Code archives/Graphics/DLA seaweed

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DLA seaweed by Andy_A2016
Make your own cartoonish seaweed

sw% = 1152 : sh% = 720

AppTitle "Diffusion Limited Aggregation"
Graphics sw, sh, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Const white% = $FFFFFF

w% = 192: h% = 120 : m% = 24
multiplier% = 6

Dim hxc%(23), nc%(23,2)


style% = 1
exitFlag% = 0
While exitFlag = 0
	Dim s(w+1, h+1)
	d = 1
	While d <= h
		x = Rand(1,w-1)
		y = d
		c = 0
		While y <> 0 And c = 0
			c = s(x, y - 1)
			If c = 0 Then c = s(x - 1, y - 1)
			If c = 0 Then c = s(x + 1, y - 1)
			If Rand(0,1) = 1 And s(x + 1, y - 1) <> 0 Then c = s(x + 1, y - 1)
			If c = 0 Then y = y - 1
		If KeyHit(1) Then End
		If c = 0 Then c = (x Mod m)
		s(x, y) = c
		If y = d - 1 Then d = d + 1
	deltaClr# = 111.0/Float(sh)
	bGrad# = 112.0
	For i = 0 To sh-1
		Color 0,Int(bGrad*0.7), Int(bGrad)
		Line(0, i, sw-1, i)
		bGrad = bGrad - deltaClr
	For j = 0 To h-1
		jm% = sh-j*multiplier
		For i = 0 To w-1
			c = s(i,j)
			im% = i*multiplier
			If c <> 0 Then
				Select style
					Case 1
						radius% = Rand(4,7)
						ink(0): cfill(im, jm, radius + 2)
						Color nc(c,0), nc(c,1), nc(c,2)
						cfill(im, jm, radius)
						ink(white): cfill(im-2, jm-2, 2)
					Case 2
						radius% = Rand(6,9)
						xr = im-radius
						yr = jm-radius
						r2 = radius+radius
						ink(0): Rect xr,yr,r2,r2,True
						Color nc(c,0), nc(c,1), nc(c,2)
						Rect xr+2,yr+2,r2-4,r2-4,True
						Rect xr+4,yr+4,3,3,True
					Case 3
						makeTris(im, jm, hxc(c))
				End Select
			End If
	box(380, 2, 90, 20, $90, $FFFFFF)
	box(480, 2, 90, 20, $90, $FFFFFF)
	box(580, 2, 90, 20, $90, $FFFFFF)
	box(680, 2, 90, 20, $FF0000, $FFFFFF)
	Text 425,6, "Circles",True
	Text 525,6, "Squares",True
	Text 625,6, "Triangles",True
	Text 725,6, "EXIT",True
	While mouseExit = 0
		mx = MouseX() : my = MouseY()
		If pnr(mx, my, 680, 2, 90, 20) Then
			mouseExit = 1
			exitFlag = 1
		End If
		If pnr(mx, my, 380, 2, 90, 20) Then style = 1: mouseExit = 1
		If pnr(mx, my, 480, 2, 90, 20) Then style = 2: mouseExit = 1
		If pnr(mx, my, 580, 2, 90, 20) Then style = 3: mouseExit = 1
	mouseExit = 0

Function ink%(hexVal%)
	Local red%, grn%, blu%
	red = (hexVal Shr 16) And 255
	grn = (hexVal Shr 8 ) And 255
	blu = hexVal And 255
	Color red, grn, blu
End Function

Function cfill%(x%, y%, r%)
	Oval x-r, y-r, r + r, r + r,True
End Function

Function box%(x%, y%, w%, h%, clr1%, clr2%)
	;main box color is clr1 (hex value)
	;box outline color is clr2 (hex value)
	Rect x, y, w, h,True
	Rect x+2,y+2,w-4,h-4,True
End Function

Function pnr(px, py, rx, ry, rw, rh)
	;   Function "Point In Rectangle"
	; This function checks to see if the point
	; (px,py) is within the specified rectangle.
	; If the point is inside the rectangle
	; a value of 1 is returned.
	; If the point is not inside the rectangle
	; a value of 0 is returned.
	; px = the X coord of the point in question
	; py = the Y coord of the point in question
	; rx = Upper  Left X coord of rectangle
	; ry = Upper  Left Y coord of rectangle
	; rw =  width of rectangle
	; rh = height of rectangle
    Return ((px>=rx) And (px<=(rx+rw-1)) And (py>=ry) And (py<=(ry+rh-1)))
End Function

Function palette()
	Local i%
	hxc(0)=$0000FF: hxc(1)=$4000FF
	hxc(2)=$8000FF: hxc(3)=$C000FF             
	hxc(4)=$FF00FF: hxc(5)=$FF00C0
	hxc(6)=$FF0080: hxc(7)=$FF0040
	hxc(8)=$FF0000: hxc(9)=$FF4000
	hxc(10)=$FF8000: hxc(11)=$FFC000
	hxc(12)=$FFFF00: hxc(13)=$C0FF00
	hxc(14)=$80FF00: hxc(15)=$40FF00
	hxc(16)=$00FF00: hxc(17)=$00FF40
	hxc(18)=$00FF80: hxc(19)=$00FFC0
	hxc(20)=$00FFFF: hxc(21)=$00C0FF
	hxc(22)=$0080FF: hxc(23)=$0040FF
	For i = 0 To 23
		nc(i,0) = (hxc(i) Shr 16) And 255
		nc(i,1) = (hxc(i) Shr  8) And 255
		nc(i,2) = hxc(i) And 255
End Function

Function makeTris(cx%, cy%, hexClr%)
	Local a1%,a2%,a3%,mag1%,mag2%,mag3%,maga%,magb%,magc%
	Local x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,x3%,y3%,xa%,ya%,xb%,yb%,xc%,yc%
    a1 = Rand(24,94)
    a2 = Rand(134,224)
    a3 = Rand(244,344)
    mag1 = Rand(8,14)
    mag2 = Rand(8,14)
    mag3 = Rand(8,14)
	maga = mag1-1
	magb = mag2-1
	magc = mag3-1
    x1 = Cos(a1)*mag1+cx
    y1 = Sin(a1)*mag1+cy
    x2 = Cos(a2)*mag2+cx
    y2 = Sin(a2)*mag2+cy
    x3 = Cos(a3)*mag3+cx
    y3 = Sin(a3)*mag3+cy
    xa = Cos(a1)*maga+cx
    ya = Sin(a1)*maga+cy
    xb = Cos(a2)*magb+cx
    yb = Sin(a2)*magb+cy
    xc = Cos(a3)*magc+cx
    yc = Sin(a3)*magc+cy
    triFill(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
	Color 0,0,0
	Line(x1,y1, x2,y2)
	Line(x3,y3, x1,y1)
	Line(xa,ya, xb,yb)
	Line(xc,yc, xa,ya)
	Color 255,255,255
	Line(x2,y2, x3,y3)
	Line(xb,yb, xc,yc)
End Function

Function triFill%(x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#,x3#,y3#)
	Local slope1#,slope2#,slope3#,x#,y#,length#
	If x2 < x1
 		x = x2: y = y2: x2 = x1: y2 = y1: x1 = x: y1 = y
	End If
	If x3 < x1
 		x = x3: y = y3: x3 = x1: y3 = y1: x1 = x: y1 = y
	End If
	If x3 < x2
		x = x3: y = y3: x3 = x2: y3 = y2: x2 = x: y2 = y
	End If
	If x1 <> x3 Then slope1 = (y3-y1)/(x3-x1)
		length = x2 - x1
		If length <> 0
			slope2 = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
			For x = 0 To length
				Line x+x1,x*slope1+y1,x+x1,x*slope2+y1
	End If
	y = length*slope1+y1
	length = x3-x2
	If length <> 0
		slope3 = (y3-y2)/(x3-x2)
		For x = 0 To length
			Line x+x2,x*slope1+y,x+x2,x*slope3+y2
	End If
End Function


Awesome! can it take form of a shape or boundary like a box or rectangle?

If you mean resize to a particular rectangle then, yes.

The actual plot is only 192x120 pixels and is then scaled. So I believe if you change the 'w' and 'h' variables you should be able to make if fit nearly any square or rectangle.

If you mean to grow from all four sides, then it would take some doing, but should be possible.

If you mean resize to a particular rectangle then, yes.

The actual plot is only 192x120 pixels and is then scaled. So I believe if you change the 'w' and 'h' variables you should be able to make if fit nearly any square or rectangle.

Yes, that's the one. thanks!

Nice looking for 2d games background !


Just needs some fish ...

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