Code archives/Graphics/ReplaceImage

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ReplaceImage by Ryudin2008
This code contains a function that allows you to replace a certain color in an image with another color. Detailed information is commented in the file.
;;;; ReplaceImage() function by Kai Rosecrans ;;;;

;To use this function, simply type in the following parameters:
;	r - the red value to replace in the image
;	g - the green value to replace in the image
;	b - the blue value to replace in the image
;	r_rep - the red value to replace r with in the image
;	g_rep - the green value to replace g with in the image
;	b_rep - the blue value to replace b with in the image
;	image - the image to do all this stuff to

;It could be very useful for the user to be able to create customized characters while you save space
;and time; you only need create one image with unique colors for each body region. You could also use it
;in a game where there are teams and each user can choose his/her own color for his units.

Function ReplaceImage(r,g,b,r_rep,g_rep,b_rep,image)
	Local ret_r = ColorRed()
	Local ret_g = ColorGreen()
	Local ret_b = ColorBlue()
	Local buffer = GraphicsBuffer()
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(image)
	DrawImage image,0,0
	For x = 0 To ImageWidth(image)
		For y = 0 To ImageHeight(image)
			GetColor x,y
			If ColorRed() = r And ColorGreen() = g And ColorBlue() = b Then
				Color r_rep,g_rep,b_rep
				Plot x,y
	Color ret_r,ret_g,ret_b
	SetBuffer buffer
	Return image
End Function


Nate the Great2008
I have no use for this but it is a nice idea. I may find a need for it some day. :)

This should be a lot faster

AppTitle "Fast image color replacement"
Global sw%, sh%
sw% = 800: sh% = 600
Graphics sw%, sh%, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

ClsColor 255,255,255

Color 0,0,0
For i = 0 To 900
	Oval Rand(0,sw%), Rand(0,sh%), Rand(10,30), Rand(10,30), True
orgImage = CreateImage(sw%, sh%)
GrabImage orgImage, 0, 0
Color 0, 0, 128
Rect 30, 10, 320, 25
Color 255, 255, 255
Text 35, 15,"Left-Click to replace black with red"

st = MilliSecs()
newImage% = newColor%(orgImage%, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0)
et = MilliSecs()-st
DrawBlock newImage%, 0, 0

Color 0,0,128
Rect 30, 10, 150, 25, True
Color 255, 255, 255
Text 35, 15, "Elapsed Time: "+et

WaitMouse() ;Left-Click to Exit
If orgImage% <> 0 Then FreeImage orgImage%
If newImage% <> 0 Then FreeImage newImage%

Function newColor(orgImage%, oldR%, oldG%, oldB%, newR%, newG%, newB%)
	MaskImage(orgImage%, oldR%, oldG%, oldB%)
	w% = ImageWidth(orgImage%)
	h% = ImageHeight(orgImage%)
	newImage% = CreateImage(w%, h%)
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(newImage%)
	Color newR%, newG%, newB%
	Rect 0, 0, w%, h%, True
	DrawImage orgImage%, 0, 0
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()	
	Return newImage%
End Function

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