Code archives/Graphics/ResizeImageToFitBox() function

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ResizeImageToFitBox() function by Zethrax2012
If you need to ensure that an image's dimensions fit within a certain width and height, but need to maintain the image's aspect ratio then this is the function for you.

This function will resize the specified image so that it fits snuggly within the box defined by the 'box_width#' and 'box_height#' values you set.

If the image already fits inside the box then it won't be resized unless you force a resize by setting the 'force_resize' parameter to True. This allows you to control whether smaller images are resized to fit the box.
Function ResizeImageToFitBox( image, box_width#, box_height#, force_resize = False )
	; This function will resize an image to fit into the specified 'box_width' and 'box_height'.
	; The aspect ratio of the image is preserved.

	; If 'force_resize' is set to false (the default) then the image will only be resized if it
	; is bigger than the box size. If it is set to true then the image will be resized even if
	; isn't larger than the box size.
	; Nothing is returned by this function. The image handle still points to the image, although
	; the image's buffer and dimensions may have changed.

	; Note that the resize operation resets the current drawing buffer back to the backbuffer if it was
	; set to the image's buffer, so you will need to re-open the image's image
	; buffer if you wish to keep drawing to it.

	width = ImageWidth( image )
	height = ImageHeight( image )

	If ( width > box_width# ) Or ( height > box_height# ) Or force_resize
		width_margin = width - box_width#
		height_margin = height - box_height#
		If width_margin > height_margin
			multiplier# = box_width# / width
			multiplier# = box_height# / height
		ResizeImage image, width * multiplier#, height * multiplier#
End Function

; *** DEMO ***

Graphics 800, 600, 0, 2
image = CreateImage( 300, 200 )
SetBuffer ImageBuffer( image )
ClsColor 0, 0, 200
Text 150, 100, "Just testing.", True, True
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

SaveImage( image, "original_image.bmp" )
ResizeImageToFitBox( image, 256, 128 )
SaveImage( image, "resized_image.bmp" )

Print "OK: The image was resized and saved to the folder this code file is in."



Thanks! I have a feeling I will need to use this code a lot! This is great for adjusting images to fit different screen sizes.

Thanks for posting this.

It will work for many things.

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