Code archives/Graphics/BMax - Accurate 2D Line Circle Intersection

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BMax - Accurate 2D Line Circle Intersection by col2012
This code gives an accurate result of a 2D Line intersecting a 2D circle.

The code uses a simple type 'TVector2' for holding a 2D coord repesented as X and Y.

Parameters are:-
1. The origin of the line as a TVector2 type.
2. The direction of the line as a TVector2 type. Easily calculated as the endpoint coords of the line minus the origin coords.
3. The center of the 2D circle that you want to test for the line to intersect with.
4. The radius of the circle that you want to test for the line to intersect with.
5. A 2 component float array that can be used to retrieve the parametric intersections of the line. Remember that the line can intersect as it enters and leaves the circle giving 2 points of intersection. Parametric lines are represented with the start point being 0 and the endpoint being 1. Halfway along the line would be a value of 0.5
6. An array of 2 TVectors that will hold the coords of the 2 intersection points.
7. An array of 2 TVectors that will hold the 'Normal' vector at the intersection points. The 'Normal' vector is the vector that is at right angles to the point on the sphere of intersection.

There is a little example usage demo to show how to use it.
Use W,S,A,D and the mouse to move line around on onscrren.

This is public domain so use and abuse.

Type TVector2
	Field X#,Y#

Global Origin:TVector2 = New TVector2
Global Dir:TVector2 = New TVector2
Global CircleCenter:TVector2 = New TVector2
Global CircleRadius#
Global PPoint#[2]		'Parametric point of intersction of the line
Global IPoint:TVector2[] = New TVector2[2] 'Intersection points
Global NPoint:TVector2[] = New TVector2[2] 'Normal at intersection points

IPoint[0] = New TVector2 ; IPoint[1] = New TVector2
NPoint[0] = New TVector2 ; NPoint[1] = New TVector2

CircleCenter.X = 400 ; CircleCenter.Y = 300
CircleRadius = 100

Origin.X = 400 ; Origin.Y = 40

Graphics 800,600
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()
	Dir.X = MouseX() - Origin.X
	Dir.Y = MouseY() - Origin.Y
	If KeyDown(KEY_W) And Origin.Y > 0 Origin.Y :- 2
	If KeyDown(KEY_S) And Origin.Y < 800 Origin.Y :+ 2
	If KeyDown(KEY_A) And Origin.X > 0 Origin.X :- 2
	If KeyDown(KEY_D) And Origin.X < 600 Origin.X :+ 2
	SetColor 0,255,0
	DrawOval CircleCenter.X - CircleRadius,CircleCenter.Y - CircleRadius,CircleRadius*2,CircleRadius*2
	If IntersectLineCircle(Origin,Dir,CircleCenter,CircleRadius,PPoint,IPoint,NPoint)
		If PPoint[0] > 0.0 And PPoint[0] < 1.0
			SetColor 255,0,0
			DrawOval IPoint[0].X-4,IPoint[0].Y-4,8,8
			SetColor 255,255,0
			DrawLine IPoint[0].X,IPoint[0].Y,IPoint[0].X+(NPoint[0].X *40),IPoint[0].Y+(NPoint[0].Y *40)
		If PPoint[1] > 0.0 And PPoint[1] < 1.0
			SetColor 255,0,0
			DrawOval IPoint[1].X-4,IPoint[1].Y-4,8,8

			SetColor 255,255,0
			DrawLine IPoint[1].X,IPoint[1].Y,IPoint[1].X+(NPoint[1].X *40),IPoint[1].Y+(NPoint[1].Y *40)
	SetColor 255,255,255
	DrawOval Origin.X-5,Origin.Y-5,10,10
	DrawOval MouseX()-5,MouseY()-5,10,10
	DrawLine Origin.X,Origin.Y,MouseX(),MouseY()


Function IntersectLineCircle(O:TVector2,D:TVector2,C:TVector2,Radius#,T#[] Var,Intersect:TVector2[] Var,Normal:TVector2[] Var)
	Local Diff:TVector2 = New TVector2
	Diff.X = O.X - C.X
	Diff.Y = O.Y - C.Y
	Local A# = (Dir.X * Dir.X) + (Dir.Y * Dir.Y)
	Local B# = (Diff.X * Dir.X) + (Diff.Y * Dir.Y)
	Local Coeff# = (Diff.X * Diff.X) + (Diff.Y * Diff.Y) - (Radius*Radius)
	Local Intersecting# = B * B - A * Coeff
	If Intersecting < 0.0 Return False
	Local sqrIntersecting = Sqr(Intersecting)
	Local InvA# = 1.0 / A
	T[0] = (-B - sqrIntersecting ) * InvA
	T[1] = (-B + sqrIntersecting ) * InvA
	Local invRadius# = 1.0 / Radius
	Intersect[0].X = O.X + T[0] * D.X
	Intersect[0].Y = O.Y + T[0] * D.Y
	Intersect[1].X = O.X + T[1] * D.X
	Intersect[1].Y = O.Y + T[1] * D.Y
	Normal[0].X = (Intersect[0].X - C.X) * invRadius
	Normal[0].Y = (Intersect[0].Y - C.Y) * invRadius
	Normal[1].X = (Intersect[1].X - C.X) * invRadius
	Normal[1].Y = (Intersect[1].Y - C.Y) * invRadius
	Return True



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