Code archives/Graphics/Run Length Encoding

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Run Length Encoding by zoqfotpik2014
Run Length Encoding is a simple form of compression for strings or arrays that contain a lot of blocks of the same consecutive characters, like "1111111111155555555222222222" which would compress to

Obviously real game levels from eg. platformers offer much larger dividends and they're close to best-case, like thousand-to-one compression ratios. If you have lots and lots of little blocks you might be better off doing something else.

This expects your level to be 128x128 and in a 2D array called maparray. It is just two functions with no demo code-- to test it just make a global maparray:int[128,128], write some data in there, then call writelevel and respond to the input on the text console.

The reason why I wrote this was for distribution of mobile games with hundreds of levels in a tiny and quick download.

Function writelevel()

	Local levname$
	levname$ = Input ("Filename:")
	Local success=CreateFile(levname$)
	If Not success RuntimeError "error creating file"	
	Local file:TStream =WriteFile(levname$)

	Local x = 0  ' set to upper left of array
	Local y = 0
	Local currentrun = 0
	Local currenttile = 0
	Print "trying to write file..."
	While y < 127
	currenttile = maparray[x,y]
	x = x + 1
	If x > 127
		y = y + 1
		x = 0
	If maparray[x,y] = currenttile
		currentrun = currentrun + 1
	Else  ' run is broken
		Print "writing line"
		WriteLine file,currentrun + 1+ "," + currenttile 
		currentrun = 0
	WriteLine file,"10000,1"
	CloseFile file
End Function

Function readlevel()
		Local levname$
		Local file:TStream
		Local lines:String[]
		Local line:String
		Local values:String[]
		Local templine:String[]
		Local teststringiter:String
		Local x:Int
		Local y:Int
		Local i:Int
		levname$ = Input ("Filename:")

		If Not file RuntimeError "could not open file " + levname
		While Not Eof(file)
		        templine = ReadLine(file).split("\n")
				templine = templine[0].split(",")
				Print templine[0]
				i = 0
				Local runnumber:Int = Int(templine[0])
		     	Local tiletype:Int = Int(templine[1])
				For i = 0 To runnumber-1
				    x = x + 1
				    If x > 127
				    	x = 0
				    	y = y + 1
		CloseStream file
End Function



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