Code archives/Graphics/Core2D Graphics Module

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Core2D Graphics Module by Chroma2010
First module released for the Core2D Framework.

Let's you run a 4:3 resolution on a widescreen monitor and puts pillars on the sides or where ever needed.

The goal is to have the entire framework cross-platform. If any Mac users could test this out, that would be great.

UPDATED: 15 Dec - put in SetViewport to ensure the viewport gets set to the correct resolution.
' Core2D Graphics Module

' Official Release 1.00


'Module Core2D.Graphics


Global _width,_height,_depth,_hertz
Global _xOrigin#,_yOrigin#
Global _box1:TBox
Global _box2:TBox


Function c2dGraphics( width,height,depth=0,hertz=60 )

	_width = width
	_height = height
	_depth = depth
	_hertz = hertz

	Select _depth
		Case 0
			Graphics _width,_height,_depth,_hertz

		Case 16,24,32
			Local deskRatio# = Float DesktopWidth() / DesktopHeight()
			Local gameRatio# = Float _width / _height
			Local scale#
			Local virtWidth#,virtHeight#

			Select True
				Case gameRatio < deskRatio		'Wide Screen
					scale 		= Float DesktopHeight() / _height
					virtWidth 	= Float DesktopWidth() / scale
					virtHeight	= _height
					_xOrigin 	= (virtWidth - _width) / 2.0
					_yOrigin 	= 0
					_box1		= TBox.Create(-_xOrigin,0,_xOrigin,_height)
					_box2 		= TBox.Create(_width,0,_xOrigin,_height)
				Case gameRatio > deskRatio		'Tall Screen
					scale 		= Float DesktopWidth() / _width
					virtWidth 	= _width
					virtHeight 	= Float DesktopHeight() / scale
					_xOrigin 	= 0
					_yOrigin 	= (virtHeight - _height) / 2.0
					_box1 		= TBox.Create(0,-_yOrigin,_width,_yOrigin)
					_box2 		= TBox.Create(0,_height,_width,_yOrigin)
				Default					'4:3 Screen
					virtWidth  	= _width
					virtHeight 	= _height
					_xOrigin 	= 0
					_yOrigin 	= 0

			End Select
			Graphics DesktopWidth(),DesktopHeight(),DesktopDepth(),DesktopHertz()		
			SetVirtualResolution virtWidth,virtHeight
			SetViewport 0,0,virtWidth,virtHeight
			SetOrigin _xOrigin,_yOrigin
			RuntimeError( "Invalid Graphics Mode." )
	End Select

End Function

Function c2dFlip( sync=-1 )
	SetColor 0,0,0
	If _box1 DrawRect(_box1.x,_box1.y,_box1.w,_box1.h)
	If _box2 DrawRect(_box2.x,_box2.y,_box2.w,_box2.h)
	SetColor 255,255,255
	Flip sync
End Function

Function c2dGraphicsWidth()
	Return _width
End Function

Function c2dGraphicsHeight()
	Return _height
End Function

Function c2dMouseX()
	Return VirtualMouseX() - _xOrigin
End Function

Function c2dMouseY()
	Return VirtualMouseY() - _yOrigin
End Function

Type TBox
	Field x#,y#,w#,h#
	Function Create:TBox(x#,y#,w#,h#)
		Local box:TBox = New TBox
		box.x = x
		box.y = y
		box.w = w
		box.h = h
		Return box
	End Function
End Type


Here's a little test snippet:
Import "Core2D_Graphics.bmx"

c2dGraphics 1024,768,32

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	DrawText "Mouse: " + c2dMouseX() + "," + c2dMouseY(),10,10

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