Code archives/Graphics/Ultra Fast Draw Pixmap on Pixmap

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Ultra Fast Draw Pixmap on Pixmap by AdamRedwoods2010
This is the fastest method I could come up with to draw a pixmap onto another pixmap. On a 2.4Ghz its about 7-8ms for 1000x1000px per pixmap (no debug). (ReadPixel and WritePixel are a little slower than using this direct memory method.)

The caveats are you are using only RGBA, and you are plotting a source alpha pixmap onto a static alpha-ignored pixmap. It's best to convert RGBA before sending your pixmaps to this function.

Additionally, this is unmultiplied alpha. If anyone needs multiplied alpha, I can offer some code assistance (may be even faster).

Added an x,y offset and opacity when applying the source pixmap to destination.

Big thanks to ImaginaryHuman for starting this out. Optimized alpha-blending code found on various places with Google.

Edit: use at your own risk, but let me know if there are problems, I'd be happy to help. Also, I experienced a wrap-around defect or large vaules of x offset, but easily fixed-- but let me know if anyone gets this problem.
Function UltraDrawPixmapOnPixmap(spix:TPixmap,  pixmap:TPixmap, x:Int, y:Int, opacity:Int = $ff) NoDebug
        	'' if your pixmaps are rgba8888 then it will work faster
		'' ARGB is byte order
		'' non-multiplied alpha
	Local sourcepixel:Int Ptr, osp:Int Ptr
        Local destpixel:Int Ptr, dsp:Int Ptr
        Local sAlpha:Int
        If (Not spix Or Not pixmap) Then Return
        If spix.format<>PF_RGBA8888 spix = ConvertPixmap(spix, PF_RGBA8888 )
        If pixmap.format<>PF_RGBA8888 pixmap = ConvertPixmap(pixmap, PF_RGBA8888 )

        Local sWidth:Int=spix.Width
        Local sHeight:Int=spix.Height
        Local dWidth:Int=pixmap.Width
        Local dHeight:Int=pixmap.Height
        sourcepixel=Int Ptr(PixmapPixelPtr(spix,0,0))
        destpixel=Int Ptr(PixmapPixelPtr(pixmap,0,0))
        Local sRowInts:Int= spix.pitch Shr 2 '' 4 bytes to int 
        Local dRowInts:Int= pixmap.pitch Shr 2

		''crop the image
		If ( (x+sWidth)>=dWidth) Then sWidth=dWidth-x '-2 'if you get wraparound issues
        	If ( (y+sHeight)>=dHeight) Then sHeight=dHeight-y
			y = Abs(y)
			sourcepixel :+(y*sRowInts)
			sHeight :-y
			sourcepixel :+(-x)
			sWidth :+x
		destpixel = destpixel + x +(y*dRowInts)
                dsp = destpixel
                osp = sourcepixel
		Local Mask:Int=$000000FF

		For Local j:Int=0 To (sHeight)
			For Local i:Int =0 To (sWidth) Step 2 'dRowInts
					Local sPixel:Int 
					sPixel = sourcepixel[i]
					sAlpha=(sPixel Shr 24) & $000000ff & opacity
                      	                Local dPixel:Int = destpixel[i] 
					''''straight alpha (unmultiplied)
					'Local dAlpha:Int = dPixel Shr 24 & Mask ''untested: alpha onto alpha
					'Local fa:Int = sAlpha  + ((256-sAlpha)*dAlpha) Shr 8 ''untested: alpha onto alpha
					Local srb:Int = sPixel & $00ff00ff
					Local sg:Int = sPixel & $0000ff00
					Local drb:Int = dPixel & $00ff00ff
					Local dg:Int = dPixel & $0000ff00
					Local orb:Int = (drb + (((srb - drb) * sAlpha + $00800080) Shr 8)) & $00ff00ff
					Local og:Int = (dg + (((sg - dg ) * sAlpha + $00008000) Shr 8)) & $0000ff00

					destPixel[i] = orb | og | $ff000000 ''no need for alpha blending if its on static bg
					''lets do it again
                                        If ( i >= dWidth And (sWidth & 1))
						''odd length, dont draw
					sPixel = sourcepixel[i+1]
					sAlpha=(sPixel Shr 24) & $000000ff & opacity
                      	                dPixel:Int = destpixel[i+1] 
					srb:Int = sPixel & $00ff00ff
					sg:Int = sPixel & $0000ff00
					drb:Int = dPixel & $00ff00ff
					dg:Int = dPixel & $0000ff00
					orb:Int = (drb + (((srb - drb) * sAlpha + $00800080) Shr 8)) & $00ff00ff
					og:Int = (dg + (((sg - dg ) * sAlpha + $00008000) Shr 8)) & $0000ff00

					destPixel[i+1] = orb | og | $ff000000
                sourcepixel= osp + sRowInts*j ''need these to truncate off any extra bytes
                destpixel = dsp + dRowInts*j         
End Function



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