Code archives/Graphics/AlphaBlit

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AlphaBlit by WebDext2002
Somewhat more flexable, maybe faster, maybe not... You'll have to try and compare...

This function alpha blits any small image onto a desitantion
buffer of equal or lesser size, It has no error handling to speed up the

DestBuffer is the pointer to the desitnation image.
ImgBuffer is the pointer to the image to be Alpha Blited.
xOff, yOff are the ofsets of the image on the destination image.
Alpha ranges from 0 to 1 and is the opacity of the image.
Dim pixelData(500, 500)
Function AlphaBitBlit(DestBuffer, Image, xOff, yOff, Alpha#)
	;This function alpha blits any image smaller than 100,50 onto a desitantion
	;buffer of equal or lesser size, It has no error handling to speed up the 
	;DestBuffer is the pointer to the desitnation image.
	;ImgBuffer is the pointer to the image to be Alpha Blited.
	;xOff, yOff are the ofsets of the image on the destination image.
	;Alpha ranges from 0 to 1 and is the opacity of the image.

	InvAlpha# 	= 1.0 - Alpha#
	ImgBuffer 	= ImageBuffer(Image)
	iWidth 		= ImageWidth(Image)
	iHeight 	= ImageHeight(Image)
	LockBuffer ImgBuffer
		For x = 0 To iWidth-1
			For y = 0 To iHeight-1
				pixelData(x, y) = ReadPixelFast(x,y,ImgBuffer)
	UnlockBuffer ImgBuffer
	LockBuffer DestBuffer
		For x = 0 To iWidth-1
			For y = 0 To iHeight-1
				PixA# = ReadPixelFast(x + xOff, y + yOff)
				PixB# = pixelData(x, y)
				;Calculate Alphas with the least number of computations
				aR = Int(PixA Sar 16)
				aRI = aR Shl 16
				aG = Int((PixA - aRI) Sar 8)
				aB = PixA - (aRI + (aG Shl 8))

				;Calculate Alphas with the least number of computations
				bR = Int(PixB Sar 16)
				bRI = bR Shl 16
				bG = Int((PixB - bRI) Sar 8)
				bB = PixB - (bRI + (bG Shl 8))
				;Apply Alphas
				If bR > 0 Or bG > 0 Or bB > 0
					nR = (aR * InvAlpha) + (bR * Alpha)
					nG = (aG * InvAlpha) + (bG * Alpha)
					nB = (aB * InvAlpha) + (bB * Alpha)
					;Write Pixel to Buffer
					WritePixelFast x + xOff, y + yOff, (nR Shl 16) + (nG Shl 8) + nB
	UnlockBuffer DestBuffer
End Function


Regular K2004
Im searching for a good alpha routine, and this is the second one ive tested. This one has an 200-400 ms execution advantage over the last one I tested. The execution time is about 800 ms, still very unusable for a game.

check my DLL in toolbox-section

This is the only one that has worked very well for my program. It actually blends the image, whereas the others seemed to change the image's color (I think it actually inverted it on white). Thanks!

Here's an alpha-blending routine that is fairly fast and could be used real time for 64x64 or smaller sprites. I optimized the existing code to use bank memory instead of using SHR and SHL to extract RGB values from 'ReadPixelFast'. Simple demo code included.

Nate the Great2008
Ryudin is this game you are making 3d or 2d?

If this is in blitz 3d I would advise you to take advantage of the 3d engine, giving you a lot more flexibility.

Just curious about the meaning of the word "desitantion". If WebDext meant destination, then it's one heck of a typo!

Nate the Great2008
wow I never noticed that :) hehe

You did it twice in your original post.

Cold Storage2010
Sadly, it seems these Alpha routines are becoming more and more useful, given the current (May 2010) bugs with Sprites in Win7 + NVIDIA GFX cards.

It kinda kicks "lets do 2D in 3D using sprites in B3D" into touch. No? :O/

@Cold Storage
Yeah, new technology just ruins everything for everyone :'(

If you needed real speed from a function like this, you should use RTLMoveMemory manipulation rather than pixel by pixel reads and writes. I would modify this one to do that but I can't be bothered at the moment.

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