Code archives/Graphics/Full 2D Starfield

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Full 2D Starfield by Galaxy6132010
I looked around, and all the starfield code I could find was either B3D, or one dimentional, i.e. they only go one way. When I tried to make a full 2D starfield quickly it didn't work out easily. So I hunker'd down and created this code. Hope it helps other people. :)

Updated to not freakout should you jump around using the magic of the "Mod" function.
Global scnx = 640
Global scny = 480

Graphics scnx,scny
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Type StarField
	Global Stars:TList = CreateList()
	Field x,y,a#
	Method New()
		ListAddLast Stars,Self
	End Method
	Method _draw(gx#,gy#,gscale# = 1.0)
		Local tx = x+(gx*a)
		Local ty = y+(gy*a)
		If tx < 0 Then 	tx = scnx+(tx Mod scnx)
		If tx > scnx Then tx = (tx Mod scnx)
		If ty < 0 Then 	ty = scny+(ty Mod scny)
		If ty > scny Then ty = (ty Mod scny)
		SetAlpha a
		If gscale*a < 1.0 Then
			Plot x+(gx*a),y+(gy*a)
			DrawOval x+(gx*a),y+(gy*a),gscale*a,gscale*a
		SetAlpha 1
	End Method
	Function draw(gx#,gy#,gscale# =1.0)
		For Local tmpStar:Starfield = EachIn Stars
			tmpStar._draw gx,gy,gscale
	End Function
	Function Fill(num_of_stars% = 100)
		For Local i = 0 To num_of_stars
			Local tmpStar:Starfield = New starfield
			tmpStar.x = Rand(0,scnx)
			tmpStar.y = Rand(0,scny)
			tmpstar.a = Rnd(0.1,0.9)
	End Function
End Type

'	Example Program, arrow keys to scroll around
Local sX# = 0
Local sY# = 0


While (Not KeyHit(key_Escape)) And (Not AppTerminate())
	Starfield.draw sX, sY, 3 ' closer stars are 3 pixels wide, further stars get smaller.
	'Starfield.draw sX. sY ' every star is a single pixel
	If KeyDown(Key_Left) Then 	sX :+ 2.5
	If KeyDown(Key_Right) Then	sX :- 2.5
	If KeyDown(Key_Up) Then 	sY :+ 2.5
	If KeyDown(Key_Down) Then	sY :- 2.5 
	DrawText Int(sX) +" , "+Int(sY) , 0,0


Very nice!

Thanks for this. I'm using a modified version in a game I'm knocking up at the moment.

Richard Betson2014
Awesome! Thanks.

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