Const VK_CLEAR 					= $0C	; CLEAR key
Const VK_SELECT 				= $29	; SELECT key
Const VK_EXECUTE 				= $2B	; EXECUTE key
Const VK_PRINT 					= $2A	; PRINT key
Const VK_HELP 					= $2F	; HELP key
Const VK_KANA					= $15	; Input Method Editor (IME) Kana mode
Const VK_HANGUL					= $15	; IME Hangul mode
Const VK_JUNJA					= $17	; IME Junja mode
Const VK_FINAL 					= $18	; IME final mode
Const VK_KANJI 					= $19	; IME Hanja/Kanji mode	
Const VK_CONVERT 				= $1C	; IME convert
Const VK_NONCONVERT				= $1D	; IME nonconvert
Const VK_ACCEPT					= $1E	; IME accept
Const CK_MODECHANGE				= $1F	; IME mode change request
Const VK_APPS 					= $5D	; Applications key 
Const VK_SLEEP					= $5F	; Computer Sleep key
Const VK_F13 					= $7C
Const VK_F14 					= $7D
Const VK_F15 					= $7E
Const VK_F16 					= $7F
Const VK_F17 					= $80
Const VK_F18 					= $81
Const VK_F19 					= $82
Const VK_F20 					= $83
Const VK_F21 					= $84
Const VK_F22 					= $85
Const VK_F23 					= $86
Const VK_F24 					= $87
Const VK_BROWSER_BACK			= $A6	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Back key
Const VK_BROWSER_FORWARD		= $A7	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Forward key
Const VK_BROWSER_REFRESH 		= $A8	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Refresh key
Const VK_BROWSER_STOP 			= $A9	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Stop key
Const VK_BROWSER_SEARCH 		= $AA	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Search key 
Const VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES		= $AB	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Favorites key
Const VK_BROWSER_HOME 			= $AC	; Windows 2000/XP: Browser Start And Home key
Const VK_VOLUME_MUTE 			= $AD	; Windows 2000/XP: Volume Mute key
Const VK_VOLUME_DOWN 			= $AE	; Windows 2000/XP: Volume Down key
Const VK_VOLUME_UP 				= $AF	; Windows 2000/XP: Volume Up key
Const VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK		= $B0	; Windows 2000/XP: Next Track key
Const VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK 		= $B1	; Windows 2000/XP: Previous Track key
Const VK_MEDIA_STOP 			= $B2	; Windows 2000/XP: Stop Media key
Const VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE 		= $B3	; Windows 2000/XP: Play/Pause Media key
Const VK_LAUNCH_MAIL 			= $B4	; Windows 2000/XP: Start Mail key
Const VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT	= $B5	; Windows 2000/XP: Select Media key
Const VK_LAUNCH_APP1 			= $B6	; Windows 2000/XP: Start Application 1 key
Const VK_LAUNCH_APP2 			= $B7	; Windows 2000/XP: Start Application 2 key	
Const VK_OEM_1 					= $BA	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
Const VK_OEM_PLUS 				= $BB	; Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '+' key
Const VK_OEM_COMMA 				= $BC	; Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the ',' key
Const VK_OEM_MINUS 				= $BD	; Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '-' key
Const VK_OEM_PERIOD 			= $BE	; Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '.' key
Const VK_OEM_2 					= $BF	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
Const VK_OEM_3 					= $C0	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
Const VK_OEM_4 					= $DB	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
Const VK_OEM_5 					= $DC	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
Const VK_OEM_6 					= $DD	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
Const VK_OEM_7					= $DE	; Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
Const VK_OEM_8					= $DF	; Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
Const VK_ICO_F17				= $E0	
Const VK_ICO_F18				= $E1	
Const VK_OEM102					= $E2	; Windows 2000/XP: Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard
Const VK_ICO_HELP				= $E3
Const VK_ICO_00					= $E4	
Const VK_PROCESSKEY				= $E5	; Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/XP: IME PROCESS key
Const VK_ICO_CLEAR				= $E6
Const VK_PACKET					= $E7	; Windows 2000/XP: Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes.
Const VK_OEM_RESET				= $E9
Const VK_OEM_JUMP				= $EA
Const VK_OEM_PA1				= $EB
Const VK_OEM_PA2				= $EC
Const VK_OEM_PA3				= $ED
Const VK_OEM_WSCTRL				= $EE
Const VK_OEM_CUSEL				= $EF
Const VK_OEM_ATTN				= $F0
Const VK_OEM_FINNISH			= $F1
Const VK_OEM_COPY				= $F2
Const VK_OEM_AUTO				= $F3
Const VK_OEM_ENLW				= $F4
Const VK_OEM_BACKTAB			= $F5
Const VK_ATTN					= $F6	; Attn key
Const VK_CRSEL					= $F7	; CrSel key
Const VK_EXSEL					= $F8	; ExSel key
Const VK_EREOF 					= $F9	; Erase EOF key
Const VK_PLAY 					= $FA	; Play key
Const VK_ZOOM 					= $FB	; Zoom key
Const VK_NONAME 				= $FC	; Reserved
Const VK_PA1 					= $FD	; PA1 key
Const VK_OEM_CLEAR				= $FE	; Clear key

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function returns 1 if the specified virtual key is being pressed, and 0 if it is not.
; Normally, the function checks to see if your application has focus and ignores any keys being held down if it does not,
; but if you want it to tell you if a key is pressed regardless of whether your app has focus, you can set IgnoreFocus to True.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GDI_VKeyDown(VirtualKey, IgnoreFocus=False)
	If (IgnoreFocus = True) And (GetActiveWindow() = 0) Then Return
	Return (GetAsyncKeyState%(VirtualKey) And %1000000000000000) > 0
End Function


Brilliant! been looking for something like this for a while!


A single function thhat can check mouseclicks AND keypresses :)

Great stuff, Sswifty!


Return (GetAsyncKeyState%(VirtualKey) And %1000000000000000) > 0

I'm assuming this allows for multiple simutaneous keypresses

Does it detect keypresses while the window isnt in focus?
Is there a way to do this?

No. Why would you do that?


AJ00200 wrote...
Does it detect keypresses while the window isnt in focus?
Is there a way to do this?

yes, just change:

Function GDI_VKeyDown(VirtualKey, IgnoreFocus=False)


Function GDI_VKeyDown(VirtualKey, IgnoreFocus=True)

is there any way to tell windows to flush the keys for all windows.. or even a specific one? Flushkeys() in blitz only flush for active window.. so if a user clicks off the blitz app the flushkeys command will not effect the blitz app.

is there any way to tell windows to flush the keys for all windows.. or even a specific one? Flushkeys() in blitz only flush for active window.. so if a user clicks off the blitz app the flushkeys command will not effect the blitz app.

I suppose a workaround could be to check if Blitz window loses focus (Ive seen those in code archives) and automatically flushkeys() on the blitz app then, so it's ready and 'flushed' if/when focus returns . . .?

But if you use GetASyncKeyState, you don't need FlushKeys?

Warner, The Blitz Flushkeys() after focus loss does not appear to work at all, ive tried that. I need to send the keyup to the window, it remembers the keydown and keeps moving the player. From what I can tell the above only lets you read states.. no reset them or change them in any way ?

Exactly, it will tell you the state of the button, regardless if the window has focus or not. So you would have to replace your KeyDown calls with the GDI_VKeyDown function above. A simple search&replace could do that, if the keycodes weren't different. :/

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