Code archives/BlitzPlus Gui/Advance Popup Menu extras

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Advance Popup Menu extras by gman2004
adds the following functions to the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars:

GetPopupMenuText$(menu_id%) - returns the text of a menu item based on its assigned ID.

FindPopupHandle%(menu_id%) - returns the handle of a menu item based on its assigned ID.

SetPopupDataItem(item$,value$,ppmenu%) - sets a KEY=VALUE format string that can later be used after an item has been selected. this can be called multiple times with different KEY=VALUE pairs. they are seperated using the | character.

GetPopupDataItem$(item$,ppmenu%) - gets a value from the data section that was previously set by SetPopupDataItem().

ClearMenu() - clears out the POPUP_MENU collection.

** NOTES **
- the user32.decls file i use has api_ preceding all the function names. if yours does not have this, you will get a compile error. you will need to change all functions that begin with api_ to match the corrosponding function in your .decls file.

- the GetPopupDataItem() and SetPopupDataItem() functions make use of gettok$(word$,token,seperator) by skn3[ac].
- user32.decls file with the following functions defined (note my function calls are preceded by api_ ):
- CreatePopupMenu
- ModifyMenu
- AppendMenu
- DestroyMenu
- TrackPopupMenuEx
- SetForegroundWindow
- PostMessage

- the GetPopupDataItem() and SetPopupDataItem() functions make use of a new mndata$ field added to the POPUP_MENU type. i also added defaulting of this new field in the PopupMenu() function.

	Field txt$ = ""
	Field flag
	Field menu_id = 0
	Field popup.POPUP_MENU = Null
	Field parent.POPUP_MENU = Null
	Field root =  0
	Field mndata$=""	; 2004_08_10 (gman) - added string to hold extra data
End Type

; 2004_08_10 (gman) -  added passing and setting of new mndata value
Function PopupMenu%(txt$="",menu_id=0,parent=0,mndata$="")
	Local p.POPUP_MENU=Object.POPUP_MENU(parent)
	If p=Null
		;link parent to root of new popupmenu
		If p\popup=Null 
			p\popup=New POPUP_MENU
		pm\mndata=mndata    ; 2004_08_10 (gman) - set the new mndata field

	Local ppmenu=Handle(pm)
	Return ppmenu
End Function 

- updated ShowPopupMenu to take X,Y as a parameter. they default to the original MouseX(),MouseY() if not passed.
- updated ShowPopupMenu to take a new lTray parameter and added corrosponding tray popup code. this is False by default, make True if using the popup from a tray icon. this is a fix as detailed in MSKB Q135788.

; ================================
; Show popupmenu at mouse position
; changes:
;	- 2004_08_10 (gman) - added X,Y positioning capabilities
;	- 2004_08_17 (gman) - added new tray parameter and called functions as described in MSKB Q135788
;		(
; ================================

Function ShowPopupMenu%(ppmenu,win=0,nX=0,nY=0,lTray=False)	
Local TPM_RETURNCMD = $100
Local pm.POPUP_MENU=Object.POPUP_MENU(ppmenu)
Local hmenu=pm\root

If win=0 Then win=ActiveWindow()

; 2004_08_10 (gman) - if X,Y not passed, default to MouseX,MouseY
If nX=0 Then nX=MouseX()
If nY=0 Then nY=MouseY()

If lTray Then api_SetForegroundWindow(QueryObject(win,1)) ; 2004_08_17 (gman) - fix for tray menus per Q135788

Local menu_id=api_TrackPopupMenuEx(hmenu,TPM_RETURNCMD,nX,nY,QueryObject(win,1),0)

If lTray Then api_PostMessage(QueryObject(win,1),$0000,0,0) ; 2004_08_17 (gman) - fix for tray menus per Q135788

Return menu_id
End Function
; ================================
; Author: gman
; Date: 2004_08_10
; Title: FindPopupHandle
; Description:	- addon For the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars (ID: 697)
;			- gets the popupmenu Handle based on menu_id
; Requirements: - stock Advance PopupMenu
; ================================
Function FindPopupHandle(menu_id%)
	Local pm_find.POPUP_MENU
	For pm_find=Each POPUP_MENU
		If pm_find\menu_id=menu_id
			Return Handle(pm_find)
	RuntimeError "Invalid menu_id passed to FindPopupHandle !"
End Function

; ================================
; Author: gman
; Date: 2004_08_10
; Title: GetPopupMenuText
; Description:	- addon For the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars (ID: 697)
;			- gets the text of a popupmenu based on its menu_id
; Requirements: - stock Advance PopupMenu
;			- FindPopupHandle by gman
; ================================
Function GetPopupMenuText$(menu_id%)
	; get the popup based on menu_id.  will fail during find if menu_id doesnt exist.
	Local pm.POPUP_MENU=Object.POPUP_MENU(FindPopupHandle(menu_id))
	If pm\parent=Null Then RuntimeError "GetPopupMenuText does not work with popupmenu root !"
	Return pm\txt$
End Function

; ================================
; Author: gman
; Date: 2004_08_10
; Title: SetPopupDataItem
; Description: 	- addon for the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars (ID: 697)
;			- sets a value in the mndata$ field
; Requirements: - Advance PopupMenu, modified to have a mndata$ field in the POPUP_MENU type
;			- gettok function by skn3[ac] (ID: 290)
;			- GetPopupDataItem function by gman
; ================================
Function SetPopupDataItem(item$,value$,ppmenu)

	Local pm.POPUP_MENU=Object.POPUP_MENU(ppmenu)
	If (Handle(pm)<=0) Then RuntimeError "Invalid handle passed to SetPopupDataItem !"


	If (item$="") Then RuntimeError "Empty item passed to SetPopupDataItem !"

	Local curval$=GetPopupDataItem(item$,ppmenu)

	If (Instr(pm\mndata$,"|"+item$+"=")=0)

End Function

; ================================
; Author: gman
; Date: 2004_08_10
; Title: GetPopupDataItem
; Description: 	- addon for the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars (ID: 697)
;			- gets a value from the mndata$ field
; Requirements: - Advance PopupMenu, modified to have a mndata$ field in the POPUP_MENU type
;			- gettok function by skn3[ac] (ID: 290)
; ================================
Function GetPopupDataItem$(item$,ppmenu)
	Local pm.POPUP_MENU=Object.POPUP_MENU(ppmenu)
	If (Handle(pm)<=0) Then RuntimeError "Invalid handle passed to GetPopupDataItem !"


	If (item$="") Then RuntimeError "Empty item passed to GetPopupDataItem !"

	Local nCnt=0
	Local temp$=""
		If gettok(temp$,1,"=")=item$ Then Return gettok(temp$,2,"=")
	Until (temp$="")

	Return ""
End Function

; ================================
; Author: gman
; Date: 2004_11_12
; Title: ClearMenu
; Description: 	- addon for the Advance PopupMenu by Ed From Mars (ID: 697)
;				- clears out the POPUP_MENU list
;				- this is a must if you are building dynamic menus that rebuild each time
; Requirements: - Advance PopupMenu
; ================================
Function ClearMenu()
	Delete Each POPUP_MENU
End Function


changes for SetPopupDataItem:

- fixed replace not storing back to mndata$
- changed to better handle setting an existing value to empty

changes for ShowPopupMenu:

- changed to take a new lTray parameter and added corrosponding tray popup code. this is False by default, make True if using the popup from a tray icon. this is a fix as detailed in MSKB Q135788.

- added ClearMenu(). if you dynamically add menu items potentially each time the menu is shown , this is a must. call it after you process the current menu event.

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