Code archives/Graphics/RGB <=> HSL

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RGB <=> HSL by Diego2011
Converts colors from the RGB system, which is used to paint the colors on the screen, into the more natural HSL system. (and back)
In contrast to the original version, this code uses only integer calculation and therefore it was 2x to 3x faster in my test. In practice the speedup may be less, since ReadPixelFast() and WritePixelFast() take more time than the conversion.

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Wandelt Farben vom RGB-System, das für die Darstellung auf dem Bildschirm benutzt wird, in das natürlichere HSL-System um. (und zurück)
Im Gegensatz zur Originalversion verwendet dieses Programm nur Integer-Arithmetik und war daher 2x bis 3x schneller in meinem Test. In der Praxis wird der Unterschied weniger groß sein, da ReadPixelFast() und WritePixelFast() mehr Zeit benötigen als die eigentliche Umwandlung.

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See for the original version: / Für die Originalversion siehe:
Global ret_h%, ret_s%, ret_l%
Global ret_R%, ret_G%, ret_B%

Graphics 360, 276, 0, 2
AppTitle "HSL Demo"
SetFont LoadFont("Arial", 20)
Color 255, 255, 255
MS% = MilliSecs()
For Y% = 0 To 255
	For X% = 0 To 359
		hsl_to_rgb(X%, 255 - Y%, 128)
		WritePixel X%, Y%, ret_r% Shl 16 Or ret_g% Shl 8 Or ret_b%
MS% = MilliSecs() - MS%
Text 2, 256, MS% + " millisecs taken. Press any key to end."

; Converts a RGB color to hsl.
; Params:
; R, G, B: red, green & blur in range [0-255]
; Returns:
; ret_h - Hue component [0-255].
; ret_s - Saturation component [0-255].
; ret_l - Luminance component [0-359].

Function rgb_to_hsl(R%, G%, B%)
If R% > G% Then
	max_is% = 0
	max_color% = R%
	min_color% = G%
	max_is% = 1
	max_color% = G%
	min_color% = R%
If B% > max_color% Then
	max_is% = 2
	max_color% = B%
	ElseIf B% < min_color%
	min_color% = B%
ret_l% = (max_color% + min_color%) Shr 1	; Luminance
If max_color% = min_color%
	; Color is grey.
	ret_s% = 0
	delta% = max_color% - min_color%
	; Saturation
	If ret_l% < 128 Then
		ret_s% = 255 * delta% / (max_color% + min_color%)
		ret_s% = 255 * delta% / (512 - max_color% - min_color%)
	; Hue
	Select max_is%
		Case 0 ; Red
			ret_h% = 60 * (G% - B%) / delta%
		Case 1 ; Green
			ret_h% = 120 + 60 * (B% - R%) / delta%
		Case 2 ; Blue
			ret_h% = 240 + 60 * (R% - G%) / delta%
		End Select
	If ret_h% < 0 Then ret_h% = ret_h% + 360
End Function

; Converts a HSL color to RGB.
; Params:
; h, s, l - Color's hue [0-359], saturation [0-255] and luminance [0-255] components.
; Returns:
;	The converted color's RGB values via the following globals:
;   ret_R%, ret_G%, ret_B% in [0-255]

Function hsl_to_rgb(h%, s%, l%)
If s% = 0 Then
	ret_r% = l%
	ret_g% = l%
	ret_b% = l%
	If l% < 128 Then temp2% = l% * (255 + s%) / 255	Else temp2% = (l% + s%) - (l% * s%) / 255
	temp1% = 2 * l% - temp2%
	rtemp3% = h% + 120
	If rtemp3% > 360 Then rtemp3% = rtemp3% - 360
	gtemp3% = h%
	btemp3% = h% + 240
	If btemp3% > 360 Then btemp3% = btemp3% - 360
	If rtemp3% < 60 Then ; Set red
		ret_R% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * rtemp3% / 60
		ElseIf rtemp3% < 180 Then
		ret_R% = temp2%
		ElseIf rtemp3% < 240 Then
		ret_R% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * (240 - rtemp3%) / 60
		ret_R% = temp1%
	If gtemp3% < 60 Then ; Set green
		ret_G% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * gtemp3% / 60
		ElseIf gtemp3% < 180 Then
		ret_G% = temp2%
		ElseIf gtemp3% < 240 Then
		ret_G% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * (240 - gtemp3%) / 60
		ret_G% = temp1%
	If btemp3% < 60 Then ; Set blue
		ret_B% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * btemp3% / 60
		ElseIf btemp3% < 180 Then
		ret_B% = temp2%
		ElseIf btemp3% < 240 Then
		ret_B% = temp1% + (temp2% - temp1%) * (240 - btemp3%) / 60
		ret_B% = temp1%
End Function



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