Code archives/Graphics/Sprites2Go - C64 Sprite - BB3d (bb+?!)

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Sprites2Go - C64 Sprite - BB3d (bb+?!) by Dan2016
With this addon, you can have the Sprites drawn in your code, or have the Sprites, like they were used on the Commodore 64 machines,in the Data code.

Collision detection is not implemented, youll have to write one for your game, see below.


First youll need to add collors to the Palette.

Call AddPal (Red,Green,Blue) with the desired values, in the range of 0 to 255 ($0-$ff), multiple times.
The first addpal entry will always be transparent, and is drawn with the space key. (" ")
You can add up to 64 colors.

Then you can use either c64ds() or c64datspr() functions to draw your sprites.

The standard commodore 64 sprite settings are used here, which is 24x21.

C64ds (dat$,newspr):

to draw 1 sprite you need to use this function 21 times.

Colors used are defined as chars from left to right: " "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

To draw an transparent pixel, you should use " ", Color number 1 would then be 0, Color #2 would be 1, color #11 = a and so on.

here is a small example:

C64ds (" 1");1
c64ds (" 11");2..
c64ds (" 222");20
c64ds ("fFfF");21 <- f and F are different colors ! (if defined by the AddPal() function)

Dat$ shall contain, (if not changed) up to 24 chars. To save bytes, transparent pixels to the right side, can be left out:

E.g.: c64ds (" 111122223333 ") can be written as c64ds (" 111122223333")
edit c64ds (" 111122223333 ") above has 8x" " after the 3333 !

and if the whole line contains only transparent pixels, then it can be written as c64ds (" ")

The newspr flag can be used to start a new Sprite drawing, (the old sprite will, then, be saved to a larger bitmap).
You do not need to use the newspr flag, if your sprites have 21 lines each.
At the 22th line, the sprite will be automaticaly stored to a larger bitmap!

C64datspr(dat,newsprite,color1,multicolor=2,color3) :

dat can be a number between 0 and 255, which represents, in the binary format, the pixels which will be drawn. (see C64 sprite data format : here )

If not changed, youll need to provide 3 Bytes of data for each Sprite line, 21 lines (which are standard setting)

newsprite can be used to start a new sprite, but can be left to 0, if you provide the 21 lines of data (which will automaticaly start the new sprite)

C64 sprites, in hires mode have only 2 colors. so for hires sprites there is only transparent and the color1 (1-63) - from your palete.

If your sprite data is in Multicolor format, which is Lowres, you have to set the multicolor and color3 flag to the number from your palette.
This will draw in the lowres format.

There is no error checking at all, so basicaly you can switch between lowres and hires colors (which is not possibile on the Real c64.

The only limitation is, if you draw a sprite, you can have only C64datspr or c64ds lines for one sprite, using them after eachother will start a new sprite.


Needs to be called,without parameter , after the last sprite is drawn ((after the last c64datspr or c64ds) to complete the copying process to the larger bitmap)

c64drawsprite (nr,x,y)

This will draw an image of the sprite to the Current Buffer.

If you need to do Collision check, then youll need to do something like this for each sprite on the screen:

;pseudo code, this is not tested 
spr1=CreateImage (c64i\spr_width,c64i\spr_height)
spr2=CreateImage (c64i\spr_width,c64i\spr_height)
setbuffer imageBuffer(spr1)

setbuffer imageBuffer(spr2)

if ImagesCollide (spr1,x,y,0,spr2,x,y,0) 

The last function, which can be used in your program, to access the colors of the palette is:

c64color(nr) (which is same as Color $xx,$xx,$xx)

And a Demo, which says more than 1000 words:

p.s. what needs to be checked, is, IF the Drawn bitmap of 50x50 images (50*24pixel width,50*21pixel height = 1200x1050 is possibile on every machine.)
provided you want to use that many images ;)

and the Include file, which shall be saved as :
; Project: Sprites 2 Go - C64 sprite drawing method, expandable
;               Save this as
; Version: 1.0
; Author: Dan
; Email: -.-
; Copyright: PD
; Description:    Draw Sprites in your Code, or use the C64 sprite data format 
;                   This makes your program Independant on external bitmap 
;                   Usage:
;                   AddPal(r,g,b) ;Adds color to the Palette, Call this multiple times to add More colors
;                             1st palette entry will always be transparent (make sure that if you set this to 0,0,0 your black collor shall be 0,0,1
;                   C64DS (" 1 1 2 3") Draws to the sprite (1 line here). Youll need to draw them manualy, (see at the bottom for the template)
;                   C64datspr(dat,newsprite,color1,multicolor=2,color3).  Adds C64 sprite data, 1 byte = 8 pixel to the sprite)
;                             (c64ds and c64datspr functions cannot be mixed/used together to draw to a same spite !, each other saves the current sprite and starts a new one
;                   c64_finalize() - needs to be called after your drawing is done or you may miss the last image or the whole sprite bitmap 
;                   c64drawsprite (nr,x,y) same as DrawImage, but this one uses your sprite drawings, starting with nr 0, at x,y coordinates
;                             This function is drawing the Sprites to the current buffer, so if you want to have collison detection with ImagesCollide or ImagesOverlap commands,
;                             youll need to make image holders for the sprites, set the buffer to their image buffer
;                             and call this function, with only image number to be copied to the holder (x=0,y=0 are set to default).Then Draw your sprites to the screen and do the collision check.
;                   aditionaly, you can use c64color(nr) function to set the foreground collor, from the defined palette
;how this works:
;You draw a small picture:
; ####
; #  #     save it into a bigger one:
; #### ---> ##################                                                ##################
;           #  #             #                                                #  #  #  #  #  # #
;           ####             #      --------------copy------------->          ##################
;           #                #                                                #  #  #  #  #  # #
;           ##################                                                ##################
;                              when the big picture is filled,make a copy,save it into a bitmap, 
;                              and reset the big picture.Repeat the process.

;Dont change the lines below, unless you know what you are doing
Const AddPaletteorder$=" 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ;64 colors (63+transparent)

Dim c64pal(Len(AddPaletteorder$)+1,2)

;Used to hold the Sprite frames in one or more bitmaps 
Type c64sprmap
    Field image
End Type

Type c64data
	Field palcount,imgdrawcount 
	Field dx,dy,maxdrawx
	Field spr_width,spr_height
	Field c64image,maxsprites
	Field imgcount,NrX,NrY,MaxNrX,MaxNrY
	Field DrawTo,picture[1]
	Field collection,recursion
	Field drawn
End Type

Global c64i.c64data = New c64data
Global c64_image.c64sprmap = New c64sprmap
;Dont change the lines above, unless you know what you are doing

;If you have a need to adapt the code to a bigger/smaller size, the next 5 variables should be changed and set up
c64i\maxdrawx=3					;c64datspr() - 3 bytes * 8bits = 24 pixel, make sure your data statement provide this many bytes * c64i\spr_height

;used for C64datSpr() and C64ds()   - needed for both and need to be adjusted manualy
c64i\spr_width=24					;width of the drawn image, for c64 is 3*8=24 !!!        - Correct this manually, if you use your own width/height format
c64i\spr_height=21					;height of the drawn image,c64 image standard is 21 !!! - Correct this manually, if you use your own width/height format

;How many Sprite images shall one bitmap contain:
c64i\MaxNrX=50					;50 images * 24 pixels = 1200 pixels width    ! depends on spr_width   - for C64storeimg()
c64i\MaxNrY=50					;50 images * 21 pixels = 1050 pixels height   ! depends on spr_height   - for C64storeimg()

;Dont change the values below :
c64i\palcount=0					;count added palette colors
c64i\imgdrawcount=-1				;c64ds() to count lines drawn, depends on spr_Height setting !
c64i\dx=1						;c64datspr() - holds the current x drawing position - DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\dy=0						;c64datspr() - holds the current y drawing position - DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\imgcount=0					;c64storeImg() - how many images have been stored	- DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\drawn=0					;Check if something was drawn				  DONT CHANGE This
c64i\NrX=0						;Holder of the current image on the X axis	- DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\NrY=1						;Holder of the current image on the y axis	- DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\DrawTo=0					;Draw to image buffer holder				- DONT CHANGE THIS
c64i\collection=0				;How many image pages are created, (when maxnrx + maxnry) are reached 
c64i\c64image=CreateImage(c64i\spr_width,c64i\spr_height)				;imagage to draw sprite !

;Dont Change the values above this line.

Function c64drawsprite (nr,x=0,y=0)
;sprite Nr begins with 0 !
	xp=((nr) Mod c64i\MaxNrX)*c64i\spr_width
	For tmp.c64sprmap = Each c64sprmap
		If z=page
			DrawImageRect tmp\image,x,y,xp,yp,c64i\spr_width,c64i\spr_height
End Function

Function c64datspr(dat,newspr=0,col1=2,col2=-1,col3=-1)
;Usage: if col2 is set to a collor (=>0), then it will be a multi collored sprite !
;Use newspr to force drawing of the next sprite, (this can be left out, if your data has enough bytes to draw 1 whole sprite)
;draws 8 pixels of a sprite in a line, using commodore 64 sprite data format
;1 byte equals 8 pixel, where each bit represents 1 pixel
;Spr width = c64i\maxdrawx * 8
;spr height= c64i\spr_height
;bytes needed for drawing = c64i\maxdrawx * c64i\spr_height
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image)
	If newspr=1
	    If c64i\drawn>0 Then C64storeimg() : SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image)
        ClsColor c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)
	    If c64i\imgdrawcount>0 Or c64i\dy>c64i\spr_height-1				;Used to save the sprite from the c64ds function !
			SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image)
			ClsColor c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)
	If col2<0				;Draw Mono (hires) sprites 
		For x=1 To 8
			Select BitState(dat,x)
				Case 0
				Case 1
			End Select
			Plot (c64i\dx*8)-x,c64i\dy
	Else					;Draw Multicolored (lowres) sprite
		For x=1 To 8 Step 2
			Select temp
				Case 0
					C64color (0)
				Case 1
					C64color (col1)
				Case 2
					C64color (col2)
				Case 3
					C64color (col3)
			End Select 
			Plot (c64i\dx*8)-x,c64i\dy 
			Plot ((c64i\dx*8)-x)-1,c64i\dy
	If c64i\dx>c64i\maxdrawx
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
End Function


Function c64ds (dat$,newspr=0)
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image)
	If newspr=1		;Check if new
	    If c64i\drawn>0 Then C64storeimg() : SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image) ;save to bigger pic if something was drawn
        ClsColor c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)  ;set the background collor (just in case)
		If (c64i\imgdrawcount<(c64i\spr_height-1)) And c64i\dy=0	;is the end of the spite reached ? and is c64datspr used 
			c64i\imgdrawcount=c64i\imgdrawcount+1					;if no, add a new line
        ;Save the image to a background image and start a new sprite
			C64storeimg() : SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\c64image)     ;else save it first before drawing new sprite
			ClsColor c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)
	If Len(dat$)>c64i\spr_width 		;is the dat$ longer than the Sprite width ?
		tmpx=c64i\spr_width				;then set the tmpx to the length of the sprite
		tmpx=Len(dat$)					;set it to the width of the sprite (or length of the line (dat$))
	For x=0 To tmpx				;Drawing is done here
		C64color (Instr(AddPaletteorder$,Mid$(dat$,x+1,1))-1)		;Choose the color from the char
		Plot x,c64i\imgdrawcount									;Plot the pixel
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
End Function

Function AddPal(r,g,b)
;r red value, g= green value, b= blue value
	If (r=>0 And r<=$ff) And (g=>0 And g<=$ff) And (b=>0 And b<=$ff)
	;D'OH  ;)
	Else			;invalid collors, set the default to $0
	If c64i\palcount=<Len(AddPaletteorder$)-1
End Function

Function C64color(number)
	Color c64pal(number,0),c64pal(number,1),c64pal(number,2)
End Function

Function C64storeimg(final=0)
;	DebugLog c64i\DrawTo +" "+ c64i\NrX+"/" +c64i\NrY+" -- " + " "+c64i\imgcount 
    If c64i\NrX>c64i\MaxNrX 
;		DebugLog "reached 50 img"
	If c64i\imgcount>c64i\MaxNrX-1
	c64i\picture[c64i\DrawTo] = CreateImage(iw,c64i\NrY*c64i\spr_height)
	If c64i\imgcount >0 
		CopyRect 0,0,ImageWidth(c64i\picture[(c64i\DrawTo+1) Mod 2]),ImageHeight(c64i\picture[(c64i\DrawTo+1) Mod 2]),0,0,ImageBuffer(c64i\picture[(c64i\DrawTo+1) Mod 2]),ImageBuffer(c64i\picture[c64i\DrawTo])
		FreeImage c64i\picture[(c64i\DrawTo+1) Mod 2]
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(c64i\picture[c64i\DrawTo]) 
	DrawBlock c64i\c64image,(c64i\NrX-1)*c64i\spr_width,(c64i\NrY-1)*c64i\spr_height
	If (c64i\NrY=c64i\MaxNrY) And c64i\NrX=c64i\MaxNrX
;		DebugLog "finalize 1"
	;set up to a new image
		If final=0
			c64i\DrawTo=(c64i\DrawTo + 1) Mod 2
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	c64i\imgdrawcount=0						;Reset C64ds + C64datspr function drawings
	ClsColor $0,$0,$0
End Function

Function c64_finalize(nr=0)
	If nr=0
		If (c64i\dy>0 Or c64i\imgdrawcount>0) 
			If c64i\recursion>0
				Goto getout
				MaskImage c64_image\image,c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)
				FreeImage c64i\picture[c64i\DrawTo]
				c64i\imgdrawcount=0						;Reset C64ds + C64datspr function drawings
		MaskImage c64_image\image,c64pal(0,0),c64pal(0,1),c64pal(0,2)
		c64_image.c64sprmap = New c64sprmap
		FreeImage c64i\picture[c64i\DrawTo]
		c64i\imgdrawcount=0						;Reset C64ds + C64datspr function drawings
	For tmp.c64sprmap = Each c64sprmap   ; clear unused !
		If tmp\image=0 
			Delete tmp
End Function

Function BitState(a,b)
;a = variable
;b = bit number to Check
	Select a
		Case "0"
			Return False
		Case "1"
			Return True
	End Select
End Function

;To display the Template correctly, use Fixed width font, like "Courier New","Lucida Console" or "Terminal"
; this is 24x21 template
;X=     123456789012345678901234	  v-- y
;c64ds("                        ",1);01			;Template ! use overwrite mode to draw inside ""
;C64DS("                        ")	;02			;,1 Starts a new sprite drawing
;c64ds("                        ")	;03			;if the whole line is transparent, you can use " " instead
;c64ds("                        ")	;04
;c64ds("                        ")	;05
;c64ds("                        ")	;06
;c64ds("                        ")	;07
;c64ds("                        ")	;08
;c64ds("                        ")	;09
;c64ds("                        ")	;10
;c64ds("                        ")	;11
;c64ds("                        ")	;12
;c64ds("                        ")	;13
;c64ds("                        ")	;14
;c64ds("                        ")	;15
;c64ds("                        ")	;16
;c64ds("                        ")	;17
;c64ds("                        ")	;18
;c64ds("                        ")	;19
;c64ds("                        ")	;20
;c64ds("                        ")	;21

;Following are standard c64 Palette colors, you can change your own
;AddPal ($00,$00,$00) ; transparent	" "
;AddPal ($01,$00,$00) ; Black		0
;AddPal ($FF,$FF,$FF) ; White		1
;AddPal ($88,$20,$00) ; Red			2
;AddPal ($68,$d0,$a8) ; Cyan		3
;AddPal ($a8,$38,$a0) ; Purple		4
;AddPal ($50,$b8,$18) ; Green		5
;AddPal ($18,$10,$90) ; Blue		6
;AddPal ($f0,$e8,$58) ; Yellow		7
;AddPal ($a0,$48,$00) ; Orange		8
;AddPal ($47,$2b,$1b) ; Brown		9
;AddPal ($c8,$78,$70) ; Light Red	a
;AddPal ($48,$48,$48) ; Dark Gray	b
;AddPal ($80,$80,$80) ; Medium Gray	c
;AddPal ($98,$ff,$98) ; Light Green	d
;AddPal ($50,$90,$d0) ; Light Blue	e
;AddPal ($b8,$b8,$b8) ; Light Gray	f


Brilliant :-)

Update: Fixed a bug with Multicolored sprites.

here is a small game, using the above functions.
It is, aswell, a demostration on how to use ImageCollide to detect collision.

you will need following additions to the userlib files:

(theese are,mostly, used for the Screen() function.
; User32.decls	
.lib "user32.dll"
api_GetSystemMetrics% (nIndex%) : "GetSystemMetrics"
api_GetDC% (hwnd%) : "GetDC"
api_GetDesktopWindow% () : "GetDesktopWindow"
api_MoveWindow% (hwnd%, x%, y%, nWidth%, nHeight%, bRepaint%) : "MoveWindow"
; GDI32.decls
.lib "gdi32.dll"
api_GetDeviceCaps% (hdc%, nIndex%) : "GetDeviceCaps"

if you dont want to use Screen function, then you can remove/comment it out, and make following changes to the game:

The Game is called Asteroids. The sprites are from the C64 version of this game. I cant recall where i have got this game
or who the programmer is (as i have changed the text on my copy, but do not have any other copies of it)
It could be typed from some old Magazine, like Happy Computer, or C64er or others ...
The sourcecode of this game is a bit strange as well, as it uses print statements with c64 codes through the whole program !
There are no data statements, just 1 or 2 poke at the beginning.

For blitzBasic source you'll need to copy the to the folder, where you have saved this game, or change the full path from:

Include ""

(or copy and paste the the functions,overwriting the include text, works, aswell)

and here is the Sourcecode:

p.s. f1/f2 while game start/over screen changes the version (typ) of the game

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