Code archives/Graphics/RefreshRate

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RefreshRate by Teddyfles2001
Returns the current monitor refresh rate.
; RefreshRate()
; Returns the current monitor refresh rate.
; By Geert Jan Alsem
; Updated version of a crappy RefreshRate() function I once wrote.
; Actually, this one is a bit strange too. Basicly it measures how
; long a VWait takes 100 times. However, it only uses the last 20
; times to calculate the result. Now the strange thing is that if
; I remove the seemingly useless first 80 runs, the function
; doesn't work as well as it does now. Apparently it needs to warm
; up first... or something...
; Anyway, it's a pretty useless function anyway. Just use
; WaitTimer if you want to make a game run at the same speed on
; any refresh rate.

Function RefreshRate()
    rr_timer = MilliSecs()
    rr_timer = MilliSecs() - rr_timer
    If rr_count > 79 Then rr_total# = rr_total# + 1000 / Float(rr_timer)
    rr_count = rr_count + 1
  Until rr_count = 100
  Return rr_total#/20
End Function


This is a good Function, I like how it works. perfect for my current program I'm writing.

Do you mind if I suggest this small edit? We know how many times we want the Function to run, so why not For instead of Repeat. Then we can lose a line.

For rr_count=0 To 100
rr_timer = MilliSecs()
rr_timer = MilliSecs() - rr_timer
If rr_count > 80 Then rr_total# = rr_total# + 1000 / Float(rr_timer)
Return rr_total#/20

This doesn't work for me as VWait does nothing, i.e. does not wait.

It looks like VWait is like Vertical Sync. My FPS is limited to 60 when I set this on. Also, the screen tearing is fixed when enabled..

VWait does work. It is the difference between my program registering 60 FPS (VWait) and 2147483648 FPS (No VWait).

Honestly, the between the values is the VWait instruction.

RustyKristi wrote: It looks like VWait is like Vertical Sync.

It does not even look like ... It is ... Actually you can find it in the Docs:
VWait [frames]
[frames] = optional number of frames to wait. Default is 1 frame.

VWait will cause the CPU to wait for the next (or specified number of) vertical blank event on the monitor

Personally I would have done it differently....simply had a timed pause of 1 or 2 seconds and count the number of times vwait runs....then average it.

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