Code archives/Graphics/scrolling text

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scrolling text by stanrol2010
scrolls downwards similar to Star Wars TM intro. by Roland
Graphics 444,444,0,2
For i=1 To 100 Step 3
Text 1,i, "Hiya. Welcome to Star WarsTM"
Delay 100



There's reallyno need for this. It serves no purpose that would ever be useful.
Also, why the use of Step 3? why not just have 1 To 33?

Lastly, Star Wars has the (Multiple-lined) text scrolling in a perspective INTO the screen. This just prints the same line over and over again.

Something more like this would suit the purpose better:

Graphics3D 1024,768,32,2

Local MaxLines=GraphicsHeight() / FontHeight()
Local Texture=CreateTexture(512,512)
SetBuffer TextureBuffer (Texture)

Dim TextLines$(MaxLines)
TextLines$(0)="STAR WARS"
TextLines$(1)="Scrolling Text demonstration"
TextLines$(5)="Watch it scroll!"
TextLines$(10)="Still going..."
TextLines$(20)="And there's more..."
TextLines$(25)="Okay, the end!"

Local IterLines
For IterLines=0 To MaxLines
	Text (TextureWidth(Texture)Shr True),IterLines*FontHeight(),TextLines$(IterLines),True

Global Sprite=CreateSprite()
SpriteViewMode Sprite,2
ScaleSprite Sprite,10,10
EntityTexture Sprite,Texture
FreeTexture Texture
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

AmbientLight 160,160,160

Global Camera=CreateCamera()

PointEntity Camera,Sprite
TranslateEntity Camera,0,5,0
TurnEntity Sprite,45,0,0,True

While Not KeyDown(1)
	TranslateEntity Sprite,0,0.025,0.025,True
	Flip True

Cold Storage2010
Ouch! Pwned.

LOL! ;O)

Nice code...

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