Code archives/Graphics/2D Alpha Blending (as an include file)

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2D Alpha Blending (as an include file) by Sunteam Software2002
July 2003: Matt Sephton has kindly upated a few things to make them faster (and slicker). I haven't tested them myself but I trust him ;)

Include this and use quite simply by using the drawimagealpha function. Quite simple really, it does all the calcs for ya, just fill in it's required parameters (see func for details) and away you go :)


Ignores drawing pixels matching the mask values (unless 0,0,0)
Faster thanks to Mark's pointers :)
Reworked to handle inverse alpha (i.e. you can now subtract an image from the destination for example the clouds in Sunteam's 2D tech demo credits make the ground darker as in sub alpha instead of add alpha, see last param for more details).

Sunteam Software
; ================================================
; Small Alpha routines by Mike of Sunteam Software
; ================================================

; Modified by Matt Sephton (July 2003)

Global alphamw,alphamh

; readargb
; Params: a as an alpha type (see below), buffer to be read from (must be locked before), x position of pixel, y position of pixel
Function readargb(a.alpha,buffer,x,y)
	a\r = (rrgb And $FF0000) Shr 16
	a\g = (rrgb And $00FF00) Shr 8
	a\b = (rrgb And $0000FF)
End Function

; writeargb
; Params: a as an alpha type (see below), buffer to write to (must be locked before), x position of pixel, y position of pixel
Function writeargb(a.alpha,buffer,x,y)
	If x>=0 And y>=0 And x<=alphamw And y<=alphamh Then
		argb = (a\r Shl 16) + (a\g Shl 8) + a\b
		WritePixelFast x,y,argb,buffer
End Function

; adjustalpha
; Params: a as an alpha type, red value (0-1 as float), green value (0-1 as float), blue value (0-1 as float)
Function adjustalpha(a.alpha,r#,g#,b#)
	a\r = (a\r*r#)
	a\g = (a\g*g#)
	a\b = (a\b*b#)
End Function

; drawimagealpha
; Params: srcimage handle (does not need locking and will be unlocked after),destbuffer (does not need locking and will be unlocked after),x,y,alpha level (0-1 as float), mask red, mask green, mask blue, operation (-1 for sub, 1 for add)
; NB: srcimage handle is an image handle not a buffer handle like dest buffer is!
; NBB: the mask is an int value in r,g,b representing the colour to be ignored (masked)
Function drawimagealpha(src,dest,x,y,a#,maskr,maskg,maskb,op)
	w = ImageWidth(src)-1
	h = ImageHeight(src)-1
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(src)
	LockBuffer dest
	t.alpha = New alpha
	u.alpha = New alpha
	mr = maskr
	mg = maskg
	For o = 0 To h
		For n = 0 To w
			If Not (t\r = mr And t\g = mg And t\b = maskb)
				If (op = 0) Then
					;multiply blend
					;dest = dest + (source - dest) * alpha
					u\r = u\r + (t\r - u\r) * a
					u\g = u\g + (t\g - u\g) * a
					u\b = u\b + (t\b - u\b) * a
					u\r = (u\r + (t\r*op))
					u\g = (u\g + (t\g*op))
					u\b = (u\b + (t\b*op))

				; check And remove any rollover
				;If u\r > $FF Then 
				;	u\r = $FF
				;ElseIf u\r < $0 
				;	u\r = $0
				;If u\g > $FF Then
				;	u\g = $FF
				;ElseIf u\g < $0
				;	u\g = $0
				;If u\b > $FF Then
				;	u\b = $FF
				;ElseIf u\b <$0
				;	u\b = $0
				; faster rollover check
				u\r = u\r And $FF
				u\g = u\g And $FF
				u\b = u\b And $FF

	Delete t
	Delete u
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(src)
	UnlockBuffer dest
End Function

; alpha type (red,green,blue as 2 bit ints)
Type alpha
	Field r,g,b
End Type


Regular K2004
This works! It looks very nice but its too slow to use in my gam. It increases the execution time from 20-50 ms to over 1000ms!

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