Code archives/Graphics/Curved Text routine and RLE vector functions (part 1)

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Curved Text routine and RLE vector functions (part 1) by Andy_A2004
These RLE vector functions allow you to wrap text or images around a circle.

The functions are:
getImg() - scans an area on screen and stores in RLE image format in the vec() array. You must store your image in RLE format before using any of the other functions.

rotateImg() - rotates an image at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees and displays rotated image on screen

maskImg() - makes any single color of an RLE image transparent

replaceColor() - replace any single color of an RLE image with a different color

maskAndReplace() - mask a single color and replace a different single color with a new color

magnify() - enlarges and rotates an RLE image

curveImg() - wraps an RLE image around an arc segment. Similar to MS Word Art or Photoshop text curving.

Parameters for the curveImg function:
centerX%, centerY% - the center of the imaginary circle that you're wrapping around

radius% - radius of the imaginary circle. Start at a radius of 50 pixels (100 pixel diameter) and adjust to suit.

startAngle# - defines the start point of your RLE on the imaginary circle

arcSegment# - number of degrees to plot after the startAngle. If you start at 180 degrees and wrap an arc segment of 180 degrees, your image will start wrapping at 180 degrees, and plot to 360 degrees on the imaginary circle.

imgWidth% - width in pixels of your RLE image

imgHeight% = height in pixels of your RLE image

penSize% = use this to fill in the voids that are left when the math is more precise than the screen resolution. Start with a penSize of 1, increase penSize by 1 until there are no more voids.

(Made changes so 16 bit graphic cards can display properly)

(Another update: new vector storage format uses less memory,
now can be used to load images from data statements)
;     Title: Blitz RLE Vector Image Demo
;Programmer: Andy Amaya
;      Date: 2004.03.25
;   Version: 1.08-Added dat2curv2buf() function
;    Update: 1.07-Added data2buffer() function
;    Update: 1.06-Added makeData() and getImgData() functions
;                 as a result, a new vector storage method is used.
;    Update: 1.05-Lock & UnLock buffer to use ReadPixelFast (does NOT work in B2D)
;    Update: 1.04-Added constants to support use with 16 bit color cards
;    Update: 1.03-Added curveImg Routine
;    Update: 1.01-Added maskImg, replaceColor, maskAndReplace routines
;    Update: 1.00-Original RLE image routine

AppTitle "Blitz Run Length Encoded Vector Images"

Global sw% = 800
Global sh% = 600
Global cd% = 32 ;<--------------- Color depth

Graphics sw, sh , cd, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Dim vecs(1) ;vector array (true dimension size in image data)
Dim pal%(1)	;Color palette array (true dimension size in image data)

;========== masking constants for 32 bit color =========
	Global maskRed% = 16711680
	Global maskGrn% = 65280
	Global maskBlu% = 255

;========= masking constants for 16 bit (5-6-5) ========
;	Global maskRed% = 16252928
;	Global maskGrn% = 64512 ;change to 63488 for (5-5-5)
;	Global maskBlu% = 248

Arial40bi% = LoadFont("Arial",40,True,True)
Arial18b%  = LoadFont("Arial",18,True)

Color 0,128,255
Rect 0, 0,sw-1, sh-1,True

SetFont Arial40bi
msg$ = "Rotate text"
msgWide% = StringWidth(msg$)
msgHigh% = StringHeight(msg$)
Color 255,0,0
center% = (sw-msgWide) Shr 1
Rect center, 0,msgWide,msgHigh,True
Color 255,255,255
Text center,0,msg$
SetFont arial18b
Text 350,46,"(Original Image)"

getImg(center, 0, msgWide, msgHigh)
rotateImg(  0,	10,		100,						msgWide, msgHigh)
rotateImg( 90,	10+msgWide,	100+msgHigh,			msgWide, msgHigh)
rotateImg(180,	10+msgWide,	100+msgWide+msgHigh*2,	msgWide, msgHigh)
rotateImg(270,	10,			100+msgWide+msgHigh,	msgWide, msgHigh)

maskImg(  0, 210,			100,					msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0)
maskImg( 90, 210+msgWide,	100+msgHigh,			msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0)
maskImg(180, 210+msgWide,	100+msgWide+msgHigh*2,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0)
maskImg(270, 210,			100+msgWide+msgHigh,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0)

replaceColor(  0, 410,			100,					msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
replaceColor( 90, 410+msgWide,	100+msgHigh,			msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
replaceColor(180, 410+msgWide,	100+msgWide+msgHigh*2,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
replaceColor(270, 410,			100+msgWide+msgHigh,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)

maskAndReplace(  0, 610,		100,					msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 32)
maskAndReplace( 90, 610+msgWide,100+msgHigh,			msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 192, 32)
maskAndReplace(180, 610+msgWide,100+msgWide+msgHigh*2,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 200, 224, 64)
maskAndReplace(270, 610,		100+msgWide+msgHigh,	msgWide, msgHigh, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 192, 255, 32)

Color 255,255,255
SetFont Arial18b
Text 20,365,"Example of rotated text"

Text 220,365,"Example of masking"
Text 220,388,"the red from image"

Text 420,365,"Example of replacing"
Text 420,388,"white with yellow"

Text 620,365,"Example of masking"
Text 620,388,"red and replacing"
Text 620,411,"the white"
Text 10,570,"click to continue"



SetFont Arial40bi
Color 0,128,255
Rect 0, 0, sw-1, sh-1, True
msg$ = "Zoom 1x-32x"
msgWide% = StringWidth(msg$)
msgHigh% = StringHeight(msg$)

Color 255,0,0
center% = (sw-msgWide) Shr 1
Rect 0, 0,msgWide,msgHigh,True
Color 255,255,255
Text 0,0,msg$
SetFont arial18b
Text 40,46,"(Original Image)"

getImg(0, 0, msgWide, msgHigh)

magnify(  0, center,			0,						msgWide, msgHigh, 2)
magnify( 90, center+msgWide*2-2,msgHigh*2,				msgWide, msgHigh, 2)
magnify(180, center+msgWide*2,	msgWide*2+msgHigh*4-2,	msgWide, msgHigh, 2)
magnify(270, center,			msgWide*2+msgHigh*2,	msgWide, msgHigh, 2)

SetFont Arial18b
Color 255,255,255
Text center+175,289,"(this is 2x)"
Text 10,570,"click to continue"


Color 0, 128, 255
Rect 0, 0, sw-1, sh-1, True

SetFont Arial40bi
msg$ = "Curved Text Example "
msgWide% = StringWidth(msg$)-5
msgHigh% = StringHeight(msg$)

center% = (sw-msgWide) Shr 1
Color 255,0,0
Rect center, 0,msgWide,msgHigh,True
Color 255,255,255
Text center,0,msg$
SetFont Arial18b
Text 100,0,"(Original Image)"
Text 10,570,"click to exit"
getImg(center, 0, msgWide, msgHigh)

curveImg(400, 320, 275, 180.0, 360.0, msgWide, msgHigh, 5)
curveImg(400, 320, 225, 270.0, 270.0, msgWide, msgHigh, 4)
curveImg(400, 320, 175,   0.0, 225.0, msgWide, msgHigh, 4)
curveImg(400, 320, 125,  90.0, 270.0, msgWide, msgHigh, 3)
curveImg(400, 320,  75, 112.0, 315.0, msgWide, msgHigh, 2)


FreeFont Arial40bi
FreeFont Arial18b

Function getImg(x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%)
	;Allocate enough memory for worst case scenario
	Dim vecs(imgWidth*imgHeight*2)
	vCount% = -2
	cCount% = -1
	lastColor% = -1
	For j% = y To y + imgHeight-1
		pixCount = 0
		For i% = x To x+imgWidth-1
			;Get pixel color from current screen coords
			pixColor% = ReadPixelFast(i, j)
			;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)================================
			;  modify pixel color  values for 16bit color
			If cd = 16 Then
				pixColor = pixColor And 16317688 ;use 16253176 for (5-5-5)
		    End If
			;Keep track of how many pixels of current color
			pixCount% = pixCount% + 1
			;If at start of a raster line OR there's a change in color
			;Then keep track of how many pixels for current color
			If (i = x) Or (pixColor <> lastColor) Then
				;remember pixel color as the last color encountered in bitmap
				lastColor = pixColor
				vecLen% = 1
				vCount = vCount + 2 ;even numbered elements hold length values
				cCount = cCount + 2 ;odd numbered elements hold color values
				;Update vector array: evenNumber element = number of same color pixels
				vecs(vCount) = vecLen
				;Update vector array:  oddNumber element = new pixel color to store
				vecs(cCount) = pixColor
				;Otherwise just add to the number of same colored pixels
				vecLen = vecLen + 1
				vecs(vCount) = vecLen
			End If
End Function

Function rotateImg(angle%, x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%)
	If angle = 0 Or angle = 90 Or angle = 180 Or angle = 270 Then
		angle2% = angle + 90
		vCount% = 0
		For i% = 1 To imgHeight
			p# = Cos(angle2)*(i-1)+x
			q# = Sin(angle2)*(i-1)+y
			lineLen% = 0
			While lineLen < imgWidth
				vecLen = vecs(vCount)
				lineLen = linelen + vecLen
				red% = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
				grn% = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
				blu% =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
				If cd = 16 Then
					red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
					grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
					blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
			    End If

				Color red,grn,blu
				r# = Cos(angle)*vecLen+p
				s# = Sin(angle)*vecLen+q
				Line p,q,r,s
				vCount = vCount+2
	End If
End Function

Function maskImg(angle%, x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%, r1%, g1%, b1%)
	If angle = 0 Or angle = 90 Or angle = 180 Or angle = 270 Then
	;===16 bit (5-6-5)============================
	;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
	If cd = 16 Then
		r1 = r1 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g1 = g1 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b1 = b1 Shr 3 Shl 3
	End If
		angle2% = angle + 90
		vCount% = 0
		For i% = 1 To imgHeight
			p# = Cos(angle2)*(i-1)+x
			q# = Sin(angle2)*(i-1)+y
			lineLen% = 0
			While lineLen < imgWidth
				vecLen = vecs(vCount)
				lineLen = linelen + vecLen
				red% = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
				grn% = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
				blu% =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
				;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)==============================
				;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
				If cd = 16 Then
					red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
					grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
					blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
			    End If
				Color red,grn,blu
				r# = Cos(angle)*vecLen+p
				s# = Sin(angle)*vecLen+q
				If r1=red And g1=grn And b1=blu Then
					vCount = vCount+2
					Line p,q,r,s
					vCount = vCount+2
			    End If
	End If
End Function

Function replaceColor(angle%, x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%, r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%)
	If angle = 0 Or angle = 90 Or angle = 180 Or angle = 270 Then
	;===16 bit (5-6-5)========================================
	;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
	If cd = 16 Then
		r1 = r1 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g1 = g1 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b1 = b1 Shr 3 Shl 3
		r2 = r2 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g2 = g2 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b2 = b2 Shr 3 Shl 3
	End If
		angle2% = angle + 90
		vCount% = 0
		For i% = 1 To imgHeight
			p# = Cos(angle2)*(i-1)+x
			q# = Sin(angle2)*(i-1)+y
			lineLen% = 0
			While lineLen < imgWidth
				vecLen = vecs(vCount)
				lineLen = linelen + vecLen
				red = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
				grn = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
				blu =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
				;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)==============================
				;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
				If cd = 16 Then
					red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
					grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
					blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
			    End If
				Color red,grn,blu
				r# = Cos(angle)*vecLen+p
				s# = Sin(angle)*vecLen+q
				If r1=red And g1=grn And b1=blu Then
					Color r2,g2,b2
			    End If
				Line p,q,r,s
				vCount = vCount+2
	End If
End Function

Function maskAndReplace(angle%, x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%, r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, r3%, g3%, b3%)
	 If angle = 0 Or angle = 90 Or angle = 180 Or angle = 270 Then
	;===16 bit (5-6-5)========================================
	;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
	If cd = 16 Then
		r1 = r1 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g1 = g1 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b1 = b1 Shr 3 Shl 3
		r2 = r2 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g2 = g2 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b2 = b2 Shr 3 Shl 3
		r3 = r3 Shr 3 Shl 3
		g3 = g3 Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
		b3 = b3 Shr 3 Shl 3
	End If
		angle2% = angle + 90
		vCount% = 0
		For i% = 1 To imgHeight
			p# = Cos(angle2)*(i-1)+x
			q# = Sin(angle2)*(i-1)+y
			lineLen% = 0
			While lineLen < imgWidth
				vecLen = vecs(vCount)
				lineLen = linelen + vecLen
				red = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
				grn = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
				blu =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
				;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)==============================
				;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
				If cd = 16 Then
					red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
					grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
					blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
			    End If
				Color red,grn,blu
				r# = Cos(angle)*vecLen+p
				s# = Sin(angle)*vecLen+q				
				If r2=red And g2=grn And b2=blu Then
					Color r3,g3,b3
					Line p,q,r,s
					vCount = vCount+2
					If r1=red And g1=grn And b1=blu Then
						vCount = vCount+2
						Line p,q,r,s
						vCount = vCount+2
				    End If
				End If
	End If
End Function

Function magnify(angle%, x%, y%, imgWidth%, imgHeight%, magLevel%)
    If angle = 0 Or angle = 90 Or angle = 180 Or angle = 270 Then
		If magLevel > 0 And magLevel < 33 Then
			angle2% = angle + 90
			vCount% = 0
			i% = 1
			While i < imgHeight*magLevel
				p# = Cos(angle2)*(i-1)+x
				q# = Sin(angle2)*(i-1)+y
				lineLen% = 0
				While lineLen < imgWidth
					vecLen = vecs(vCount)
					lineLen = linelen + vecLen
					red = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
					grn = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
					blu =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
					;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)==============================
					;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
					If cd = 16 Then
						red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
						grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
						blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
				    End If
					Color red,grn,blu
					Select angle
						Case  0
							boxWide% = magLevel * vecLen
							boxHigh% = magLevel
							Rect p, q, boxWide, boxHigh, True
							p = p + boxWide
						Case  90
							boxWide% = magLevel
							boxHigh% = magLevel * vecLen
							Rect p, q, boxWide, boxHigh, True
							q = q + boxHigh
						Case  180
							p = p - magLevel * vecLen
							boxWide = magLevel * vecLen
							boxHigh = magLevel
							Rect p, q, boxWide, boxHigh, True
						Case  270
							q = q - magLevel*vecLen
							boxWide = magLevel
							boxHigh = magLevel * vecLen
							Rect p, q, boxWide, boxHigh, True
					End Select
					vCount = vCount + 2
				i = i + magLevel
		End If
	End If
End Function

Function curveImg(centerX%, centerY%, radius%, startAngle#, arcSegment#, imgWidth%, imgHeight%, penSize%)
	If penSize > 1 Then penOffset# = penSize/2
	stepSize# = arcSegment/imgWidth
	vCount% = 0
	For i% = 1 To imgHeight
		lineLen% = 0
		arc# = startAngle
		While lineLen < imgWidth
			arcLen = vecs(vCount)
			lineLen = lineLen + arcLen
			red = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskRed) Shr 16
			grn = (vecs(vCount + 1) And maskGrn) Shr 8
			blu =  vecs(vCount + 1) And maskBlu
			;============== 16 bit (5-6-5)==============================
			;  modify parameter values for 16bit color
			If cd = 16 Then
				red = red Shr 3 Shl 3
				grn = grn Shr 2 Shl 2 ;change to Shr 3 Shl 3 for (5-5-5)
				blu = blu Shr 3 Shl 3
		    End If
			Color red, grn, blu
			arcInc# = arcLen*stepSize
			c# = arc#
			While c <= arc+arcInc
				x = Cos(c)*radius+centerX
				y = Sin(c)*radius+centerY
				If penSize > 1 Then
					Rect x-penOffset, y-penOffset, penSize, penSize, True
					Plot x,y
				End If
				c = c+stepSize
			arc = arc+arcInc
			vCount = vCount+2
		radius = radius - 1
End Function


Neat demo but on the first screen there's no difference in the rotated text examples - they're all white text on red background.

Thanks for the comment.

I downloaded the code from here, and it ran fine on my machine. The white text on a red background was used for contrast. The first rectangle should be made up of "Rotate Text" rotated at 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees. The second rectangle should be "Rotate Text" without the red background. The third rectangle should be yellow text on red background. The last rectangle should be four different shades of yellow without the red background. If your screen is different, it's probably because I only coded for 32 bit colors, though 16 bit color should be an easy tweak.


Made changes to code to allow for 16 bit color cards.

Change: Graphics 800,600,32,2 to Graphics 800,600,16,2

Comment Out 32bit color masks and un-comment 16bit color masks

Then un-comment 16 bit variable assignments in rest of code. They are all sectioned off with comments, so they're easy to spot.

That should do it!

OK, it's fixed, forgot to make the color depth variable global.

Change cd from 32 to 16
Comment 32bit color masks and un-comment 16bit mask values

Have tested at 16bit (5-6-5) and it works.

OK, it works now. ;)

Glad to hear it worked for you, I did test it by resetting my graphics to 16bit and it worked, but it's good to hear it worked on a different system. Currently working on a file packing system, kind of like the one Terrabit made. Using the RLE compression with some more logic should make it feasible to include small images inside the source code of a project. I converted a 1.7Mb file using RLE to 85K. That works out to a 20:1 compression ratio. Another file I converted went from 30K to 20K, only 33 percent less. RLE doesn't work well with images that have lots of color gradients, but for simple graphics like sprites, it should be OK.

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