Code archives/Graphics/Cellular Textures

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Cellular Textures by BlitzSupport2009
This is just a quick hacky implementation of the method described in this great little article by Carsten Przyluczky:

I have only implemented the method outlined in the first section, "The basic approach", just to see if I could get it to work, so it's not fast. I recommend reading the article for suggestions as to how this can be improved or altered to create other patterns and speed it up. (I do intend to try the grid approach for the sake of creating cool tileable textures!)
' Array of pixels in 'texture' to be generated...

Local points:Float [256, 256]

' Number of random points to use for generating cells...

rpoints = 20 ' Play with this! Higher values get slower and slower...

' 2D point type...

Type Point
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float
End Type

' Array of Point objects...

Local random:Point [rpoints]

' A list for the random points...

pointlist:TList = CreateList ()

' Display stuff...

Graphics 640, 480

gw2 = GraphicsWidth () / 2.0
gh2 = GraphicsHeight () / 2.0

AutoMidHandle True

' Create a pixmap to draw to...

pix:TPixmap = CreatePixmap (256, 256, PF_RGB888)

' Main loop...



	' Delete last set of random points...
	ClearList pointlist
	' Generate new ones and add to list...
	For r = 0 To rpoints - 1
		pt:Point = New Point
		pt.x = Rand (0, 255)
		pt.y = Rand (0, 255)
		ListAddLast pointlist, pt
	' Iterate through all pixels in texture...
	For x = 0 To 255
		For y = 0 To 255
			' Set start values...
			closest# = 255
			furthest# = 0
			' For every pixel, find the nearest of the random points...
			For pt = EachIn pointlist
				d# = Dist (x, y, pt.x, pt.y)
				If d < closest Then closest = d
			' This pixel's colour value is based on distance to nearest random point...
			points [x, y] = closest
	' Have to scale the distance to 0-255 so it can be used to set the colour...

	scale# = 255.0 / closest
	' Scale each pixel's colour value to fit 0-255 (points is the pixel array)...
	For p:Float = EachIn points
		p = p * scale

	' Write colour value for each pixel into the pixmap...
	For x = 0 To 255
		For y = 0 To 255
			color = points [x, y]
			color = ((color Shl 16) + (color Shl 8) + color) ' Conversion to RGB...
			WritePixel pix, x, y, color
	' Grab image from bitmap so it can be scaled...
	image:TImage = LoadImage (pix)

	' Draw result! Try different combinations of the below...
	SetScale GraphicsWidth () / 256.0, GraphicsHeight () / 256.0
	SetColor 255, 255, 255
	DrawImage image, gw2, gh2

'	SetScale GraphicsWidth () / 256.0, -GraphicsHeight () / 256.0
'	SetColor 255, 0, 0
'	DrawImage image, gw2, gh2

'	SetScale -GraphicsWidth () / 256.0, GraphicsHeight () / 256.0
'	SetColor 0, 255, 0
'	DrawImage image, gw2, gh2

'	SetScale -GraphicsWidth () / 256.0, -GraphicsHeight () / 256.0
'	SetColor 0, 0, 255
'	DrawImage image, gw2, gh2

	' Draw the random points used for calculation...
	'SetColor 255, 0, 0
	'For pt = EachIn pointlist
	'	Plot pt.x, pt.y

Until KeyHit (KEY_ESCAPE)


' Distance between x/y points...

Function Dist:Float (x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float)
	Return Sqr (((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)))
End Function


This is pretty cool. Thanks!
looks a lot like the Voronoi diagram. but less complicated.
too bad its not possible to get access to the lines and intersections created.

Very nice.

Spent an evening playing around with this and got the tileable version working. Still aesthetically prefer the un-optimized version somehow as it's a bit more random but tiling is useful.

Only just noticed this -- nice update, tesuji!

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