Code archives/Graphics/Message Box function

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Message Box function by elseano2003
Makes a small message box at the bottom of the screen with name, message, and picture. This is particularly useful for RPGs! You can fiddle around with the position and size bits to get what you want. Feel free to use it in any of your non-commercial games, but if you want to use it commercialy [which you probably don't!] just change it a little bit and then you can call it you own! ;]
Function message(charachter$,message$,pic$,r#,g#,b#)

Color r#,g#,b# ;color of the main box
Rect 10,470,600,100,True
Color 155,155,155
Rect 10,470,601,100,False
DrawImage pic$,15,480 ;Image of the character [80x80 pixels]
Color 255,255,255
Text 100,480,charachter$ ;The character's name
Color 220,220,220
Text 100,500,message$ ;What he/she is saying!

End Function



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