Code archives/Graphics/ARGB Converter

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ARGB Converter by superStruct2009
These functions take the ARGB value that you get from the ReadPixel command and separates them into the alpha, red, green and blue values.
Function Alpha(argb%)
	temp$ = Bin(argb)
	For i = 1 To 8
		alpha% = Val(Right(Left(temp,i),1))*2^(8 - i) + alpha
	Return alpha
End Function

Function Red(argb%)
	temp$ = Bin(argb)
	For i = 1 To 8
		red% = Val(Right(Left(temp,i+8),1))*2^(8 - i) + red
	Return red
End Function

Function Green(argb%)
	temp$ = Bin(argb)
	For i = 1 To 8
		green% = Val(Right(Left(temp,i+16),1))*2^(8 - i) + green
	Return green
End Function

Function Blue(argb%)
	temp$ = Bin(argb)
	For i = 1 To 8
		blue% = Val(Right(Left(temp,i+24),1))*2^(8 - i) + blue
	Return blue
End Function

Function Val#(StringNumeric$)

   Local Num# = 0
   Local Hex1 = ((Left$(StringNumeric$,1)="#") Or (Left$(StringNumeric$,1)="$"))
   Local Hex2 = (Left$(StringNumeric$,2)="0x")
   Local Binary = (Left$(StringNumeric$,1)="%")
   Local i,c
   If Hex1 Or Hex2
      StringNumeric$ = Upper(StringNumeric$)
      For i=(Hex1 + (Hex2 * 2) + 1) To Len(StringNumeric$) 
      	c = Asc(Mid$(StringNumeric$,i,1))
         Select True
            Case (c>=48 And c<=57)  ;0 through 9
               Num# = (Num# * 16) + c-48
            Case (c>=65 And c<=70)  ;A through F
               Num# = (Num# * 16) + c-55
               Return Num#                        
         End Select
      If Binary
         For i=2 To Len(StringNumeric$) 
            Select Mid$(StringNumeric$,i,1)
               Case "1"
                  Num# = (Num# * 2) + 1
               Case "0"
                  Num# = (Num# * 2)
                  Return Num#                        
            End Select
         Num# = StringNumeric$
   Return Num#
End Function


What a horribly inefficient way of doing it - using strings!
Just do this:
(also this already exists in the code archives multiple times!)

Please note it is even faster, when processing lots of pixels, to remove the function calls and perform the processing directly...calling functions tens of thousands of times will definitely be slower than simply performing the calculations below directly.

function Alpha(argb)
return (argb shr 24) and 255
end function 

function Red(argb)
return (argb shr 16) and 255
end function

function Green(argb)
return (argb shr 8) and 255
end function

function Blue(argb)
return argb and 255
end function 

function ARGB(red,green,blue,alpha)
return ((alpha and 255) shl 24) or  ((red and 255) shl 16) or ((green and 255) shl 8) or (blue and 255)
end function 

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