Code archives/Graphics/PickColor()

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PickColor() by Adam Novagen2009

This lets you choose a 24-bit color with ease, using a primitives-generated "window" very similar to Microsoft's own color chooser. Not exactly a ground-breaking function, it's still quite useful nonetheless, with benefits including:

-No need to code your own GUI. PickColor() creates its own GUI elements from primitives, and even sets the color based on the Color() command.
-FULL comment documentation. Coded with less experienced programmers in mind, PickColor() has been fully commented throughout to give the most thorough explanations possible.
-Self-contained. There are only three variables outside of the function itself, which are PickedRed, PickedGreen and PickedBlue. Other than that, everything needed is kept inside PickColor(), so you don't have loads of messy code to import.

A fully functional demo has been included in the source download. Happy coloring!
;!These three globals MUST be included, or PickColor() won't work.
Global PickedRed,PickedGreen,PickedBlue

;Now let's set up a nice, easy-to-understand demo.
AppTitle "PickColor(): a nice, easy-to-understand demo.","Are you sure you want to quit this nice, easy-to-understand demo??"

Graphics 1024,768,0,2

ClsColor 128,128,128

Global TestImage = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth() - 200,GraphicsHeight() - 200)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(TestImage)
Rect 0,0,GraphicsWidth() - 200,GraphicsHeight() - 200

Global PaintRed,PaintGreen,PaintBlue

Global Font = LoadFont("Arial",24,True)
SetFont Font

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2,GraphicsHeight() / 2
HidePointer;We don't want the Windows cursor getting in our way, do we?

While Not KeyHit(1)


DrawBlock TestImage,100,100

Color 0,0,0
Text (GraphicsWidth() / 2) + 1,26,"Use the mouse to draw, Spacebar to clear the canvas, Enter to call PickColor().",True
Color 255,255,255
Text GraphicsWidth() / 2,25,"Use the mouse to draw, Spacebar to clear the canvas, Enter to call PickColor().",True

If MouseDown(1)
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(TestImage)
	Color     PaintRed,PaintGreen,PaintBlue
	Oval      MouseX() - 110,MouseY() - 110,21,21
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()

If KeyHit(57);Space
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(TestImage)
	Color     255,255,255
	Rect      0,0,GraphicsWidth() - 200,GraphicsHeight() - 200
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()

If KeyHit(28);Enter
	Color 192,192,192;Typical, boring Windows grey
	PickColor PaintRed,PaintGreen,PaintBlue
	PaintRed   = PickedRed
	PaintGreen = PickedGreen
	PaintBlue  = PickedBlue
	;If you're using a different font, you'll need to reset it after you call PickColor().
	SetFont Font

;Draw a makeshift cursor
Color 255,255,255
Rect MouseX() - 20,MouseY() - 1,20,3
Rect MouseX() - 1,MouseY() - 20,3,20
Rect MouseX() + 1,MouseY() - 1,20,3
Rect MouseX() - 1,MouseY() + 1,3,20
Color 0,0,0
Line MouseX() - 19,MouseY(),MouseX() - 2,MouseY()
Line MouseX(),MouseY() - 19,MouseX(),MouseY() - 2
Line MouseX() + 19,MouseY(),MouseX() + 2,MouseY()
Line MouseX(),MouseY() + 19,MouseX(),MouseY() + 2




Function PickColor(DefaultRed = 255,DefaultGreen = 255,DefaultBlue = 255)

;Record the current buffer, so it can be re-activated later
Local CurrentBuffer = GraphicsBuffer()

;This allows the programmer to change the color of the GUI elements.
Local PickColor_GUIRed   = ColorRed()
Local PickColor_GUIGreen = ColorGreen()
Local PickColor_GUIBlue  = ColorBlue()

;Set up the "background", which is basically a screenshot of the program.
Local CurrentScreen = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight())
CopyRect 0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),0,0,FrontBuffer(),ImageBuffer(CurrentScreen)

;Most of the drawing commands are based around the center of the screen, hence these two variables
Local PickColor_CenterX = GraphicsWidth() / 2
Local PickColor_CenterY = GraphicsHeight() / 2

;Create a makeshift cursor image
Local PickColor_Cursor = CreateImage(12,20)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(PickColor_Cursor)
;Draw the outline...
Color 0,0,10
Line 0,0,0,15
Line 1,0,11,10
Line 1,14,3,12
Line 4,11,7,18
Line 7,11,10,18
Line 8,19,9,19
Line 7,10,10,10
;... And fill it in.
Color 255,255,255
Line 1,1,1,13
Line 2,2,2,12
Line 3,3,3,11
Line 4,4,4,10
Line 5,5,5,12
Line 6,6,6,14
Line 7,7,7,9
Line 7,13,7,16
Line 8,8,8,9
Line 8,15,8,18
Plot 9,9
Line 9,17,9,18

;Create a slider image, for quick, efficient reusability.
Local PickColor_Slider = CreateImage(17,9)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(PickColor_Slider)
Color PickColor_GUIRed,PickColor_GUIGreen,PickColor_GUIBlue
Rect 0,0,17,9
;Color 0,0,0
;Rect 7,3,3,3
Color 255,255,255
Line 0,0,16,0
Line 0,0,0,8
Line 6,6,10,6
Line 10,2,10,6
Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line 6,2,6,6
Line 6,2,10,2
Line 0,8,16,8
Line 16,0,16,8
Color 0,0,10
Line 1,4,5,4
Line 11,4,15,4

MidHandle PickColor_Slider

;This is used to show various pickable colors
Local PickColor_ColorPanel = CreateImage(256,256)

;These are used solely to draw the color panel's gradient
Local PickColor_RedI
Local PickColor_GreenI

;This holds the timers for the six R+/R-/G+/G-/B+/B- buttons. This is so that they work like Windows keys do,
;if the user click-and-holds: react once, pause, then react continuously, giving that Boop...Boooooop effect.
;Er... Yeah. Just like that. Boop...Boooooop... Heh... Um... Yeah... I'm gonna shut up now.
Local PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5]

;These are the color values that will ultimately be used.
Local PickColor_Red   = DefaultRed
Local PickColor_Green = DefaultGreen
Local PickColor_Blue  = DefaultBlue

;This is the default font used by Blitz.
Local PickColor_Font = LoadFont("Courier",14)
SetFont PickColor_Font

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;This is used to keep track of click-and-hold stuff, like on the sliders. Basically, if you click and hold on
;something, like the Red slider, then as long as you hold the mouse button down, it doesn't matter where you
;move the cursor, it'll still only affect the Red slider.
Local PickColor_GUIGrab

Local PickColor_Help$[3];PickColor() features a four-line help system, stored in this variable

Local PickColor_Continue = True
Local PickColor_MZS;MZS = Mouse Z Speed, used for tracking the mouse wheel

While PickColor_Continue

If KeyHit(1) Then PickColor_Continue = False

If Not MouseDown(1) Then PickColor_GUIGrab = False

PickColor_MZS = MouseZSpeed()

DrawBlock CurrentScreen,0,0

;Draw the "window" of the color picker - basic, tedious primitives stuff
;Main body
Color PickColor_GUIRed,PickColor_GUIGreen,PickColor_GUIBlue
Rect PickColor_CenterX - 200,PickColor_CenterY - 200,400,400
Color 255,255,255
Line PickColor_CenterX - 200,PickColor_CenterY - 200,PickColor_CenterX + 199,PickColor_CenterY - 200
Line PickColor_CenterX - 200,PickColor_CenterY - 200,PickColor_CenterX - 200,PickColor_CenterY + 199
Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line PickColor_CenterX + 199,PickColor_CenterY - 199,PickColor_CenterX + 199,PickColor_CenterY + 199
Line PickColor_CenterX - 199,PickColor_CenterY + 199,PickColor_CenterX + 199,PickColor_CenterY + 199
Color 0,0,0
Line PickColor_CenterX + 200,PickColor_CenterY - 200,PickColor_CenterX + 200,PickColor_CenterY + 200
Line PickColor_CenterX - 200,PickColor_CenterY + 200,PickColor_CenterX + 200,PickColor_CenterY + 200

;The red and green values are shown as flat X and Y coordinates, but the "invisible" Z coordinate is used
;for blue. Rolling the mouse wheel changes it, as does pressing the "+" and "-" keys.
PickColor_Blue = PickColor_Blue + (PickColor_MZS * Abs(PickColor_MZS))
;You may be wondering why the formula (PickColorMZS * Abs(PickColor_MZS) is used, instead of just calling
;MouseZSpeed(). This is done so that the blue value doesn't move irritatingly slowly, but also doesn't move
;too fast. By recording MouseZSpeed() and multiplying it by itself (positively, hence the use of Abs()), the
;following results are achieved, depending on MouseZSpeed():
;1 * 1 = 1
;2 * 2 = 4
;3 * 3 = 9
;4 * 4 = 16
;And so on. This way, a slow, single-click scroll of the mouse wheel changes the blue level by only one
;degree, while fast, multi-click scrolls can zip along. The same principle holds in reverse, if MouseZSpeed()
;is less than zero.

;These scancodes cover the "+" and "-" keys on both the main keyboard and the number pad.
If KeyDown(13) Or KeyDown(78);+
	PickColor_Blue = PickColor_Blue + 1
ElseIf KeyDown(12) Or KeyDown(74);-
	PickColor_Blue = PickColor_Blue - 1

;Keep the blue within range
If PickColor_Blue < 0 Then PickColor_Blue = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Blue > 255 Then PickColor_Blue = 255

;If the mouse is clicked over the color chart, set the colors accordingly
If MouseX() => PickColor_CenterX - 190 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX - 190 + 256 And MouseY() => PickColor_CenterY - 190 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY - 190 + 256 And PickColor_GUIGrab = False
	If MouseDown(1) Then PickColor_GUIGrab = 4
	;Since the color chart's bounding box is already being checked, might as well update the help text...
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click anywhere on the chart to select that color."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = "TIP: You can quickly change the blue level using"
	PickColor_Help[3] = "the mouse wheel or the +/- keys."
Else;... Otherwise, just reset it
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Color Picker"
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = "Designed by Adam Novagen, May 2009"
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""

If PickColor_GUIGrab = 4
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_Red   = MouseX() - (PickColor_CenterX - 190)
		PickColor_Green = MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190)
	If PickColor_Red < 0 Then PickColor_Red = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Red > 255 Then PickColor_Red = 255
	If PickColor_Green < 0 Then PickColor_Green = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Green > 255 Then PickColor_Green = 255
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click anywhere on the chart to select that color."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = "TIP: You can quickly change the blue level using"
	PickColor_Help[3] = "the mouse wheel or the +/- keys."

;Now for the fun part: drawing the color gradient to the color panel.
;Red 0-255 is X 0-255, green 0-255 is Y 0-255, and blue 0-255 is the invisible Z 0-255.
;WritePixelFast() is used here, to... Well... Write the pixels, fast!

SetBuffer ImageBuffer(PickColor_ColorPanel)
;... GO!!!
For PickColor_GreenI = 0 To 255
	For PickColor_RedI = 0 To 255
		WritePixelFast PickColor_RedI,PickColor_GreenI,PickColor_Blue + (PickColor_GreenI * 256) + (PickColor_RedI * 65536)
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;And BOOM, 65,536 pixels have been slammed into place! Bow before the almighty power of Blitz.

;Now just draw the color panel onto the picker window, with a few lines to give an "indented" appearance.
DrawBlock PickColor_ColorPanel,PickColor_CenterX - 190,PickColor_CenterY - 190
Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY - 191,PickColor_CenterX - 191 + 257,PickColor_CenterY - 191
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY - 191,PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY - 191 + 257
Color 255,255,255
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY - 191 + 257,PickColor_CenterX + 66,PickColor_CenterY - 191 + 257
Line PickColor_CenterX + 66,PickColor_CenterY - 191,PickColor_CenterX + 66,PickColor_CenterY + 66

;A little square to show the selected color, slightly enlarged
Color 255,255,255
Rect PickColor_CenterX - 193 + PickColor_Red,PickColor_CenterY - 193 + PickColor_Green,7,7,0
Color PickColor_Red,PickColor_Green,PickColor_Blue
Rect PickColor_CenterX - 192 + PickColor_Red,PickColor_CenterY - 192 + PickColor_Green,5,5

;Okay, enough with the chart for now. Let's move on to a secondary form of color selection: sliders! (Weee)
;Power Programmer rule of thumb: update first, render later.

;Remember, if something's already been "grabbed," nothing else works until the user lets go
If PickColor_GUIGrab = False
	;Check the mouse against the Red slider
	If MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 90 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 110 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY - 185 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY - 185 + 256
		If MouseDown(1) Then PickColor_GUIGrab = 1
		PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
		PickColor_Help[1] = " red level."
		PickColor_Help[2] = ""
		PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	;Check the mouse against the Green slider
	If MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 120 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 140 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY - 185 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY - 185 + 256
		If MouseDown(1) Then PickColor_GUIGrab = 2
		PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
		PickColor_Help[1] = " green level."
		PickColor_Help[2] = ""
		PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	;Check the mouse against the Blue slider
	If MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 150 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 170 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY - 185 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY - 185 + 256
		If MouseDown(1) Then PickColor_GUIGrab = 3
		PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
		PickColor_Help[1] = " blue level."
		PickColor_Help[2] = ""
		PickColor_Help[3] = ""

;Update any grabbed slider accordingly
If PickColor_GUIGrab = 1;Red slider
	PickColor_Red = 255 - (MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190))
	If PickColor_Red < 0 Then PickColor_Red = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Red > 255 Then PickColor_Red = 255
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
	PickColor_Help[1] = " red level."
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
ElseIf PickColor_GUIGrab = 2;Green slider
	PickColor_Green = 255 - (MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190))
	If PickColor_Green < 0 Then PickColor_Green = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Green > 255 Then PickColor_Green = 255
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
	PickColor_Help[1] = " green level."
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
ElseIf PickColor_GUIGrab = 3;Blue slider
	PickColor_Blue = 255 - (MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190))
	If PickColor_Blue < 0 Then PickColor_Blue = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Blue > 255 Then PickColor_Blue = 255
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click and drag to move the slider and change the"
	PickColor_Help[1] = " blue level."
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""

;Now, it's time to actually DRAW the sliders. First, render the colored strips that the sliders will move on.
;Again, WritePixelFast() is used to keep things moving at maximum pace.
For i = 0 To 255
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 99,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (i * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 100,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (i * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 101,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (i * 65536)
For i = 0 To 255
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 129,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (i * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 130,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (i * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 131,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),PickColor_Blue + (i * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)
For i = 0 To 255
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 159,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),i + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 160,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),i + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)
	WritePixelFast PickColor_CenterX + 161,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - i),i + (PickColor_Green * 256) + (PickColor_Red * 65536)

;Next, draw the sliders themselves. (GEEZ, I love this GUI stuff!!!)
Color PickColor_Red,PickColor_Green,PickColor_Blue
DrawImage PickColor_Slider,PickColor_CenterX + 100,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - PickColor_Red)
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 99,(PickColor_CenterY - 191) + (255 - PickColor_Red),3,3
DrawImage PickColor_Slider,PickColor_CenterX + 130,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - PickColor_Green)
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 129,(PickColor_CenterY - 191) + (255 - PickColor_Green),3,3
DrawImage PickColor_Slider,PickColor_CenterX + 160,(PickColor_CenterY - 190) + (255 - PickColor_Blue)
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 159,(PickColor_CenterY - 191) + (255 - PickColor_Blue),3,3

;And finally, draw the labels.; & color information.
Color 0,0,0
Text PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 70,"R",True
Text PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 70,"G",True
Text PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 70,"B",True
;Text PickColor_CenterX + 88,PickColor_CenterY + 85,RSet(PickColor_Red + ",",4)
;Text PickColor_CenterX + 118,PickColor_CenterY + 85,RSet(PickColor_Green + ",",4)
;Text PickColor_CenterX + 148,PickColor_CenterY + 85,RSet(PickColor_Blue,3)

;Now draw some buttons to allow precision control of the RGB levels

Color 255,255,255
;Here, the "update first, render later" rule is broken, because of the way input is checked. The buttons are
;all drawn first, in their unpressed "up" state. Then, if the mouse is clicking on one of them, the pressed
;"down" state is drawn over that.
Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 90
Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 99

Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 99
;AAAAAGH!!! Walls of boring, tedious, repetitive Line() statements!!! @_@
Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 99
Line PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 99

Color 0,0,0
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 91,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 94,PickColor_CenterY + 91,2,8
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 101,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 121,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 124,PickColor_CenterY + 91,2,8
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 131,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 151,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 154,PickColor_CenterY + 91,2,8
Rect PickColor_CenterX + 161,PickColor_CenterY + 94,8,2

If MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 89 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 100 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to increase the red level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[0] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[0] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[0] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[0] > 45 Then PickColor_Red = PickColor_Red + 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 99,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 90,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		;Reset the button's repeat timer
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[0] = 0
ElseIf MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 99 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 110 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to decrease the red level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[1] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[1] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[1] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[1] > 45 Then PickColor_Red = PickColor_Red - 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 109,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 100,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[1] = 0
ElseIf MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 119 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 130 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to increase the green level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[2] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[2] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[2] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[2] > 45 Then PickColor_Green = PickColor_Green + 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 129,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 120,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[2] = 0
ElseIf MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 129 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 140 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to decrease the green level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[3] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[3] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[3] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[3] > 45 Then PickColor_Green = PickColor_Green - 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 139,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 130,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[3] = 0
ElseIf MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 149 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 160 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to increase the blue level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[4] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[4] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[4] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[4] > 45 Then PickColor_Blue = PickColor_Blue + 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 159,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 150,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[4] = 0
ElseIf MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 159 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 170 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 89 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 100
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Click to decrease the blue level by 1."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1)
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5] = PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5] + 1
		If PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5] = 1 Or PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5] > 45 Then PickColor_Blue = PickColor_Blue - 1

		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 99,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 169,PickColor_CenterY + 90
		Line PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 90,PickColor_CenterX + 160,PickColor_CenterY + 99
		PickColor_ButtonRepeatTimer[5] = 0

;Keep the RGB levels within the 0-255 boundaries
If PickColor_Red < 0 Then PickColor_Red = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Red > 255 Then PickColor_Red = 255
If PickColor_Green < 0 Then PickColor_Green = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Green > 255 Then PickColor_Green = 255
If PickColor_Blue < 0 Then PickColor_Blue = 0 ElseIf PickColor_Blue > 255 Then PickColor_Blue = 255

;Show the color information
;Selected color preview
Color PickColor_Red,PickColor_Green,PickColor_Blue
Rect PickColor_CenterX - 190,PickColor_CenterY + 80,50,50
Color 255,255,255
Line PickColor_CenterX - 140,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX - 140,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY + 130,PickColor_CenterX - 140,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX - 140,PickColor_CenterY + 79
Line PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX - 191,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Color 0,0,0
Text PickColor_CenterX - 130,PickColor_CenterY + 80,"SELECTED COLOR"
Text PickColor_CenterX - 130,PickColor_CenterY + 97,"RGB: " + PickColor_Red + "," + PickColor_Green + "," + PickColor_Blue
Text PickColor_CenterX - 130,PickColor_CenterY + 114,"HEX: " + Right(Hex(PickColor_Red),2) + Right(Hex(PickColor_Green),2) + Right(Hex(PickColor_Blue),2)

;Now update & display the "DONE" button.
If MouseX() > PickColor_CenterX + 3 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX + 56 And MouseY() > PickColor_CenterY + 78 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY + 131
;						"|-----------------------------------------------|"
	PickColor_Help[0] = "Found the color you want? Click here to finish."
	PickColor_Help[1] = ""
	PickColor_Help[2] = ""
	PickColor_Help[3] = ""
	If MouseDown(1) And PickColor_GUIGrab = 0 Then PickColor_Continue = False;Sayonara!

Text PickColor_CenterX + 29,PickColor_CenterY + 104,"DONE",True,True
Color 255,255,255
Line PickColor_CenterX + 4,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX + 55,PickColor_CenterY + 79
Line PickColor_CenterX + 4,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX + 4,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
Line PickColor_CenterX + 55,PickColor_CenterY + 79,PickColor_CenterX + 55,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Line PickColor_CenterX + 4,PickColor_CenterY + 130,PickColor_CenterX + 55,PickColor_CenterY + 130
Color 0,0,0

;Display the context-sensitive help
Color 0,0,0
Text PickColor_CenterX,PickColor_CenterY + 140,PickColor_Help[0],True
Text PickColor_CenterX,PickColor_CenterY + 155,PickColor_Help[1],True
Text PickColor_CenterX,PickColor_CenterY + 170,PickColor_Help[2],True
Text PickColor_CenterX,PickColor_CenterY + 185,PickColor_Help[3],True

;Now, back to the color chart. This had to come last, since it draws a preview on top of everything else.
;If the mouse is over the color chart, show a nice little preview box, otherwise just draw the cursor
If MouseX() => PickColor_CenterX - 190 And MouseX() < PickColor_CenterX - 190 + 256 And MouseY() => PickColor_CenterY - 190 And MouseY() < PickColor_CenterY - 190 + 256 And PickColor_GUIGrab = False

	;Show the color data in RGB and Hexadecimal form, on a little floating "panel"
	Color PickColor_GUIRed,PickColor_GUIGreen,PickColor_GUIBlue
	Rect MouseX() - 61,MouseY() + 24,122,31
	Color 255,255,255
	Line MouseX() - 61,MouseY() + 24,MouseX() + 60,MouseY() + 24
	Line MouseX() - 61,MouseY() + 24,MouseX() - 61,MouseY() + 54
	Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
	Line MouseX() + 60,MouseY() + 25,MouseX() + 60,MouseY() + 54
	Line MouseX() - 60,MouseY() + 54,MouseX() + 60,MouseY() + 54
	Color 0,0,0
	Line MouseX() - 61,MouseY() + 55,MouseX() + 61,MouseY() + 55
	Line MouseX() + 61,MouseY() + 24,MouseX() + 61,MouseY() + 55

	Text MouseX() - 60,MouseY() + 25,"RGB " + (MouseX() - (PickColor_CenterX - 190)) + "," + (MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190)) + "," + PickColor_Blue
	Text MouseX() - 60,MouseY() + 40,"HEX " + Right(Hex(MouseX() - (PickColor_CenterX - 190)),2) + Right(Hex(MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190)),2) + Right(Hex(PickColor_Blue),2)

	;If the cursor is over the currently selected color, highlight the preview box
	If MouseX() - (PickColor_CenterX - 190) = PickColor_Red And MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190) = PickColor_Green Then Color 255,255,255
	Rect MouseX() - 21,MouseY() - 21,43,43,0
	Color MouseX() - (PickColor_CenterX - 190),MouseY() - (PickColor_CenterY - 190),PickColor_Blue
	Rect MouseX() - 20,MouseY() - 20,41,41
	If PickColor_GUIGrab = 4
		Color PickColor_GUIRed,PickColor_GUIGreen,PickColor_GUIBlue
		Rect PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 24,122,31
		Color 255,255,255
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 24,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 24
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 24,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 54
		Color PickColor_GUIRed / 1.5,PickColor_GUIGreen / 1.5,PickColor_GUIBlue / 1.5
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 25,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 54
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 54,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 54
		Color 0,0,0
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 55,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 55
		Line PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 24,PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red + 61,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 55
		Text PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 25,"RGB " + PickColor_Red + "," + PickColor_Green + "," + PickColor_Blue
		Text PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 60,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green + 40,"HEX " + Right(Hex(PickColor_Red),2) + Right(Hex(PickColor_Green),2) + Right(Hex(PickColor_Blue),2)

		Color 255,255,255
		Rect PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 21,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green - 21,43,43,0
		Color PickColor_Red,PickColor_Green,PickColor_Blue
		Rect PickColor_CenterX - 190 + PickColor_Red - 20,PickColor_CenterY - 190 + PickColor_Green - 20,41,41
		DrawImage PickColor_Cursor,MouseX(),MouseY()



;Delete all the created images to free up memory again
FreeImage CurrentScreen
FreeImage PickColor_ColorPanel
FreeImage PickColor_Cursor
FreeImage PickColor_Slider
;Wooo, in alphabetical order even! Fancy! :D

;Scrap the font
FreeFont PickColor_Font

;Restore the original buffer & color settings
SetBuffer CurrentBuffer
Color PickColor_GUIRed,PickColor_GUIGreen,PickColor_GUIBlue

;And finally, what this function is really all about: record the picked color.
PickedRed   = PickColor_Red
PickedGreen = PickColor_Green
PickedBlue  = PickColor_Blue

;That's all folks! Ta-daaa!!! :D

End Function



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